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show ap arm client-match unsupported
show ap arm client-match unsupported
If the client match feature is enabled, the output of this command displays a list of clients that failed to be
steered to a more optimal AP, and the reason the initial steering request was triggered,.
No parameters.
Usage Guidelines
The controller also keeps track of the number of times the client match feature failed to steer a client to a
different radio, and the reason that each steer attempt was triggered. If the client match feature attempts to
steer a client to a new radio multiple consecutive times for the same reason but client steering fails each time,
the controller notifies the AP to mark the client as unsteerable for that specific trigger.
(host) #show ap arm client-match unsupported
Client Match Unsteerable Clients
MAC Unsteerable Flags Last Steer Time Expiry Time Total
--- ----------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------------
S: Sticky L: Load Balance V: VHT steer B: Bandsteer I: IOS T: Temporary
Total Unsteerable Clients:0
The output of this command includes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
MAC address of the client that could not be steered to a different AP radio.
Unsteerable Flags
The client is marked unsteerable under specific client steer triggers. These
triggers include:
l Sticky: A mobile roaming client was staying associated (sticking) to a sub-
optimal AP for too long.
l Band steer: A dual-band capable client was steered toward a 5GHz radio
on a dual-band AP.
l Load Balance: Client match moved the client to a different AP, based upon
the load on APs in the client's RFneighborhood, and the SNR levels the
client detected. from each underutilized AP.
l IOS: An IOS device is temporarily prevented from steering to avoid
blacklisting the ESS.
l Temporary: A client is temporarily prevented from steering after
undergoing a successful band steer, then reverting back to a 2.4GHz radio.
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show ap arm client-match unsupported | 969