Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
show local-userdb-ap
mac-address <macaddr>
View detailed information for the obsolete RAP whitelist database used in ArubaOS 6.1 and earlier.
Parameter Description
mac-address <mac-addr>
MAC address of the remote AP to be removed from the Remote AP Whitelist table.
start <offset>
Start displaying the table at the specified record in the database
Usage Guidlines
When you upgrade from ArubaOS 5.0-6.1 to ArubaOS 6.2 or later, the remote AP whitelist table will
automatically move from the legacy Remote AP whitelist to the newer Remote AP whitelist. Issue the show
local-userdb-ap command to view and troubleshoot any AP entries that did not properly move to the new
table during the upgrade procedure. In the example below, the command output has been divided into two
tables to fit on a single page of this document. In the command-line interface, this output would appear in a
single, wide table.
(host) #show local-userdb-ap
AP-entry Details
Name AP-Group AP-Name Full-Name Authen-Username Revoke-Text
---- -------- ------- --------- --------------- -----------
00:0b:86:c3:58:38 local chuck chuck naveen
00:0b:86:66:01:aa default rap2 moscato AP is not valid
00:1a:1e:c0:1b:e0 default 00:1a:1e:c0:1b:e0 naveen
00:0b:86:66:03:3f default rap moscato-rap INDIAQA\naveen
00:0b:86:66:02:09 default 00:0b:86:66:02:09
AP_Authenticated Description Date-Added Enabled
---------------- ----------- ---------- -------
Authenticated Thu Mar 5 21:25:36 2009 Yes
Provisioned Thu Mar 5 21:25:49 2009 No
Authenticated Wed Mar 4 20:16:16 2009 Yes
Authenticated Tue May 19 07:53:29 2009 Yes
Provisioned Fri May 8 10:37:40 2009 Yes
AP Entries: 5
The output of this command includes the following information:
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show local-userdb-ap | 1692