Concept Guide

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show wlan wmm-traffic-management-profile
show wlan wmm-traffic-management-profile [<profile-name>]
Display a list of all WMM traffic management profiles, or display detailed configuration information for a
specific WMM traffic management profile.
Parameter Description
Name of the WMM traffic management profile.
Usage Guidelines
Issue this command without the <profile> parameter to display the entire WMM traffic management profile
list, including profile status and the number of references to each profile. Include a profile name to display
detailed configuration information for that profile.
The example below shows that the controller has two configured WMM traffic management profiles. The
References column lists the number of other profiles with references to the WMM traffic management
profile, and the Profile Status column indicates whether the profile is predefined. (User-defined profiles will
not have an entry in the Profile Status column.)
(host) #show wlan wmm-traffic-management-profile
WMM Traffic management profile List
Name References Profile Status
---- ---------- --------------
default 3
test 2
The following example shows configuration settings defined for the profile test.
(host) #show wlan traffic-management-profile test
WMM Traffic management profile "test"
Parameter Value
--------- -----
Enable Shaping Policy true
Voice Share 40 %
Video Share 43 %
Best-effort Share 10 %
Background Share 7 %
The output of this command includes the following data columns:
Dell Networking W-Series ArubaOS 6.5.x | Reference Guide show wlan wmm-traffic-management-profile | 2126