User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3 Basic Operation
Three CL transducers can be docked and charged at the Avalon CL base station at the time. If a fourth
transducer should be assigned to the Avalon CL base station:
1 Remove first the three already docked CL transducers from the base station and place them on the
2 Then dock the remaining fourth transducer at the base station and wait until the LED of the
fourth transducer signals that it has communication with the base station.
3 Place the fourth CL transducer on the patient and check on the fetal monitor in the Tele Info
window if the base station and the monitor have communication with all four transducers, and if
their numerics are displayed on the screen of the fetal monitor.
CL Transducer Unassignment
The cableless transducer are not unassigned by simply removing them from the base station. To
unassign a cableless transducer, there are two methods:
1 Open the setup menu of the measurement e.g. FHR1 by pressing the numeric on the screen.
2 Select Remove from the open setup menu.
3 A confirmation window opens with the prompt Please Confirm and Device will be removed.
4 Press the pop-up key Confirm. A prompt states then clDev has been removed.
1 Open the Tele Info window.
2 Select the symbol of the cableless transducer you want to unassign, and select Remove from the
pop-up menu.
3 A confirmation window opens with the prompt Please Confirm and Device will be removed.
4 Press the pop-up key Confirm. A prompt states then clDev has been removed.
When a cableless transducer is unassigned, all the measurements from this transducer are no longer
monitored; e.g. if you unassign a CL Toco
MP, the Toco measurement, SpO
, and MECG are
possibly no longer monitored.
CL Pods Assignment
The cableless Pods of the Avalon CL are assigned by simply docking them at the base station
connected to the patient’s fetal monitor.
CL Pods Unassignment
To unassign a cableless Pods, there are four methods:
1 Open the setup menu of the measurement e.g. SpO by pressing the numeric on the screen.
2 Select Remove from the open setup menu.
3 A confirmation window opens with the prompt Please Confirm and Device will be removed.
4 Press the pop-up key Confirm. A prompt states then clDev has been removed.
1 Open the Tele Info window.
2 Select the symbol of the cableless Pod you want to unassign, and select Remove from the pop-up