User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Testing Toco Transducers
If any of the following tests fail, repeat the test using another transducer. If the second transducer
passes the tests, confirming that the first transducer is defective, contact your service personnel.
External Toco Monitoring
Problem Possible Causes Solutions
Quality of the trace deteriorates
or the Toco baseline varies
The belt is incorrectly fastened and is
too slack or too tight, or the belt has lost
its elasticity.
The belt must be tight enough to ensure
good contact between the patient's skin
and the entire surface of the transducer
without causing discomfort. Ensure you
are using the correct belt. Adjust it as
Fetal movement Check if the belt is correctly fastened
and adjust it as necessary. Reposition the
transducer and reset the Toco baseline if
Maternal respiration superimposed on
Check if belt is not too loose.
Maternal movement/change of position Following maternal movement, reset
Toco baseline
Toco sensitivity is too high
(above 100 units)
Toco trace is exceeding the paper
Physical transmission of pressure from
the uterus to the sensor is much higher
than the average value.
Check if the belt is too tightly fastened.
Select 50% Toco sensitivity.
Toco Equip Malf is displayed. See “Patient Alarms and INOPs” on
page 121.
Toco Unplugged is displayed. See “Patient Alarms and INOPs” on
page 121.
If you suspect the signal from the transducer. Test the Transducer (see “Testing Toco
Transducers” on page 189 below).