User's Manual

Table Of Contents
accessories 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 277
cl NBP pod accessories 272
cl SpO2 pod accessories 276
fetal accessories 268
fetal recorder accessories 277
latex information 267
MECG accessories 270
noninvasive blood pressure
270, 271, 272
adult cuffs 272
multi-patient comfort cuff kits 271
reusable cuffs 271
single-hose disposable cuffs 272
SpO2 accessories 273
Philips sensors (disposable) 273
Philips sensors (reusable) 273
transducer accessories 268
ACOG technical bulletin 80
actions after monitoring 98
active alarms 109
adjusting brightness 66
adjusting display 68
adjusting screen brightness 66
admitting a patient 137, 138
editing information 138
aging numerics 213
alarms 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
118, 120, 121, 123, 191, 216, 230, 285, 289,
290, 311
acknowledging alarms 114
active alarms 109
alarm behavior at on/off 121
alarm latching 119
alarm limit delay 285
alarm reminder 114
alarm standards 111
audible alarm indicators 111
yellow alarms 109
artifact suppression 208
artifact suppression and fetal
explanation of artifact suppression 208
switching on and off artifact
automatic noninvasive blood pressure
repeat time
baseline measurement 177, 184, 194
Battery Option 101
using batteries 101
belt actions 70, 72
belt fastening 70
belt fixing button 70
Cableless Monitoring 91
Avalon CL 40
configuration cableless system 92
important considerations 159
LED indication 53
TELE window 93
Telemetry 94
Underwater monitoring 97
calibration 216, 260
calibrating noninvasive blood
cautions 9
changing FHR alarm delays 191
changing FHR alarm limits 191
cleaning monitor actions 255, 256, 257, 265
cleaning method 256
cleaning monitoring accessories 257
general cleaning requirements 255
infection control 255
printhead cleaning 265
configuration mode 63
configuring alarm tone 111
confirming fetal life 10, 158, 175, 183
connecting power 12
cross-channel verification 10, 175, 183, 234
CCV and triplets 183
CCV and twins 175
data recovery 251
date from OB TraceVue 66
date setting 66
DECG 205, 209, 285
DECG specifications 285
DECG testing 209
DECG troubleshooting 209
default alarm settings 311
default IUP settings 285
default settings 285
FHR default settings 285
IUP default settings 285
MECG default settings 285
Toco default settings 285
user defaults 65
defibrillation precautions 238, 267, 307
demo mode 63
disabling touchscreen 63
discharging a patient 138
disinfecting 255, 256, 257
infection control 255
recommended substances 257
display 68, 213, 285
adjusting display 68
display noninvasive blood pressure 213
fetal display specifications 285
disposal of electronic waste 266
disposal of monitor 266
dyshemoglobins 228
intravascular dyshemoglobins 228
early systolic blood pressure 213
ECG 205, 235, 285
ECG specifications 285
electrical safety tests 298
electrical surgery precautions. See ESU 228,
238, 267, 307
electrodes 237
applying electrodes 237
EMC 298
electromagnetic compatibility 298
electromagnetic emissions 301
electromagnetic interference 300
how to reduce electromagnetic
EMC and compliant accessories 298
EMC precautions 298
EMC standards 298
entering notes 61
ESU precautions 238, 267, 307
event marker remote 80
extension cable for SpO2 228
external monitoring 157, 176, 184, 194
external monitoring - Toco 194
external monitoring - triplets 184
external monitoring - twins 176
external monitoring - ultrasound 157