User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3 Basic Operation
With the Avalon CL Transducer system you can now monitor twins and triplets with CL
transducers. The Avalon CTS System does not have this option.
About RF Signal Quality
Signal transmission can be disturbed if:
the patient is out of range of the receiving area.
there is interference from another, possibly stronger, RF signal (a broadcasting station, for
the patient is near material that absorbs electromagnetic waves (for example, metal-reinforced
concrete, elevator doors) or the base station antenna is in an enclosed metal rack.
Pop-up Keys
The fetal monitor issues prompt messages to certain user interactions. For example if the CL SpO
Pod is picked up from the base station to activate it, the monitor displays the prompt message
cl SpO
and the equipment lable of the Pod.
CL Transducer Assignment
The cableless transducers of the Avalon CL are assigned by simply docking them at the base station
connected to the patient’s fetal monitor.
Since twins and triplets can be monitored with the Avalon CL base station, it can be delivered with up
to seven CL transducers: one CL Toco
MP, three CL US, and three CL ECG/IUP transducers. Only
up to four CL transducer can be assigned at one time to the Avalon CL base station. Four assigned CL
transducers enable monitoring combinations such as 1 CL Toco
MP transducer + 3 CL US
transducers for monitoring triplets externally, or 1 CL Toco
MP transducer + 2 CL US transducer +
1 CL ECG/IUP transducer for monitoring twins.
Pop-Up Key Function
Remove Selecting the
Remove key deactivates and unassigns the selected active
transducer or cableless Pod and removes it from the list. This key is disabled
if no active device is selected.
Find Selecting the
Find key pages the selected active CL transducer or CL Pod.
This key is disabled if no active device is selected.
Battery Report Selecting the
Battery Report key prints a combined battery report on the
built in recorder. The report contains at least the following information for
each CL transducer or CL Pod currently in the list:
Cableless device identification (like in the
Tele Info window list)
Battery identification (e.g. part no.)
Battery serial number
Battery manufacturing date
Battery capacity: remaining/when fully charged/battery temperature
Number of cycles
This key is only available and enabled in Service mode.