User's Manual

Table Of Contents
oscillometric measurement method 211
Paging Patient 97
paper 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 264, 277
default paper speed 80
loading paper 83, 85
paper out INOP 82
paper speed 80
changing 80
default 80
defaults 80
setting 80
paper, when to reload 82
recorder paper 277
removing paper 83, 85
storing paper 264
tearing off a trace 81
Paper Advance key 61
Paper-Out indication 82
passcode protection 63
patient alarms 123
Patient Demographics window 137
patient module 205, 235
paused alarms 115, 116
restarting paused alarms 116
pausing alarms 115
performance specifications 285, 289, 290
noninvasive blood pressure
SpO2 specifications 290
physiological alarms 109
pop-up keys 95
power 12, 99
connecting power 12
disconnecting from 99
power connection 12
power failure 99
pulse 242
pulse from noninvasive blood
pulse rate 233
recorder 76, 100, 264, 265, 277, 294
factory defaults 294
paper storage 264
printhead cleaning 265
recorder paper 277
recorder specifications 294
recorder speed 33
recorder troubleshooting 100
Recorder Elements 79
recording stored data 61
recovering traces 251
trace recovery printout 251
recycling 266
red alarms 109
regulatory compliance 297
remote event marker 80
restarting paused alarms 116
reviewing alarms 118
reviewing alarms window 118
safety 260, 297
maintenance interval 260
safety standards 297
screen layouts 64
selftest 68, 76, 120
sensor 227
disposable SpO2 sensors 227
selecting SpO2 sensors 227
separating FHR traces 177, 184
separating triplet traces 184
separating twin traces 177
service mode 63
settings 64, 65, 66
active settings 64
changing settings 66
global settings 65
monitor settings 66
user default settings 65
signal loss delay 192
signal quality 90, 230
signal quality during monitoring 90
signal quality of SpO2 230
silencing alarms 114
specifications 279, 281, 285, 294
built-in recorder specifications 294
DECG specifications 285
ECG specifications 285
environmental specifications 279
monitor 279
SpO2 sensors 279
transducers 279
IUP specifications 285
measurement specifications 285
MECG specifications 285
performance specifications 285
Toco specifications 285
transducer specifications 281
US specifications 285
SpO2 227, 228, 230, 273, 290
accessories 273
alarm specifications 290
connecting the cables 228
disposable sensors 227
factory defaults 290
FAST technology 227
performance specifications 290
Philips sensors (disposable) 273
Philips sensors (reusable) 273
signal quality 230
SpO2 alarms 230, 290
standards 297, 298
EMC standards 298
safety standards 297
standards compliance 297
Standby 61
sterilizing 255, 258
infection control 255
storage temperatures 306
stored data recording 61
suppressing artifacts 208
suspended alarm 116
suspicious SpO2 reading 230
switching on and off 164
switching on and off alarms 116
switching on monitor 68
switching on recorder 76
symbols on the system 308
technical alarm messages. See INOPs 126
temperatures 306
operating temperatures 306
storage temperatures 306
testing 120, 209, 242, 298
DECG testing 209
MECG testing 242
safety testing 298
testing alarms 120
time 66
setting time 66
time from OB TraceVue 66
Toco 193, 194, 195, 205, 237, 285
default Toco settings 285
testing a Toco transducer 195
Toco baseline 194
Toco display specifications 285
Toco monitoring 193
Toco sensitivity 195
Toco specifications 285
Toco MP transducer 193, 233
Toco+ transducer 193
touch tone volume 66
touchscreen operation 56, 63
trace actions 81, 251, 252
separation on/off 33
tearing off traces 81
trace recovery on OB TraceVue 252
trace recovery on paper 251
transducer 45, 70, 73, 173, 175, 183, 193, 195,