User's Manual

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475 Live Instrument Reference
level and frequency of all oscillators at once via the shell, and then adjust each individual oscil-
lator’s envelope, waveform and other parameters in its display.
Operator can be folded with the triangular button at its upper left. This is convenient if you do
not need to access the display details.
Operator Folded.
Each of Operator’s oscillators can either output its signal directly or use its signal to modulate
another oscillator. Operator offers eleven predefined algorithms that determine how the oscilla-
tors are connected. An algorithm is chosen by clicking on one of the structure icons in the global
display, which will appear if the bottom right (global) section of the shell is selected. Signals
will flow from top to bottom between the oscillators shown in an algorithm icon. The algorithm
selector can be mapped to a MIDI controller, automated, or modulated in real time, just like any
other parameter.
Operator’s Global Display and Shell Parameters.
Typically, FM synthesis makes use of pure sine waves, creating more complex waveforms via
modulation. However, in order to simplify sound design and to create a wider range of possible
sounds, we designed Operator to produce a variety of other waveforms, including two types of