User's Manual

Table Of Contents
610 Using Push
Quantization Options.
Swing Amount determines the amount of swing that will be applied to the quantized notes. Note
that the Swing amount can be adjusted from Encoder 1 or from the dedicated Swing knob.
Quantize To sets the nearest note value to which notes will be quantized, while Quantize
Amount determines the amount that notes can be moved from their original positions.
Enable Record Quantize to automatically quantize notes while recording and adjust the record
quantization value with Encoder 8. Note that these controls correspond to the settings of the
Record Quantization chooser in Live’s Edit menu, and adjustments can be made from Live or
from Push.
When working with drums, press and hold Quantize and press a Drum Rack pad to quantize
only that drum’s notes in the current clip.
28.5 Playing Melodies and Harmonies
After working on a beat, you’ll want to create a new track so that you can work on a bassline,
harmony parts, etc. Press the Add Track button to add a new MIDI track to your Live Set.
Add Track Button.