User's Manual

Table Of Contents
172 Editing MIDI Notes and Velocities
10.2 The MIDI Editor
To bring up the MIDI Editor, double-click a MIDI clip to open the Clip View. You can use the Clip
View Box selector to make sure the Notes box (page 151) is showing, then click in the title bar
of the Notes box to bring up the MIDI Editor on the right-hand side of the screen.
The MIDI Editor.
The MIDI Editor is divided into two editing windows: the upper Note Editor and the lower Veloc-
ity Editor. You can resize the Velocity Editor by dragging on the split line that runs between it and
the Note Editor. You can also show and hide the Velocity Editor using the triangular button on
the left-hand side of the split line.
The Control Bar’s Draw Mode Switch.
Switch to Draw Mode by activating the Control Bar’s Draw Mode switch or by pressing the
[B] key. You can now draw MIDI notes into the Note Editor with the mouse. Deactivating Draw
Mode allows notes to be selected and moved around via clipboard operations or by clicking
and dragging, either vertically to change their transposition, or horizontally to change their po-
sition in time. MIDI notes can also be added and deleted by double-clicking when Draw Mode
is inactive.