User's Manual

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292 Instrument, Drum and Effect Racks
18.5.3 Velocity Zones
The Velocity Zone Editor.
Each chain in an Instrument Rack or MIDI Effect Rack also has a velocity zone, specifying the
range of MIDI Note On velocities that it will respond to.
The Velocity Zone Editor, when displayed, replaces the Key Zone Editor to the right of the Chain
List. MIDI Note On velocity is measured on a scale of 1-127, and this value range spans the top
of the editor. Otherwise, the functionality here is identical to that of the Key Zone Editor.
Velocity zone fade ranges attenuate the velocities of notes entering a chain.
18.5.4 Chain Select Zones
The Chain Select Editor.
Activating the Chain button in an Instrument or Effect Rack displays the Chain Select Editor.
These Racks have chain select zones, which allow you to filter chains spontaneously via a single
parameter. The editor has a scale of 0-127, similar to the Velocity Zone Editor. Above the value
scale, however, you will find a draggable indicator known as the Chain selector.