User's Manual

Table Of Contents
424 Live Audio Effect Reference
The Mute button simply silences the incoming signal when enabled. Note: The active/mute con-
trols of a track are always placed at the very end of the signal chain. However, since you can
place Utility anywhere in a signal chain, you can use its mute function to cut the input of a delay
line or reverb without turning off the output of these devices.
The DC switch filters out DC offsets and extremely low frequencies that are far below the audible
range. It will only have a sonic effect if a signal contains these frequencies and is processed after
Utility with nonlinear effects such as compressors or waveshapers.
22.37 Vinyl Distortion
The Vinyl Distortion Effect.
(Note: the Vinyl Distortion effect is not available in the Intro and Lite Editions.)
The Vinyl Distortion effect emulates some of the typical distortions that occur on vinyl records
during playback. These distortions are caused by the geometric relationships between the
needle and the recorded groove. The effect also features a crackle generator for adding noisy
The Tracing Model section adds even harmonic distortion to the input signal. Adjust the amount
of distortion with the Drive knob, or click and drag vertically in the Tracing Model X-Y display. To
adjust the distortion’s frequency or ”color,” drag horizontally in the X-Y display or double-click
on the Freq field and type in a value. Holding the [ALT](PC) / [ALT](Mac) modifier while drag-
ging vertically in the X-Y display changes the frequency band’s Q (bandwidth).