User's Manual

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388 Live Audio Effect Reference
These can either be frequencies in the signal to be gated or, by using the EQ in conjunction with
an external sidechain, frequencies in another tracks audio.
The headphones button between the external and EQ sections allows you to listen to only the
sidechain input, bypassing the gate’s output. Since the sidechain audio isn’t fed to the output,
and is only a trigger for the gate, this temporary listening option can make it much easier to set
sidechain parameters and hear what’s actually making the gate work. When this button is on,
the display area shows the level of the sidechain input signal in green.
22.22 Glue Compressor
The Glue Compressor Effect.
(Note: the Glue Compressor effect is not available in the Intro and Lite Editions.)
The Glue Compressor is an analog-modeled compressor created in collaboration with Cytomic,
and is based on the classic bus compressor from a famous 80s mixing console. Like Lives origi-
nal Compressor (page 353), the Glue Compressor can be used for basic dynamics control of
individual tracks, but is mainly designed for use on the Master track or a Group Track to “glue”
multiple sources together into a cohesive sounding mix.
The Threshold knob sets where compression begins. Signals above the threshold are attenuated
by an amount specified by the Ratio parameter, which sets the ratio between the input and out-
put signal. Unlike the Compressor, the Glue Compressor does not have a user-adjustable knee.
Instead, the knee becomes more sharp as the ratio increases.
Attack defines how long it takes to reach maximum compression once a signal exceeds the
threshold. The Attack knobs values are in milliseconds. Release sets how long it takes for the