User's Manual

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734 Audio Fact Sheet
flexible routing architecture allows for a variety of scenarios, including routing from before or
after any tracks effects or mixer and tapping the output of individual sample slots within the
Impulse instrument. In these cases, it is likely that the signal heard at the output point will be dif-
ferent from the signal heard prior to routing, because it has been tapped before reaching the
end of its original signal chain.
32.2.10 Splitting Clips
Clips which are already neutral will remain neutral after splitting (page 117). Splitting only af-
fects playback position within the sample, and has no effect on the sample data itself. Playback
across a split boundary is seamless and sample-accurate.
The neutrality of clip splitting is tested under a variety of conditions:
•splitting unwarped clips with loop on and off;
•splitting warped but unstretched clips with loop on and off;
In all cases, output is rendered and compared with the output of an unsplit version of the same
source. Phase cancellation testing of the two files confirms that they are identical.
32.3 Non-Neutral Operations
Procedures in Live that will cause a change in audio quality are referred to as non-neutral oper-
ations. Users can be guaranteed that using these operations will cause at least some change to
the signal. Applying non-neutral operations to files imported into Live ensures that the imported
audio will differ from the files saved on disk. Applying non-neutral operations to files being ex-
ported from Live ensures that what you hear during realtime playback will be different from what
will end up in your new file.
Non-neutral operations include:
32.3.1 Playback in Complex and Complex Pro Mode
The algorithms used in the Complex (page 169) and Complex Pro (page 170) Warp modes
use an entirely different technology from the algorithms behind Beats, Tones, Texture and Re-