User's Manual

Table Of Contents
197 Using Grooves
The Groove Pool.
12.1.1 Adjusting Groove Parameters
Grooves in the Groove Pool appear in a list, and offer a variety of parameters that can be modi-
fied in real time to adjust the behavior of any clips that are using them. You can also save and
hot-swap grooves via the buttons next to the Grooves name.
The Groove Pool’s controls work as follows:
Base — The Base chooser determines the timing resolution against which the notes in the
groove will be measured. A 1/4 Base, for example, means that the positions of the notes in
the groove file are compared to the nearest quarter note, and all notes in any clips that are
assigned to that groove will be moved proportionally towards the positions of the groove
notes. At a base of 1/8th, the groove’s notes are measured from their nearest eighth note.
Notes in the groove that fall exactly on the grid aren’t moved at all, so the corresponding
notes in your clips will also not be moved.
Quantize — adjusts the amount of “straight“ quantization that is applied before the groove
is applied. At 100%, the notes in your clips will be snapped to the nearest note values, as
selected in the Base chooser. At 0%, the notes in clips will not be moved from their original
positions before the groove is applied.
Timing — adjusts how much the groove pattern will affect any clips which are using it.
Random — adjusts how much random timing fluctuation will be applied to clips using the
selected groove. At low levels, this can be useful for adding subtle “humanization“ to high-
ly quantized, electronic loops. Note that Random applies differing randomization to every
voice in your clip, so notes that originally occurred together will now be randomly offset
both from the grid and from each other.