Windows nPartition Guide v5.5

Table Of Contents
1 Inactive 1 1 ? Partition 1
2 Active 2 2 cab1,cell0 Partition 2
3 Active 2 2 cab1,cell2 Frodo
4 Inactive 1 1 ? Partition 4
5 Active 2 1 cab0,cell2 Partition 5
You can use the parmodify command to modify the following attributes of an existing nPartition:
Partition name
Cell assignments (add cells or remove cells)
Attributes of existing cells:
Cell type
Use-on-next-boot value
Failure usage
Cell local memory (CLM) value
Core cell choices
Boot paths (the primary, alternate, and HA alternate paths)
IP address (if set, this value should be consistent with the IP address assigned to the nPartition
when the operating system is booted)
Root permission or IPMI LAN access is required to use this command.
parmodify -p PartitionNumber
-a cell:[celltype]:[use_on_next_boot]:[failure_usage][:clm] [-a...] |
-m cell:[celltype]:[use_on_next_boot]:[failure_usage][:clm][-m...] | -I IPaddress |
-r cell [-r...] | -d cell [-d...] | -b path | -t path | -s path | -T flag |
-P PartitionName | -B | -k s_lock | [-u username:[passwd] -h IPaddress|hostname
|-g [passwd] -h IPaddress|hostname ]
The -h... -g... options must be specified to cause the command to send its management
request using IPMI over LAN to a MP in another server complex (but can also be used as a
“loopback access” to the MP in the local complex).
The -h... -u... set of options must be specified to cause the command to send its
management request using WBEM to an nPartition other than the local nPartition (but can
also be used as a “loopback access” to the local nPartition).
The -g and -u options are mutually exclusive.
The -p option is required.
92 nPartition Commands Reference