Windows nPartition Guide v5.5

Table Of Contents
2. Issue the parstatus -V -p# command to list the current core cell choices and core cell
use for an nPartition.
NOTE: You must include the correct remote administration options when issuing par
commands (-h and -g for IPMI over LAN connections; -h and -u for WBEM/WMI
connections). For a complete explanation of these options, see the command description in
“nPartition Commands Reference” (page 89).
The parstatus -V -p# command lists detailed status for the specified nPartition (-p#
where # is the nPartition number).
The nPartition status includes the current active core cell (“Core Cell”), and any core cell
choice settings.
The core cell choice preferences are listed by parstatus as the “Core Cell Alternate” settings
with “1” being the highest priority and “2” through “4” as the lower priority core cell choices.
# parstatus -V -p0
Partition Number : 0
Partition Name : jules00
Status : active
IP address :
Primary Boot Path : 0/0/2/0/0.13.0
Alternate Boot Path : 0/0/2/0/0.0.0
HA Alternate Boot Path : 0/0/2/0/0.14.0
PDC Revision : 6.0
IODCH Version : 23664
CPU Speed : 552 MHz
Core Cell : cab0,cell0
Core Cell Alternate [1]: cab0,cell0
Core Cell Alternate [2]: cab0,cell2
Core Connected Par
Hardware Location Usage IO To Num
=================== ============ ==== ========== ===
cab0,bay0,chassis1 active yes cab0,cell0 0
cab0,bay1,chassis3 active yes cab0,cell2 0
3. Modify the nPartition core cell choices using the parmodify -p# -r#... command.
You can modify the core cell choices for the local nPartition or any remote nPartition in the
server complex.
Use the following command: parmodify -p# -r# -r#...
Specify the nPartition number (-p#) and the cell ID (-r#) for all cells you wish to designate
as core cell choices.
# parmodify -p0 -r2 -r0
Command succeeded.
The order in which you list the cells is the order in which the nPartition core cell choices are
established; the first cell listed is the first preferred core cell (choice 1), and the subsequent
cells are lower-priority core cell choices (choices 2 through 4, if specified).
Rename an nPartition
Each nPartition has both an nPartition name and an nPartition number. The nPartition name is
a short description useful for identifying the nPartition. You can customize nPartition names to
72 Using Other Tools to Manage nPartitions