Windows nPartition Guide v5.5

Table Of Contents
3. Issue the shutdown command and the appropriate options to shut down Windows Server
2003 on the system.
You have the following options when shutting down Windows:
To shut down Windows and reboot, enter shutdown /r.
To shut down Windows and not reboot (either power down server hardware or put an
nPartition into a shutdown for reconfig state), entershutdown /s.
To cancel a shutdown (stop a shutdown that has been initiated), entershutdown /a.
For example, enter:
shutdown /r /t 60 /c "Shut down in one minute."
This command initiates a Windows system shutdown-and-reboot after a timeout period of
60 seconds. The /c option specifies a message that is broadcast to any other users of the
Reboot and reset
When you perform a reboot or reset of an nPartition, all active cells in the nPartition reboot, and
the nPartition returns to the system boot environment (EFI).
NOTE: If possible, shut down the operating system before resetting an nPartition.
Reboot and reset nPartitions by using any one of the following procedures.
Procedure 4-19 Rebooting and resetting nPartitions [management processor]
To reboot and reset nPartitions using the management processor, do the following:
1. Log in to the MP and enter CM to access the Command menu.
2. At the Command menu, enter the RS command, specify which nPartition is to be reset, and
confirm whether to reset it.
The RS command resets all active cells in the nPartition and reboots them past partition
rendezvous to the system boot environment (EFI) or an operating system.
NOTE: On HP Integrity servers, reset an nPartition only after all self-tests and partition
rendezvous have completed, for example, when the nPartition is inactive (all cells are at
BIB) or is at EFI.
Be certain to correctly select which nPartition to reset.
This command resets the selected partition.
WARNING: Execution of this command irrecoverably halts all system
processing and I/O activity and restarts the selected
# Name
--- ----
0) jules00
1) jules01
Select a partition number: 1
Do you want to reset partition number 1? (Y/[N]) y
-> The selected partition will be reset.
56 Using Other Tools to Manage nPartitions