FW 05.01.00 and SW 07.01.00 HP StorageWorks CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches (AA-RQ7AD-TE, June 2003)

246 CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches
config.zoning.clearZone 127
config.zoning.clearZoneSet 120
config.zoning.deactivateZoneSet 118
config.zoning.deletePortMem 129
config.zoning.deleteWwnMem 128
config.zoning.deleteZone 122
config.zoning.renameZone 130
config.zoning.renameZoneSet 123
config.zoning.replaceZoneSet 119
config.zoning.setDefZoneState 116
config.zoning.showActive 132
config.zoning.showPending 131
handling errors 32
logging in or out 28
login 29
logout 30
maint.port.beacon 134
maint.port.reset 135
maint.system.beacon 136
maint.system.clearSysError 137
maint.system.ipi 138
maint.system.resetConfig 139
maint.system.setOnlineState 140
output 27
overview 37
parameters 27
perf.class2 142
perf.class3 144
perf.clearStats 146
perf.errors 147
perf.link 149
perf.openTrunking.backPressure 151
perf.openTrunking.congestionThresh 152
perf.openTrunking.creditStarvThresh 153
perf.openTrunking.setState 154
perf.openTrunking.show 155
perf.openTrunking.unresCongestion 157,
perf.thresholdAlerts.counter.addAlert 161,
perf.thresholdAlerts.counter.deleteAlert 164
perf.thresholdAlerts.counter.removePort 165
perf.traffic 172
show.eventLog 175
show.features 177
show.frus 179
show.ip.ethernet 181
show.login.server 182
show.nameServer 184
show.nameServerExt 186
show.openTrunking.config 188, 190
show.port.config 192
show.port.info 194
show.port.nodes 196
show.port.status 198
show.port.technology 202
show.security.fabricBinding 204
show.security.portBinding 205
show.security.switchBinding 207
show.switch 208
show.system 211
show.thresholdAlerts.alert 213
show.thresholdAlerts.log 215
show.zoning 217
command line interface
command overview 37
command tree 20
handling errors 32
help 33
logging in or out 28
output 27
overview 18
parameters 27
purpose 18
Telnet session 35
user access rights 28
command tree 20
movement limitations 26
navigation 25
config 38
config.maint 133
config.perf 141
config.show 174