FW 05.01.00 and SW 07.01.00 HP StorageWorks CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches (AA-RQ7AD-TE, June 2003)
20 CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches
Command Tree
The command tree of the CLI begins from the root. The commands in the four
extended branches (config, maint, perf, and show) are described in
Chapter 2.
There are three additional commands (login, logout, and commaDelim) that
are globally available. These commands are described in this chapter. The
hierarchy from the root, reading from left to right, is listed in Table 3
^H Control-H Backspace one character and delete the
^I Tab Complete the current keyword.
^K Control-K Delete to the end of the line.
^L Control-L Redraw the line.
^N Control-N Move down one line in the command history.
^P Control-P Move up one line in the command history.
^R Control-R Redraw the line.
^U Control-U Clear the input and reset the line buffer.
^X Control-X Clear the input and reset the line buffer.
<ESC>[A Up Arrow Move up one line in the command history.
<ESC>[B Down Arrow Move down one line in the command history.
<ESC>[C Right Arrow Position the cursor right one character.
<ESC>[D Left Arrow Position the cursor left one character.
Table 2: CLI Command Tree Navigation Conventions (Continued)
Action or Description
Table 3: CLI Command Tree
config ------------- enterpriseFabMode setState
features ----------- installKey