FW 05.01.00 and SW 07.01.00 HP StorageWorks CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches (AA-RQ7AD-TE, June 2003)

153CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches
creditStarvThresh creditStarvationThreshold
This command configures the Credit Starvation Threshold of the OpenTrunking
configuration. Credit Starvation Threshold is defined as the percentage of time
that no transmit BB_Credits are passed on the link. When the threshold value is
exceeded, the system tries to reroute the flows that are going to the ISL that has
the problem. Effectively, the threshold is the percent of the time that the port does
not receive BB_Credits before traffic is rerouted away from the port.
This threshold is also used for prevention of improperly rerouting to an ISL from
another ISL. In other words, the system does not reroute a flow to a link that is
starved for BB_Credits even if that link is significantly under its loading
threshold, and the system tries to reroute traffic away from a link that is starved,
even if the threshold is significantly below the limit.
This command has one parameter:
Command Example
Root> perf openTrunking creditStarvThresh 20
creditStarvationThreshold Specifies the credit starvation threshold in
terms of a percentage. Valid values are
integers in the range 1 to 99 or
default. Specifying the value
default sets the parameter to the
default threshold level of 10%.