FW 05.01.00 and SW 07.01.00 HP StorageWorks CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches (AA-RQ7AD-TE, June 2003)

26 CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches
One approach to making the navigation more concise is to use the root
command to jump directly to the root of the CLI command tree. The previous
example, which shows stepping back to the root with the double-dot command, is
simplified as follows:
Config.Port> root
Root> maint
Maint> port
Maint.Port> beacon 4 true
Another approach to making the navigation more concise is to use the complete
command syntax from the Root> prompt each time. For example, to issue the
config.port.name command and then the maint.port.beacon
command, the commands are entered as follows:
Root> config port name 4 “HP Tape Drive”
Root> maint port beacon 4 true
As shown in this example, use of the complete command syntax avoids navigating
up and down the branches of the CLI command tree, and the prompt stays at the
root. The use of complete command syntax is particularly useful when writing
When coding a script, remember to code the appropriate character sequences,
which are described in “Navigation Conventions” on page 19.
Root> config port name 4 “HP Tape Drive”<CR>
Root> maint port beacon 4 true<CR>
Limitation on Movements
As the commands are entered, they are recorded in a history log. The limitations
on movement that result from use of the history log are:
If a command has more than 60 characters, the command runs, but the
command is not recorded in the history log, and the position in the tree does
not change, as shown in the following example. Because the command is not
recorded in the history, a subsequent asynchronous command (navigation
command) cannot depend on it.
Root> config zoning addWwnMem TheUltimateZone