OPERATION MANUAL 770-00050 | REVISION B | 03.01.
To download the most current user manual for the MōVI Pro and all other Freefly products, please visit http://freeflysystems.
REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION A Nov 2016 Initial Release B Mar 2017 Add section on MōVI Ring Pro+MōVI Pro and minor content edits | OPERATION M A N U A L 3
CONTENTS 3 Revision History 6 Terminology 8 OVERVIEW 9 Disclaimer and Warning 13 Limitations of Liability 14 Warranty 16 Introduction 17 Features 19 Getting to Know MōVI Pro 20 GCU and TSU Layouts 22 Tilt Stage Unit 23 Gimbal Control Unit connectors and piNouts 24 Tilt Stage Unit connectors and pinouts 28 System Diagrams 28 MōVI Pro Overview 29 MōVI Pro Control Paths 30 MōVI Pro Power System 31 MōVI Pro + Mimic 32 MōVI Pro App 33 MōVI Pro Kit 34 SETTI
5 Battery Installation and RED, ARRI, SONY, CANON Wiring 56 FreeFly Cable Guide 59 Balancing the MōVI Pro 63 Tuning the MōVI Pro 63 Basic Tuning 64 Advanced Tuning 67 Updating the MōVI Pro 68 Ecosystem Setup 68 MIMIC + MōVI Pro 69 MIMIC Beta + MōVI Pro 72 MōVI CONTROLLER + MōVI Pro 74 Futaba or Spektrum Radio + MōVI Pro 74 Multi Controller Setup 75 ALTA + MōVI Pro 79 TERO + MōVI Pro 80 MōVI Ring Pro + MōVI Pro 84 USING M Ō VI PRO 85 Configuring the MōVI Pro
TERMINOLOGY 2.4 GHz An industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio band (2.4-2.5GHz) that is used for radio control. Accelerometer An accelerometer is a device that measures the rate of change of the velocity of an object. Amperage The strength of an electric current going through a system, expressed in amps. BLE Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a low power and application friendly version of Bluetooth. FIZ An acronym for focus, iris, and zoom in reference to lens control.
TITH Toad in the Hole (TITH) is a lightweight and low-profile mechanical quick release unit used on Freefly products. TSU Tilt Stage Unit (TSU) is the platform underneath the camera mount on the MōVI Pro that provides orientation feedback to the GCU and can provide power and control to the camera and mounted accessories. TX TX is an acronym for transmit or transmitter. uART A universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (uART) is a block of circuitry responsible for implementing serial communication.
DISCLAIMER AND WARNING IMPORTANT - Please read this disclaimer and warning carefully, and review the MōVI Pro Gimbal Operation Manual prior to use. If you have any questions, please contact support@freeflysystems.com prior to using the MōVI Pro. You can review the most current version of this Operation Manual at www. freeflysystems.com/software-manuals. By using MōVI Pro, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to this disclaimer.
vehicle for at least 45 minutes, as a damaged battery can experience a delayed chemical reaction that could possibly result in fire. »» Never disassemble, modify, puncture, shock, crash, short circuit, and/or expose the MōVI Pro Battery Packs to a flame. Leakage, smoke emission, ignition, explosion or fire can occur, which may result in personal injury or property damage. »» Never drop the charger or MōVI Pro Battery Packs.
NOTE All instructions and warnings must be followed exactly. Mishandling of MōVI Pro Battery Packs can result in fire. By handling, charging, or using the included MōVI Pro Battery Packs, you assume all risks associated with MōVI Pro Battery Packs. If you are not prepared to accept complete liability for the purchase and/or use of the batteries, you are advised to return them in new and unused condition to the place of purchase immediately.
B AT T E R Y DIS POS AL PRO CED U R E LiPo batteries require special handling for safe disposal. The following steps must be taken to avoid damage or injury to yourself, your property or anyone who comes in contact with the battery. 1. Contact your state or local HAZMAT agency inquire about disposal procedures for LiPo batteries with battery management systems. 2. Follow any instructions provided by your state or local HAZMAT agency for the disposal of LiPo batteries.
WARRANTY SPE CI F I CATIONS Freefly warrants all products will be of good quality and workmanship and free from material defects. Upon the expiration of the time periods below, all liabilities of Freefly will terminate. In no event shall Freefly be liable for consequential damages. Freefly may use refurbished parts for repairs or replacements. Certain products may be subject to a separate software license agreement.
not be returned to Buyer. Freefly may use refurbished parts for repairs or replacements. Freefly products are compatible with Freefly software, Freefly parts and Freefly products only. Use of any software, parts, or products, other than Freefly or Freefly approved software, parts, and products, which plug into or directly affect the function or performance of Freefly products voids any and all warranties.
INTRODUCTION The Freefly MōVI Pro represents the next generation of digital 3-axis stabilization systems. Designed and built with the goal of creating the world’s most versatile camera movement system, the MōVI Pro will revolutionize and democratize the creation of professional motion picture content.
FEATURES 8 9 1 6 4 3 10 MECHANICAL FEATURES 1. Built-in Display The addition of a built-in display with a 4-button control system gives users command over basic tuning and adjustments without the need for additional devices. 2. Redesigned Structure A redesigned structure improves performance and adds features to increase the MōVI Pro’s capabilities. 3. Increased Torque New, lightweight direct-drive brushless motors provide twice the pan torque of the first generation MōVI. 4.
POWER FEATURES 8. Intelligent Batteries Brand new MōVI Pro Battery Packs come with built-in power indicators, intelligent battery management systems, and a refined new design. 10. Camera and Accessory Power Using the combined power of two 22.2V batteries, the MōVI Pro can power itself, the camera, and more for over an hour. 9. Hot Swapping One handed battery swaps and hot swapping are now possible through a redesigned battery system which is built to keep the MōVI Pro shooting. CONTROL FEATURES 11.
GETTING TO KNOW MōVI PRO SPECIFICATIONS D IMENSI ONS MōVI Pro 345 × 345 × 432mm (L×W×H) Camera Cage 196 × 200 × 175mm (L×W×H) M ECH A NICAL Pan Range of Motion Roll Range of Motion Unlimited ±60º Tilt Range of Motion (Normal Mode) +90º above horizontal to -165º below horizontal Tilt Range of Motion (Inverted Mode) +165º above horizontal to -90º below horizontal Max Pan Rate 360º/s Max Roll Rate 360º/s Max Tilt Rate 360º/s Weight 2.65kg Max Payload 6.
GCU AND TSU LAYOUTS GIMBAL CONTROL UNIT 1 3 2 6 4 5 GCU LAYOUT 1. Power Button a. Push (ON) b. Hold (OFF) 4. Select Option (-) 5. Select Option (+) 6. microSD Card Slot 2. Back Button 3.
TILT STAGE UNIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TSU CONNECTOR LAYOUT 1. TC 6. 12V AUX 2. EXP 7. Focus 3. CAN 8. Iris 4. CAM 9. Zoom 5. 12-14V CAM 10.
GIMBAL CONTROL UNIT CONNECTORS AND PINOUTS All connector pinouts are shown looking into the function side of the connectors on the GCU and TSU, unless stated otherwise. CONNECTO R : C O M 1 TYPE: JS T G H 6 - P I N 1. GND 2. +5V 3. UARTn_TX 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. UARTn_RX 5. UARTn_CTS 6. UARTn_RTS CONNECTO R : 1 2 V TYPE: FE M A L E D - T A P - + 1. (+) 12V DTAP V+ 2. (-) 12V DTAP GND CONNECTO R : C O M 2 TYPE: JS T G H 6 - P I N 1. GND 2. +5V 3. UARTn_TX 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. UARTn_RX 5. UARTn_CTS 6.
TILT STAGE UNIT CONNECTORS AND PINOUTS All connector pinouts are shown looking into the function side of the connectors on the GCU and TSU, unless stated otherwise. CONNECTO R : T C ( L T C T I M E C O D E ) TYPE: 3. 5 M M J A C K 1. (Base, Mic) - LTC IN 2. (Ring, Gnd) - GND 1 2 3 4 3. (Ring, Right) - SYNC IN 4. (Tip, Left) - LTC OUT *Shown from Function Side of the male 3.5mm Jack CONNECTO R : E X P ( E X P A N S I O N ) TYPE: JS T Z P H 1 0 P I N 10 8 6 4 2 1. GND 2. +12V 3. GND 4. +5V 5.
CONNECTO R : C A N ( C A N B U S ) TYPE: MO L E X M I C R O F I T R A 4 P I N 1 3 2 4 1. GND 2. +V Ba 3. CAN H 4. CAN L CONNECTO R : C A M ( C A M E R A ) TYPE: MO L E X M I C R O F I T R A 8 P I N 1 2 3 4 1. GND 2. +5V 3. RxD 4. TxD 5. LANC Power 5 6 7 8 6. LANC Signal 7. GPO/UART TX 8. GPI/UART RX CONNECTO R : 1 2 - 1 4 V C A M ( C A M E R A P O W E R ) TYPE: FE M A L E D - T A P - | + OPERATION M A N U A L 1. (+) 14V DTAP V+ 2.
CONNECTO R : 1 2 V ( A U X I L I A R Y P O W E R ) TYPE: FE M A L E D - T A P - + 1. (+) 12V DTAP V+ 2. (-) 12V DTAP GND CONNECTO R : F ( F O C U S M O T O R ) TYPE: MO L E X M I C R O F I T R A 6 P I N 1 2 3 1. Motor A 2. Motor B 3. +5V 4. GND 4 5 6 5. Encoder A 6. Encoder B CONNECTO R : I ( I R I S M O T O R ) TYPE: MO L E X M I C R O F I T R A 6 P I N 1 2 3 1. Motor A 2. Motor B 3. +5V 4. GND 4 | 5 OPERATION M A N U A L 6 5. Encoder A 6.
CONNECTO R : Z ( Z O O M M O T O R ) TYPE: MO L E X M I C R O F I T R A 6 P I N 1 2 3 1. Motor A 2. Motor B 3. +5V 4. GND 4 5 6 5. Encoder A 6.
SYSTEM DIAGRAMS MōVI PRO OVERVIEW GPS Satellite HD Video Link, Preview Monitor* Radio Controller* MIMIC 2.
MōVI PRO POWER SYSTEM Intelligent Batteries Pan ESC Gimbal Control Unit 12v Aux Roll ESC Tilt ESC Tilt-Stage Unit 12v Aux (i.e.
Ti lt Ro ll Pa n MōVI PRO + MIMIC MōVI Pro (Handheld, on ALTA, on TERO, etc.) MIMIC (mounted to handlebar, stand-alone, etc.
MōVI PRO APP 00:00:01 Majestic Dual Op Tuning Timelapse Target App Bluetooth Low Energy MōVI Pro | OPERATION M A N U A L 32
MōVI PRO KIT 2 3 13 12 1 9-11 8 4 5 6 7 INCLUDED WITH THE MōVI PRO 1. MōVI Pro 8. MōVI Rod Mount Adapter 2. (2) MōVI Pro Battery Packs 1.8Ah 9. (2) Bolt 3/8 -16 x 5/8” 3. (2) MōVI Pro Battery Charger 10. (2) Bolt ¼ -20 x ½” 4. MōVI Pro QuickStart Card 11. (2) Bolt ¼ -20 x 3/8” 5. Product Card 12. 2.0mm Hex Driver 6. MōVI Pro Accessory Bag 13. 2.5mm Hex Driver 7. uART to FRX Cable * O PT I ONAL ACC ESS ORIE S 14. MōVI Ring Pro 19. MōVI Pro Landing Gear 15. MōVI Classic Handle 20.
MōVI PRO SETUP AT A GLANCE Charging Batteries 39 Building the Basic Camera Package 41 Building the Cinematographic Camera Package 43 Mounting a RED Camera 43 Mounting an ARRI Camera 44 Mounting a Sony F-series Camera 45 Mounting a Canon C-series Camera 46 Mounting a Black Magic Cinema Camera 47 Mounting the Camera Package 53 Wiring Guide 56 Balancing the MōVI Pro 59 Tuning the MōVI Pro 63 Updating
TOAD IN THE HOLE QUICK RELEASE TITH Quick Release is a sleek, lightweight, low-profile quick release unit, which provides an easy mount and release solution for all your Freefly products. MOUNTING PROCEDURE 1. Open the lever on the female part of the TITH.
2. Align the male and female parts of the TITH and press them together until you feel the parts engage and hear a click. 3. Hold the MōVI Pro securely; check to see if the TITH engaged correctly and then rotate the TITH to your desired orientation. 4. Continue to hold the MōVI Pro securely and close the TITH’s lever while making sure that none of the release buttons are pressed.This concludes the TITH mounting procedure.
RELEASE PROCEDURE 1. Hold the MōVI Pro securely in one hand so the gimbal does not fall during the release process. 2. While supporting the MōVI Pro, open the lever and press the two release buttons on the TITH simultaneously. 3. The male and female parts of the TITH have now released and can now be pulled apart.
CHARGING BATTERIES Your MōVI Pro comes with two MōVI Pro Battery Packs and two MōVI Pro Battery Pack Chargers. Follow the charging procedure below to maintain a safe charging environment. MōVI PRO BATTERY PACK CHARGING PROCEDURE 1. Insert the AC power cord into AC power adapter and plug the power cord into a 120 VAC wall socket (US). 2. The AC power adapter’s LED will turn a solid GREEN. This means the MōVI Pro Battery Pack charger is ready to charge.
3. Slide the Charging Dock along the underside of the battery until the battery’s connector is completely engaged with the Charging Dock. 4. The AC power adapter’s LED will turn RED to inform you that the battery is charging. 5. When the AC power adapter’s LED returns to GREEN, your battery is fully charged. Press the power button on the battery to check the power level, and disconnect the battery from the charger.
SETTING UP YOUR CAMERA PACKAGE It is important that you fully build your camera package prior to balancing it on the MōVI Pro. Adding accessories such as focus motors, receivers, batteries, etc. to your MōVI Pro after balancing will put the setup out of balance and require you to rebalance the system. The MōVI Pro uses a custom lightweight camera rail to allow you to easily install and remove your camera package. The camera rail is also used to adjust the balance of the camera package.
1. Use the ¼ -20 bolts to mount the camera to the camera rail. The camera rail also accepts a 3/8 -16 bolts for larger cameras. NOTE For cameras without FIZ motors, mount the camera on the rail such that the camera and lens package’s center of gravity is as close to the center of the rail as possible. This will be useful during the balancing process. HOT SHOE AND TOP RAIL Items Needed »» Camera Package »» (2) M3 Screw »» Top Rail »» 2.5mm Hex Driver »» Hot Shoe Adapter 1.
ADVANCED SETUP These instructions will show you how to set up your MōVI Pro with popular cinematographic cameras, FIZ controls, a video transmitter, and a monitor. Some of the items in these instructions are not part of the MōVI Pro Kit. SETTING UP CAMERA AND LENS Items Needed »» Camera »» Lens Gears** »» Lens *Any setup using a FIZ system will also require the use of a MōVI Controller, which is not part of the MōVI Pro Kit but is available for purchase separately.
Suggested for most s e t u p s Suggested for longe r l e n s e s 3. Lens Direction Use the ¼ -20 bolt and the 5/32 hex driver to attach the top rail to the top of the camera. The rail should be mounted perpendicular to the front of the camera. 4. Proceed to page 48 for instructions on how to mount the FIZ motor to the camera package. MOUNTING ARRI CAMERAS TO THE CAMERA RAIL Items Needed »» Camera Package* »» (3)¼ -20 Bolt »» Camera Rail »» (8) M4 Screw 4.
Suggested for most s e t u p s Suggested for longe r l e n s e s 3. Lens Direction Use the ¼ -20 bolt and the 5/32 hex driver to attach the top rail to the upper aluminum mounting plates. The rail should be mounted perpendicular to the front of the camera. 4. Proceed to page 48 or instructions on how to mount the FIZ motor to the camera package.
Suggested for most s e t u p s Suggested for longe r l e n s e s Lens Direction 3. Remove the Sony’s handle before mounting the top rail. 4. Use a ¼ -20 bolt and the 5/32 hex driver to attach the top rail to the top of the camera. The rail should be mounted perpendicular to the front of the camera. 5. Proceed to page 48 for instructions on how to mount the FIZ motor to the camera package.
MOUNTING BLACK MAGIC CINEMA CAMERA TO THE CAMERA RAIL Items Needed »» Camera Package* »» (2) ¼ -20 Bolt »» Camera Rail »» 5/32” Hex Driver* »» Top Rail *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Locate the ¼ -20 bolts, the 5/32” hex driver, and the camera rail from the MōVI Pro package. 2. Align the camera rail to the ¼ -20 bolt hole on the bottom of the Black Magic camera. Insert and tighten the bolts until the camera is secured and has no play.
SETTING UP FIZ Items Needed »» Camera Package* »» (2) M3 x 8 »» MōVI Rod Mount »» 2.5mm Hex Driver »» FIZ Motors* *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Attach the MōVI Rod Mount to the front of the camera rail with two M3 screws. The rod mount can be attached with the arms pointing up or down. The mount orientation will depend on the length of the FIZ motors and the diameter of the lens on the camera. 2.
3. Take the MōVI Rod Mount and install the appropriate length carbon fiber rod into one of the ring clamps on the rod mount. Once the carbon fiber rod is flush with the back of the rod mount, tighten the M3 screw to secure the rod in place. 4. Mount and position your FIZ motors on the carbon rods so the gears interlock fully with their respective lens gears. Tighten the FIZ motor onto the carbon rod.
ATTACHING A TRANSMITTER Items Needed »» MōVI Pro Gimbal »» ¼-20 Bolt »» Video Transmitter* »» 5/32 Hex Driver* »» MōVI Pro Pop-n-Lock Quick Release* *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Open the clamp on the Pop-n-Lock and attach it to one of the suggested transmitter mounting locations. Make sure the mount faces away from the camera and the clamp is closed after the Pop-n-Lock is mounted. 2. Attach the transmitter to the Pop-n-Lock plate with a ¼ -20 bolt.
3. Slide the plate into the Pop-n-Lock base to mount the transmitter to the MōVI Pro. 4. Rotate the latch on the Pop-n-Lock to secure the transmitter.
MOUNTING A MONITOR Items Needed »» MōVI Ring Pro* »» Monitor* »» Monitor Mount* *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Use the ¼-20 bolt on the MōVI Ring Pro handle to mount your preferred monitor or monitor mount.
MOUNTING THE CAMERA PACKAGE Items Needed »» MōVI Pro Gimbal »» Camera Package* »» MōVI Ring Pro* 1. Open the side clamps on the top horizontal crossbar and move the bar up so the camera has room to fit in the cage. 2. Open the top and bottom camera rail toggle clamps, and rotate the top toggle 90 degrees counterclockwise. 3. Position the camera package so the camera rail and dovetail are aligned, and then slide the camera package onto the dovetail.
4. Close the bottom camera rail toggle clamp. Align the top camera rail with the toggle, and lower the upper crossbar. 5. Make sure the top camera rail is engaged with the locking mechanism, and twist the top toggle 90 degrees clockwise and close the clamp. 6. The camera package is now mounted. If you are using a monitor or intervalometer, connect the wires to the appropriate ports on the camera and make sure the MōVI Pro’s movement is not restricted.
BATTERY INSTALLATION AND RED, ARRI, SONY, CANON WIRING MōVI Pro has a integrated DC camera power supply, FIZ controller, and the capability to hot swap batteries. These features will reduce the wire clutter around the camera and allow continuous shooting even during battery swaps. BATTERY INSTALLATION AND HOT SWAPPING 1. Take a MōVI Pro Battery Pack and slide it along the battery tray. Make sure all four rails engage and the battery slides smoothly along the tray. 2.
FREEFLY CABLE GUIDE Use this cable guide to assist in the wiring of some popular cameras. For information on the MōVI Pro’s Connectors and Pinouts see page 23. To order Freefly cables please visit the Freefly Online Store at http://store.freeflysystems.com.
ARRI ALEXA MINI CABLE PURPOSE WHAT DOES IT CONNECT PORT NAMES CABLE Camera Power Gimbal � Camera 12-14V CAM � DC-IN Freefly ARRI ALEXA Mini Power Cable Camera Control Gimbal � Camera CAM � CTRL Freefly ARRI Remote Start Cable FIZ Motor Power and Control Gimbal � FIZ Motor F,I,Z � FIZ Motor Connector Freefly Lens Motor Cable Transmitter Power Gimbal � Transmitter 12V AUX � DC IN Freefly Connex Power Cable DTap � LEMO 0B 2-Pin (Paralinx Tomahawk) Video Signal Camera � Transmitter HD-SDI
BLACK MAGIC CINEMA CAMERA CABLE PURPOSE WHAT DOES IT CONNECT PORT NAMES CABLE Camera Power Gimbal � Camera 12-14V CAM � DC-IN DTap � Black Magic DC Plug Camera Control Gimbal � Camera CAM � Remote Freefly LANC Control Cable FIZ Motor Power and Control Gimbal � FIZ Motor F,I,Z � FIZ Motor Connector Freefly Lens Motor Cable Transmitter Power Gimbal � Transmitter 12V AUX � DC IN Freefly Connex Power Cable DTap � LEMO 0B 2-Pin (Paralinx Tomahawk) Video Signal Camera � Transmitter SDI OUT �
BALANCING THE MōVI PRO MōVI Pro’s balancing procedure is an important part of the setup process. A properly balanced MōVI Pro will offer the best stabilization performance and the longest battery life. For easier balancing, secure MōVI Pro on the MōVI Ring Pro, MōVI Pro Landing Gear, or MōVI Classic Handle with MōVI Dock and C-Stand. Make sure to finalize the camera package build prior to balancing as adding accessories afterward will require the system to be rebalanced for optimal performance.
TILT BALANCE (VERTICAL AXIS) 1. Rotate the tilt axis so the camera lens points straight up. 2. Open the four vertical adjustment toggle clamps located inline with the tilt motor’s axis of rotation. 3. Slide the entire camera cage up or down until the camera remains pointing straight up when released. 4. Close the toggle clamps. 5. Confirm tilt balance by moving the camera to several tilt angles and confirming the camera remains stationary in the tilt axis once released. ROLL BALANCE 1.
3. Close the top and bottom camera rail toggle clamps. 4. Confirm roll balance by moving the camera to several roll angles and confirming the camera remains stationary in the roll axis once released. PAN BALANCE 1. Mount the MōVI Pro in the stand. 2. Align the MōVI Pro such that the camera lens is lined up with the handle bar’s cross beam. 3. Use the handle to tilt the MōVI Pro 5 to 10 degrees and observe which way pan rotates. a.
5. Slide the gimbal in the direction needed as indicated in Step 3 and repeat the process until the gimbal does not swing left or right when tilting about the pan axis. 6. Close the two pan toggle clamps and confirm that the camera does not swing left or right when the MōVI Pro is tilted 5 to 10 degrees.
TUNING THE MōVI PRO Once the MōVI Pro is balanced, it will need to be tuned. This maximizes the stability and will allow for the smoothest camera movements possible. NOTE Hardware that is mounted to the camera or the MōVI Pro must be firmly secured; loose hardware can limit the stabilization performance by causing unwanted vibrations during the tuning process. BASIC TUNING 1. Make sure the camera payload, including all accessories are in place, tightly secured, and well-balanced. 2.
NOTE Autotuning can also be accessed and initiated through the display screen on the GCU for convenient autotuning when a mobile device is not available. ADVANCED TUNING The advanced tuning options give the user direct control over the MōVI Pro’s camera stabilization. This allows users to customize the MōVI Pro to meet their exact needs with features such as Filters, Jolt Rejection, and more. Advanced tuning is not recommended for normal usage.
T UNI NG FILTERS NOTE It will take experience to recognize the symptoms of too-high or too-low filters and trial-and-error to find the optimum values for a particular setup. 1. If the gimbal is vibrating at a high frequency after tuning, increase the filter values. 2. If the gimbal is oscillating or rocking at a low frequency after tuning, decrease the filter values.
JOLT REJ ECTION To help enable higher Hold Strength settings while mitigating some of the cons listed above, Jolt Rejection can sense jolts and soften the gimbals recovery effort. Tuning Jolt Recovery Jolt Rejection helps prevent the MōVI Pro from overshooting its target orientation when responding to a sudden disturbance. A higher Jolt Rejection value increases the softening of the response; however, values that are too high can cause the MōVI Pro to react too slowly to disturbances.
UPDATING THE MōVI PRO The MōVI Pro will arrive with the latest firmware already installed, so updating is not required before the MōVI Pro is initially ready for use. When future firmware versions are released, users can update the MōVI Pro using the following steps. 1. Download the latest version of the MōVI Pro app to your mobile device from the App Store or Google Play. 2. Turn on the MōVI Pro, and make sure it is fully charged and has finished booting. 3.
ECOSYSTEM SETUP The MōVI Pro was designed to integrate seamlessly with the current ecosystem of Freefly products. Through the use of our industry favorite Toad In The Hole connector and features specifically designed and programmed for product synthesis, the MōVI Pro is the world’s most versatile camera movement system.
RAD IO to use to pair the MIMIC with your MōVI Pro. STATUS SIG NA L ST R E NGTH SELECT CHANNEL 4. BIND Turn on the MōVI Pro and proceed to the Radio Screen. Use “Select Channel” to set the MōVI Pro to the same channel as the MIMIC. Press the Bind button on the MōVI Pro; a progress bar will appear showing the amount of time remaining to pair the device to a MIMIC. RAD IO 5. Press the Bind button on the MIMIC within 5 seconds of pressing the Bind button on the MōVI Pro.
SE T T I NG U P MIMIC B ETA AN D Mō V I P R O Items Needed »» MōVI Pro »» MōVI RX* »» MIMIC Beta* *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Ensure that the MIMIC Beta TX and Freefly RX are set to the same channel. The channel is set by a small dial located on the TX and RX. 2. Ensure the Freefly RX’s 5 pin connector is plugged into the COM1 port on the MōVI Pro GCU. 3. Ensure the 5 pin connector from the MIMIC Beta is plugged into the MIMIC TX.
4. Turn on the MōVI Pro and make sure the MIMIC Beta TX and Freefly RX status LED are illuminated, indicating both have power. 5. Press and hold the Bind button on the Freefly RX for 2-3 seconds before releasing it. 6. Wait for the RX’s status LED to slowly flash orange. This indicates the TX has been found. 7. Press and hold the Bind button on the MIMIC Beta TX until the status LED turns orange. The MIMIC Beta TX and Freefly RX are now binding. 8.
NOTE For instructions on the operating procedure and other information on the MIMIC Beta please visit freeflysystems.com/software-manuals and download the MIMIC Beta User Manual. MōVI CONTROLLER + MōVI PRO A MōVI Controller can take complete control of the MōVI Pro’s camera movement, settings, and receive telemetry from the camera, allowing users to make on the fly adjustment to key MōVI Pro parameters.
6. Set Radio Action to Bind. a. Home > Radio Config > Radio Action (select Bind with Menu Set knob) 7. Press Menu Set knob to enact Bind command. 8. Wait 20 seconds until MōVI Controller and MōVI RX are bound. NOTE | For instructions on the operating procedure and other information on the MōVI Controller, please visit freeflysystems.com/software-manuals and download the MōVI Controller User Manual.
FUTABA OR SPEKTRUM RADIO + MōVI PRO B I ND I NG PROC EDU RE 1. Bind an approved Spektrum or Futaba RC radio with it’s receiver using the instructions provided by the respective RC radio manufacturer. 2. Use the MōVI Pro App to connect to the MōVI Pro and select correct radio type option under the Dual Op menu. 3. Plug the receiver into COM2 port on the GCU and map your RC radio’s channels to the correct outputs using the MōVI Pro App. 4.
In this configuration the second MōVI Controller controls the MōVI Pro’s orientation while the first MōVI Controller controls FIZ. NOTE When a single MōVI Controller is connected to the MōVI Pro it will control both the orientation of the gimbal and all FIZ control. Adding a second MoVI Controller to COM 2 will reassign orientation control to the second MōVI Controller.
SE T T I NG U P Mō VI PRO + AER O L AN D I N G GEAR Items Needed »» MōVI Pro »» MōVI Dock* »» MōVI Pro Aero Landing Gear* »» 2.5mm Hex driver *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Attach the long carbon fiber tubes to the landing gear cross beam to assemble the front landing gear. Use the levers to hand tighten the rods into place. 2. Place MōVI Pro on a MōVI Dock and use four M3 screws to attach the front landing gear to the front of the MōVI Pro’s Pan arm. 3.
NOTE Attaching the rear landing gear does not require excessive force. Always slide the rear landing gear into its slot using a lateral motion. G ROUNDVIEW Items Needed »» MōVI Pro + Landing Gear* »» ALTA* *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Connect the ALTA with the MōVI Pro using the TITH connector.
2. Lock the TITH to secure the MōVI Pro in place, and the MōVI is now flight ready! SKYVI E W Items Needed »» MōVI Pro »» ALTA SkyView Landing Gear* »» ALTA* *These items are not included with the MōVI Pro. 1. Attach SkyView landing gear to the ALTA using the TITH connector underneath the ALTA. 2. Remove the Quick Release Top Handle by disconnecting it from the TITH connector on top of the ALTA.
3. Attach the MōVI Pro to the top of the ALTA and lock into place using the upper TITH connector. 4. The MōVI Pro is now flight ready. NOTE For instructions on the operating procedure and other information on the ALTA, please visit freeflysystems.com/software-manuals and download the ALTA Aircraft Flight Manual. TERO + MōVI PRO Place the MōVI Pro in the middle of a stunt scene for a dynamic low camera angle shot while maintaining complete control and stability.
1. Connect the TERO with the MōVI Pro using the TITH connector. 2. Lock the TITH to secure the MōVI Pro in place, and the MōVI Pro is now ready to drive! MōVI RING PRO + MōVI PRO MōVI Ring Pro is designed to allow users to create content more quickly and effectively than ever before. SE T T I NG U P Mō VI RING P R O AN D Mō V I P R O Items Needed »» MōVI Pro »» (6) M3 Nylon Lock Nuts * »» MōVI Ring Pro* »» (2) Grip Tape* »» 2.
a. Make sure that the foot is orientated outward and has a forward lean of 4° from horizontal. 2. Use the hex driver to fasten the foot to the MōVI Ring Pro using (3) M3x8 bolts and (3) nylon lock nuts. Repeat steps 1-2 with the second foot. 3. Wrap the grip tape around the carbon tube in your preferred locations if desired. 4. Attach the grip disks to the MōVI Ring Pro using (4) M3x8 bolts in your preferred location.
5. Use the (4) M3x6 screws to attach the MōVI Pro Low Profile Handle to the Ring Pro to it faces in the same direction as the MōVI Ring Pro feet. 6. Attach your MōVI Pro using the TITH and confirm that the TITH is properly engaged and secured.
NOTE | When mounting the MōVI Ring Pro feet make sure that they are angled outward and the ring leans forward 4 degrees when placed on a flat surface. Improper attachment of the MōVI Ring Pro’s feet can lead to instability and potentially cause damage to your MōVI Pro and Camera Package.
CONFIGURING THE MōVI PRO Setting Configurations MōVI Pro Embedded Display Configurations 86 MōVI Pro App Configurations 91 FIZ Motors Configurations 94 Mode Configuration 96 Configuring the MōVI Pro is easy. With a built-in control screen and mobile app that can assume complete control over the MōVI Pro’s settings, a user can adjust tuning values, remote controller setup, and switch modes on the fly.
APPS AND SOFTWARE SETTING CONFIGURATIONS VIA THE MōVI PRO DISPLAY The MōVI Pro is equipped with a built-in display and display navigation system. This allows a user to check the MōVI Pro’s system status and make quick adjustments to tuning, tilt mode, radio options, and more. M O NI TOR S C REEN This screen monitors the MōVI Pro’s battery levels and system details including warnings and device status. OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1.
T UNI NG S C REENS These screens allow users to autotune or perform manual tuning adjustments to the MōVI Pro without needing to connect to another device. Autotune Screen OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Percentage Set Autotune percentage, a higher value will result in a configuration closer to the max stiffness. 2. Start Initiates the autotuning feature on the MōVI Pro and displays a progress bar. 3. Next Screen Button Takes users to the next GCU screen. 4.
Tuning Screen OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Toggle Toggles through the stiffness and filter parameters for each axis. 2. Select Selects the highlighted parameter and moves to the respective parameter adjustment screen. 3. Stiffness Values (Pan, Roll, Tilt) Displays a visual of the Pan, Roll, or Tilt stiffness values. 4. Filter Values (Pan, Roll, Tilt) Displays a visual of the Pan, Roll, or Tilt filter values. 5. Next Screen Button Takes users to the next GCU screen. 6.
B A LA NCE S C REEN This screen allows users to see the MōVI Pro’s balance quality by displaying the amount of motor correction needed to keep the camera stabilized. A perfectly balanced camera will show stationary white markers at the middle of the Pan, Roll, and Tilt bars on the balance screen. OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Pan, Roll, and Tilt Visuals Displays the real-time motor activity needed to maintain camera stability. 2.
T I LT M OD E S C REEN This screen allows users to control the MōVI Pro’s tilt mode without the need of a second device. OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Tilt Mode Status Displays the current Tilt Mode status. 2. Majestic Angle/Smooth Lock Switches the Tilt Mode from Smooth Lock to Majestic Angle. Pressing the same button will return the Tilt Mode to Smooth Lock. 3. Next Screen Button Takes users to the next GCU screen. 4. Previous Screen Button Takes users to the previous GCU screen.
SETTING CONFIGURATION VIA THE FREEFLY MōVI PRO APP The Freefly MōVI Pro App grants users complete control over MōVI Pro and all of its settings. The app is designed to be intuitive and easy to use while not limiting MōVI Pro’s versatility. NOTE Any configuration created by a user can be stored by the MōVI Pro App via the Presets menu, which is accesible through the caret at the top of the Configuration menu. Select "New" and input a filename to create a configuration of the current settings.
GENERAL MENU MōVI Pro’s settings are accessible through the General icon under the Configurations menu. Main Panel OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Gimbal Application Icon Select whether the MōVI Pro will be used in “Handheld” or “Airborne” mode. This selection will affect the center position of the Mode switch in while in Dual-Op by enabling Majestic Pan in “Handheld” mode or locking each axis for take-off and landing in “Airborne” mode. 2.
Expert Panel OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Heading Assist Use to orient the MōVI Pro under different circumstances. “Fixed Mount” should be used when the MōVI Pro is stationary to avoid any pan drift; “GPS” should be used in high acceleration situations commonly observed when using the MōVI Pro with an aerial platform, and “Compass” can be used when the MōVI Pro is handheld or aerial. 2. Declination Set the declination angle when using the “Compass” Heading Assist mode.
FIZ SETTING CONFIGURATION VIA THE MōVI CONTROLLER Use the MōVI Controller for complete command over your MōVI Pro’s FIZ motor setup. Real time focus, iris, and zoom control in addition to individual axis configuration tools provide users with a fully customizable FIZ system. FIZ CONFIGURATIONS These configurations can only be changed using the MōVI Controller and MōVI Pro in tandem. FIZ Config OPTIONS DESCRIPTION Settings Action Select MōVI Controller setting action.
FIZ Axis Config OPTIONS DESCRIPTION Axis Selection Select the FIZ axis that will be edited. Settings action Select MōVI Controller setting action. This only affects settings that are persistent and not state dependent. Motor Model Select motor model to adjust control loop gains, fault settings Dampening Change the strength of the low pass filter being used on the input control knob. Knob Direction Change the control direction of the input interface. Motor Direction Change the motor direction.
MODES The creation of professional cinematographic content is made simple through the use of MōVI Pro’s modes from intuitive orientation control, to custom dynamic time lapses, and more. All of the MōVI Pro’s modes are accessible through the MōVI Pro app and the MōVI Controller. MA JESTIC MODE Majestic Mode allows a single user to have complete control over the MōVI Pro by stabilizing the camera and following movement inputs from the user.
OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 4. Pan Smoothing Adjust the smoothing value applied to the pan axis. Smaller values will result in gimbal movements that are more directly related to handle movements. 5. Pan Window Define the range of handle movement that will be ignored by the MōVI Pro in Majestic Mode. This will allow for unintentional movements to be ignored. TIMELAPSE MODE Timelapse mode lets users create stunning camera movements for timelapses in seconds.
Path Panel OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Preview Initiate condensed preview of the timelapse path. 2. Start Initiate the timelapse progression through all keyframes using the total duration calculated on the Setup panel. 3. Clear Delete all keyframes. 4. Keyframe Display Display each of the keyframes being used and the pan and tilt path used to travel from one keyframe to the next. 5. Virtual Joystick Use to set or edit keyframe positions. 6. Add, Set, Done Use to add and edit the timelapse keyframes.
DUAL OP MODE Dual Op mode allows one operator to concentrate on framing and lens control while another operator has control of movement. Dual Op is possible using the MIMIC, MōVI Controller, or certain 3rd party RC controllers. Setup Panel OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Controller Select the type of radio controller being used in Dual Op mode. 2. Bind Start binding procedure with the Dual Op device. The app will provide all instructions needed to bind the remote controller to the MōVI Pro. 3.
Use the following guide to map Spektrum and Futaba radios. Mapping for Spektrum Transmitter RADIO TYPE NOTE 6 Map Remote Pan -2 Map Remote Pan Rate 1 Map Remote Tilt -3 Map Remote Tilt Rate -7 Map Remote Roll Trim -4 Mapping for Futaba Transmitter RADIO TYPE NOTE | S. DSMX 2048 Map Remote Mode S.
Adjustments Panel OPTIONS DESCRIPTION MIMIC Mode Select the mode (Direct, Level Roll, Majestic Pan, Majestic Pan/Tilt) in which the MIMIC controls the MōVI Pro. » Direct mode allows the MIMIC to control MōVI Pro’s pan, tilt, and roll movement. » Level Roll mode allows the MIMIC to control the MōVI Pro’s pan and tilt movement. » Majestic Pan mode allows the MIMIC to control the MōVI Pro’s pan movement in majestic mode.
TARGET MODE Target Mode allows the MōVI Pro to track a GPS coordinate or the Freefly MIMIC automatically. In Target Mode, the MōVI Pro autonomously frames the subject using the positional data from the MōVI Pro and/or MIMIC sensor. OPTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Toggle Turn Target mode on and off by selecting the virtual toggle. 2. Mode Select the MōVI Pro’s target. • Position mode will target a specific location. • Position/Alt mode will target a specific location and altitude.
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE G I M BA L WON’T TU RN ON POSSIBLE CAUSE POSSIBLE SOLUTION Batteries are discharged Replace discharged batteries with fully charged batteries Batteries are damaged Replace all damaged batteries Dispose of damaged batteries properly G I M BA L ON BU T NO S TABI L I ZATI O N O N O N E O R M O R E A X I S POSSIBLE CAUSE POSSIBLE SOLUTION Axis Stiffness is set to 0 Use GCU Display or Mobile App to raise the stiffness values on axes with (0) stiffness A Motor Drive has been reset
H ORI ZON (ROL L AXIS ) IS N OT L EV EL U N D ER H AR D ACC E LE RAT I O N S POSSIBLE CAUSE POSSIBLE SOLUTION GPS signal not present Wait for GPS status to lock N O CONT ROL IN DU AL OP ER ATO R M O D E POSSIBLE CAUSE POSSIBLE SOLUTION Dual Operator Radio Controller is off, or set to Kill or Majestic Mode Turn on Radio Controller and set Mode Switch to Dual Operator (DUAL) Mode Radio Controller Mapping is misconfigured If you are using a 3rd party Radio Controller (Spektrum DX7), ensure that the Ra
PARAMETER DEFAULT VALUE Target Height Offset 0 m Tilt Hold Strength 30 Tilt Joystick Expo 10 % Tilt Joystick Smoothing Tilt Joystick Window Tilt Majestic Pan 5 8 μs 135 deg Tilt Smoothing 10 Tilt Stiffness 0 Tilt Trim 0 Tilt Window 5 Timelapse Interval | 2 s OPERATION M A N U A L 108
FIELD FIELD DESCRIPTION Yaw deg The IMU derived yaw angle where positive values indicate yaw in the clockwise direction Yaw Rate deg/s The IMU derived yaw rate where positive values indicate a clockwise rotation To download the most current user manual for the MōVI Pro and all other Freefly products, please visit http://freeflysystems.