User Manual

Target Mode allows the MōVI Pro to track a GPS coordinate or the Freefly MIMIC automatically. In
Target Mode, the MōVI Pro autonomously frames the subject using the positional data from the
MōVI Pro and/or MIMIC sensor.
1. Toggle Turn Target mode on and off by selecting the virtual toggle.
2. Mode Select the MōVI Pro’s target.
Position mode will target a specific location.
Position/Alt mode will target a specific location and altitude.
Target MIMIC mode will target the location of the bound MIMIC.
3. Height Offset Select a height offset for Pos/Alt mode.
4. Target Mode Mark a the GPS location that MōVI Pro targets
while in Pos and Pos/Alt mode.
5. HACC Display Displays the horizontal accuracy of the GPS.
6. Heading Assist Display Displays the Heading Assist mode.
7. Tracking Display Displays the MōVI Pro’s Target mode status.
Target Mode performance relies significantly
on the quality of the GPS signal and a good
compass calibration. Experimentation with target
mode in different situations and environments
is recommended before use in productions.