User Manual

Dual Op mode allows one operator to concentrate on framing and lens control while another
operator has control of movement. Dual Op is possible using the MIMIC, MōVI Controller, or certain
3rd party RC controllers.
Setup Panel
1. Controller Select the type of radio controller being used in Dual Op mode.
2. Bind Start binding procedure with the Dual Op device. The app will provide
all instructions needed to bind the remote controller to the MōVI Pro.
3. Mode Select the radio channel for Gimbal Mode. This should be mapped to a
three-position switch to control modes (Kill, Majestic, Dual Op).
4. Pan Select the radio channel for pan. It is recommended that the pan
should be mapped to the right joystick’s horizontal axis.
5. Pan Rate Select the radio channel for pan rate. It is recommended
that the pan rate should be mapped to the left
joystick’s vertical axis or a rotary knob.
6. Roll Trim Select the radio channel for roll trim.
7. Tilt Curve Fit Select the radio channel for tilt. It is recommended that the
tilt should be mapped to the right joystick’s vertical axis.
8. Tilt Rate Select the radio channel for tilt rate. It is recommended
that the tilt rate should be mapped to the left
joystick’s vertical axis or a rotary knob.
9. Shutter Select the radio channel for remote shutter
release or start/stop function.