User Manual

Expert Panel
1. Heading Assist Use to orient the MōVI Pro under different circumstances. “Fixed
Mount” should be used when the MōVI Pro is stationary to avoid any
pan drift; “GPS” should be used in high acceleration situations
commonly observed when using the MōVI Pro with an aerial platform,
and “Compass” can be used when the MōVI Pro is handheld or aerial.
2. Declination Set the declination angle when using the “Compass” Heading
Assist mode. A declination angle is used to adjust for the
Earth’s magnetic variance due to global position.
3. Calibration Calibrate the compass on the MōVI Pro to increase the performance
of the Compass Heading Assist mode. Follow the instructions
provided by the app when initializing a compass calibration.
4. Motion Booting Enable “Motion Booting” to allow MōVI Pro to boot in situations
where there is significant movement during the initialization
process of the gimbal such as on a boat. For optimum performance
in normal use, motion booting should be turned off.
5. Setdown Sleep Enable “Setdown Sleep” to allow MōVI Pro to enter sleep mode
when motors are stalled for more than 4 seconds. MōVI Pro
will exit sleep mode when joint motion is detected.
6. Power Supply Select “LiPo” or “External” as the MōVI Pro’s Power supply.
8. Logging Rate Select MōVI Pro’s data logging rate.
9. Data Logging Enable the MōVI Pro’s data logging function
via a MicroSD card in the GCU.
10. Pan Shaky Cam Enable Shaky Cam for the pan axis. Shaky Cam deliberately disturbs
the orientation of the gimbal to create a lead or lag effect.
11. Tilt Shaky Cam Enable Shaky Cam for the tilt axis. Shaky Cam deliberately disturbs
the orientation of the gimbal to create a lead or lag effect.