Users Guide

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5. Map a drive on the verification server to the shared Smart Copy folder that you identified in Step 2. Use the same drive
letter if possible.
6. Point ASM/ME to the shared Smart Copy folder on the verification server.
7. Launch ASM/ME and click Settings in the navigation area.
a. Click General Settings.
b. Specify the path to the shared folder that you defined in step 2. Make sure that the drive letter specifies the local mount
c. Click Save to update the properties. ASM/ME finds the Smart Copies on the creator server and updates the tree panel.
Because these Smart Copies are not found on the local computer, ASM/ME displays a blue question mark icon on the
8. Set up a Global Verification task on the verification server, using the procedure described in Schedule a Global Verification
Task for Checksum Verification and Soft Recovery.
9. Perform the following steps:
a. Select the Process Smart Copies created by another host option.
b. Consider setting the Global Verification window to the maximum possible 24-hour period if the sole purpose of the
verification server is Checksum Verification and Soft Recovery.
c. Specify a user account that has appropriate permission to access the Smart Copies (according to the shared folder
The verification server now watches the shared folder and processes any unverified Smart Copies according to its Global
Verification window. When you select a Smart Copy, its verification status is listed in its properties.
View Checksum Verification and Soft Recovery Status
1. Expand the Smart Copy node until an Exchange Smart Copy (indicated by the gray camera icon) is visible.
2. Select a Smart Copy node (indicated by the gray camera icon) and view its properties. If the status is successful, ASM/ME
displays Successfully Verified and Successful for Checksum Verification and Soft Recovery status, respectively.
Checksum Verification and Soft Recovery Logging and Notification
Your notification preferences for Smart Copy creation also apply to Checksum Verification and Soft Recovery operations.
However, you have the option to combine the Checksum Verification notification and the Soft Recovery notification emails into
a single message, or receive two separate notifications.
Use the ASM/ME Notification Settings tab to configure this option. See Notification Settings. If you configure notification
email, a partial log from the most recent run is attached to the email.
Any errors that occur during Checksum Verification and Soft Recovery operations are logged in the event log.
A running log is maintained by the verifier at the following location:
Program Files\Equallogic\Logs\EqlExVerifier.log
To avoid consuming excessive disk space, ASM/ME creates a new log file when the current file exceeds 10MB. The old log file is
saved at the following location:
Program Files\Equallogic\Logs\EqlExVerifier_0.log
ASM/ME maintains two log files:
current log
preceding log
If you need to retain older logs, use the Windows Task Scheduler to copy the log to another location.
Create Exchange Smart Copies
You can create Smart Copies of mailbox databases (Exchange 2016 and 2019), volumes, and collections.
For help understanding options in the Create Smart Copy wizard, see Exchange Smart Copy Options on page 71.
1. Expand the Applications, Volumes, or Collections node.
Using ASM/ME with Exchange