Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 15. ASM/ME Tree Panel Nodes (continued)
Node Description
Schedules Designated times, dates, and frequency for creating Smart Copies. When configured,
the Global Verification Task appears under this node. (See Create or Modify the
Global Verification Task.)
On a cluster node, schedules that depend on cluster resources can be edited only on
the node that currently owns those resources. However, any changes made are
replicated to all possible owner nodes for the resources.
Smart Copies
Smart Copies are organized under the original object (volume, collection, or
application). Each Smart Copy is assigned a timestamp. The replicas, clones, or
snapshots in the set also have a timestamp.
On a cluster node, some actions on a Smart Copy Set are restricted to the node that
owns the cluster resources that the Smart Copy set depends on.
Under the Smart Copies node, additional nodes might appear:
BrokenThis node contains Smart Copies that cannot be validated, because part
of the Smart Copy set is missing, or because the snapshot reserve for one of the
volumes is out of space. See View Available Smart Copies for more information.
RecoverableThis node contains the Smart Copies of a cloned volume that was
deleted on the PS Series group. See Smart Copy Properties for Volumes for more
UnreachableThis node contains Smart Copies for volumes on a PS Series group
that cannot be reached during validation. See View Available Smart Copies for
more information.
Smart Copy sets are for individual volumes, collections, and applications. Depending
on the type of Smart Copy, you can mount it and restore it.
You can also:
Delete a Smart Copy
Display the backup document for the Smart Copy
Validate the Smart Copy with reference to a connected PS Series group. If the
validation operation fails, the Smart Copy is classified as broken or unreachable.
(See Smart Copy Validation.)
The MultiPath node expands to display detailed information about the multipath
sessions for the host.
Tree Panel Icons
Nodes in the ASM/ME tree panel have associated icons, described in the following table. The icons can vary, depending on the
state of the component associated with that node. For example, a node that is all gray does not support certain ASM/ME
Table 16. ASM/ME Tree Panel Icons
Icon Definition
All Hosts nodeThe object nodes for each host (Applications, Volumes, Collections, Schedules, and Smart
Copies) are listed under the Host node.
Local host nodeThis icon represents the host on which the current instance of ASM/ME is running.
Remote host nodeThis icon represents a Group, SharePoint farm, or cluster node in the HIT Group.
Applications list nodeSupported applications, such as an SQL server, are listed under this node.
Application nodeThe application is supported and functioning correctly.
34 ASM/ME Graphical User Interface