MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems Edition 11 Manufacturing Part Number: 32650-90877 E0300 U.S.A.
Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing or use of this material.
Contents 1. Commands by Task Task-Related Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Command Structure Defined Commands and Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Native Mode Command Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remote Sessions and Command Intrinsics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 14. Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .594 A. Predefined Variables in MPE/iX B. Expression Evaluator Functions References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .646 Expression Evaluator Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .652 C.
Tables Table 2-1.. Parm= values for the CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Table 3-1.. Default Parameters for the ALTACCT Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Table 3-2.. Default Values for the ALTGROUP Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Table 3-3.. Default Values for the ALTUSER Command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Table 4-1.. Logical Operators - The CALC Command . . . . . . . .
Tables Table B-2.. FINFO Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648 Table C-1.. MPE/iX Terminal Types and Similar MPE V/E Terminal Types . . . . . . . . . . 661 Table C-2.. MPE/iX Printer Types and Similar MPE V/E Terminal Types. . . . . . . . . . . . 661 Table C-3.. MPE V/E Terminal and Similar MPE/iX Terminal Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 Table C-4.. MPE V/E Terminal and Similar MPE/iX Printer Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preface The eleventh edition of the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual is one volume with command descriptions alphabetically from A through X. This manual is written for all users of the HP 3000 MPE/iX Computers. MPE/iX, Multiprogramming Executive with Integrated POSIX, is the latest in a series of forward-compatible operating systems for the HP 3000 line of computers. In HP documentation and in talking with HP 3000 users, you will encounter references to MPE XL, the direct predecessor of MPE/iX.
Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this manual. italics In a syntax statement or an example, a word in intalics represents a parameter or argument that you must replace with the actual value. In the following example, you must replace filename with the name of the file: COMMAND filename {} In a syntax statement, braces enclose required elements. When several elements are included within braces, you must select one.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands 1 Commands by Task Commands are used to communicate with the MPE/iX operating system. They request MPE/iX to perform a specific task or provide specific information. Task-Related Commands This chapter is an introduction to MPE/iX commands and their functions, categorized by the task they perform. The categories of tasks identified for MPE/iX commands are: • Accessing Subsystems and Utilities. • Command Interpreter Programming Tools. • Communicating with Other Users.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands accomplish, turn to chapter 2 of this manual for complete information about the syntax, parameters, operation, use, and examples for that command. For your convenience, the commands in chapter 2 are listed in alphabetical order. Command Function Accessing Subsystems and Utilities DEBUG Instructs MPE/iX to enter the system debugger. EDITOR Starts the EDIT/3000 subsystem. FCOPY Runs the FCOPY subsystem HELP Accesses the help subsystem.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands Communicating with Other Users TELL Sends a message to another active session. TELLOP Sends a message to the system console. WARN Sends an urgent message to jobs/sessions. WELCOME Used to create the system welcome message. Executing User Programs LINK Creates an executable program file. OCTCOMP Converts a compiled MPE V/E program into native mode code for the HP 3000 Series 900.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands DEVCNTRL Script that ejects a tape an/or sets a tape device online. DISASSOCIATE Removes control of a device from a user. DOWN Removes a device from normal system use. DOWNLOAD Downloads format information to a line printer. HEADOFF Stops header/trailer output to a device. HEADON Resumes header/trailer output to a device. SET Sets terminal and $STDLIST configuration. SETMSG Enables/disables receipt of user or operator messages on the terminal.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands PURGELINK Deletes a symbolic link, empty directory, or a regular file. RELEASE Removes all security provisions for a file. RENAME Changes the name of a file. RESET Cancels file equations. RESTORE Returns files stored on tape to the system. SAVE Saves a file in the permanent system file domain. SECURE Restores security provisions for a file. STORE Copies disk files onto magnetic tape for storage.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands system or for individual job queues. LISTJOBQ Lists a job queue LISTREDO Displays the contents of the command line history stack. =LOGOFF Aborts all executing jobs/sessions and prevents any further logons. =LOGON Enables job/session processing following a =LOGOFF command. NEWJOBQ Creates a new job queue PAUSE Sleep for a specified number of seconds or until a job(s) terminates.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands Managing System Resources ALLOCATE Loads a compatibility mode program or procedure into main memory. ALLOW Grants a user access to a specific operator command. ALTPROC Changes the priority for the specified processes. CONSOLE Changes the system console from its current device to another job-accepting terminal. DEALLOCATE Deallocates a program or procedure previously loaded into memory with the ALLOCATE command.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands LOG Starts, restarts, or stops user logging. RELLOG Removes a user logging identifier from the system. RESUMELOG Resumes system logging following suspension caused by an error. SHOWLOG Displays the number of the system's current log file and the percentage of disk space used. SHOWLOG-STATUS Displays status information about opened user logging files assigned to a logging identifier. SHOWNMLOG Displays the number and available space of the current NM log file.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands VSRELEASESYS Cancels a previously issued VSRESERVESYS command for a specified volume set. VSRESERVE Reserves a particular volume set online. VSRESERVESYS Reserves a volume set online system-wide. VSUSER Lists all users of a currently reserved, mountable volume set. Using Command Files and User-Defined Commands ANYPARM Define a parameter that accepts all characters without the need for quotes.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands entry point and creates an object file. COB74XLG Compiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/XL program using the ANSI 1974 standard entry point. COB74XLK Compiles and links an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1974 ANSI standard entry point. COB85XL Compiles an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1985 ANSI standard entry point and creates an object file. COB85XLG Compiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/XL program using the ANSI 1985 standard entry point.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands mode. RPGPREP Compiles and prepares an RPG/V program in compatibility mode. RPGXL Compiles an RPG/XL program. RPGXLGO Compiles, links, and executes an RPG/XL program. RPGXLLK Compiles and links an RPG/XL program. SPL Compiles a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPLGO Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPLPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode SPL/V program.
Commands by Task Task-Related Commands 20 Chapter 1
Command Structure Defined Commands and Parameters 2 Command Structure Defined This chapter provides information on MPE/iX commands structure and how to use them. Commands and Parameters MPE/iX commands tell the computer to perform a specific function. The parameters you enter for each command tell the computer to perform the function in a specific way. MPE/iX uses four classifications of parameters: • Required parameters. • Optional parameters. • Keyword parameters. • Positional parameters.
Command Structure Defined Native Mode Command Structure Positional Parameters The meaning of a positional parameter depends upon its position (location) in the parameter list. In the syntax diagrams for each command in this chapter, positional parameters are separated from each other by a comma (,). If you omit a positional parameter from the list, you must provide the comma placeholder that would normally precede that parameter.
Command Structure Defined Native Mode Command Structure • By combining positional and keyword specification Another difference between the NM parser and the CM parser is that the CM parser restricts a single comand parameter value to be <=255 characters. On the NM side, the value is limited by the size of the CI’s command buffer.
Command Structure Defined Native Mode Command Structure • With or without leading zeros. • As positive or negative numbers. • Preceded by the $ sign indicating hexadecimal or base 16. • Precdeded by the % sign indicating octal or base 8. • Preceded by the # sign indicating decimal or base 10 (if neither $, % nor # is specified base 10 is used). • In the decimal range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. For example, suppose you wanted to suspend spooling on LDEV 6, your system printer.
Command Structure Defined Native Mode Command Structure this string contains both a semi-colon and parentheses, you would enter SETVAR as follows: SETVAR MYVAR ";(A)" As another example, suppose you wanted to use the INFO= parameter of the RUN command to pass the following string (which contains both commas and spaces) BLUE RIGHT 24, SPLIT LEFT, 2.
Command Structure Defined Native Mode Command Structure For most CM commands, the CM parser processes quoted strings in the same way as the NM parser. However, the CM parser limits the length of quoted strings to 255 characters. Exceptions There are four exceptions to the syntax governing MPE/iX commands: • User command parameter lists (which may affect string quoting rules). • The SETVAR command. • The XEQ command.
Command Structure Defined Native Mode Command Structure invoke the UDC like this: UDCA PARM="THE ""END"" IS NEAR" Or, you could enter this: UDCA "THE ""END"" IS NEAR" NOTE If a parameter value begins with a quote it must have a matching end quote. If it does not begin with a quote it may contain embedded quotes which will be treated as any other character. For more information on the use of quotes, refer to the section "Using Quotes and Strings" earlier in this chapter.
Command Structure Defined Remote Sessions and Command Intrinsics Remote Sessions and Command Intrinsics When used to invoke commands on remote systems the COMMAND or HPCICOMMAND intrinsics do not return a meaningful status code. For more information on calling intrinsics refer to the MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual. Running the CI as a Program The MPE/iX Command Interpreter (CI) is a Native Mode Program.
Command Structure Defined Running the CI as a Program NOTE Chapter 2 Parm -1 and -2 can be defeated via a SYSGEN misc configuration setting.
Command Structure Defined Running the CI as a Program 30 Chapter 2
Command List I 3 Command List I Chapters I thru XII provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Commands ABORT to BYE ABORT Aborts the current program or operation suspended by BREAK. (Native Mode) Syntax ABORT Parameters None. Operation Notes The ABORT command terminates a process that has been suspended by pressing the Break key. Programs do not terminate while critical system code is executing on their behalf, but terminate immediately following execution of that code.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Syntax ABORTIO ldev =ABORTIO ldev Parameters ldev The logical device number of the device for which you intend to abort one pending I/O request. Operation Notes This command aborts a single pending I/O request for the specified ldev.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Examples To abort a pending I/O request for logical device 53, enter: ABORTIO 53 It is necessary to issue several ABORTIO commands to abort all pending I/O operations on a spooled device, as shown below: STOPSPOOL 5 11:20/31/SP#5/STOPPED 11:20/31/LDEV#5 NOT READY REFUSE 5 ABORTIO 5 ABORTIO 5 11:21/40/NO I/O TO ABORT FOR DEVICE 5 Related Information Commands SHOWDEV Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks ABORTJOB/ =ABORTJOB Aborts a job or session.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE The ABORTJOB command can be applied to waiting and scheduled jobs, as well as to executing jobs. If the spooler input file ($STDIN) for a batch job has been created and not yet opened (in other words, the job is in the WAIT state), the entire file is deleted. If the ABORTJOB command is issued before the output spoolfile is complete, only that portion of the file already spooled is printed, along with an error message indicating that the job was aborted.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE PIN 23 HAS BEEN ABORTED 17:10/#S6/120/LOGOFF ON LDEV #58 Related Information Commands ALTJOB, BREAKJOB, JOBFENCE, JOBSECURITY, RESUMEJOB, SHOWJOB, STREAM Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks ABORTPROC The ABORTPROC command aborts the specified process(es). This command requires OP or SM capability. Syntax ABORTPROC [ [PIN=]{pinspec }] {(pinspec [,pinspec ]...)} [;SYSTEM] Parameters pinspec The process(es) to abort. This is a required parameter.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE 0 User 1 Son 2 Usermain 3 reserved 4 System Y Y Y n/a N 5 Detached Y 6 JSMAIN 7 reserved N n/a SM or OP capability. SM or OP capability. SM or OP capability. n/a Not Abortable! Must specify ;SYSTEM. SM capability is required. Not Abortable! n/a Processes with a process type of 0, 1 or 2 are considered user processes, and are abortable by any user with SM or OP capabilities. The Command Interpreter (CI) process for all jobs and sessions has a process type of two.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE process that is already marked as dying, a CI warning is reported. Use System supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM) capability is required to execute the ABORTPROC command. SM capability is necessary to abort detached system processes. The ABORTPROC command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [Break] aborts the execution of this command. NOTE Users with AM capability may only abort jobs and sessions within their own account.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE DATA The designated device recognizes the DATA command. Data-accepting devices are not supported. NOTE If you omit both the JOBS and the DATA parameters, then both the JOB and HELLO commands, and the DATA command are allowed. ldev The logical device number of the device for which the JOB, HELLO, and/or DATA commands are being enabled.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE ALLOCATE Loads a compatibility mode program or procedure into virtual memory. Syntax ALLOCATE [ PROCEDURE, | PROGRAM, ] name Parameters PROCEDURE The procedure in SL.PUB.SYS to be allocated. The default is PROGRAM. PROGRAM The program file to be allocated. Default. name The name of the program file or procedure to be allocated.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Example To allocate a procedure identified as PROC1, that resides in SL.PUB.SYS, enter: ALLOCATE PROCEDURE,PROC1 Program files residing in the nonsystem domain (a volume set) are not allocated. Attempts to do so result in a LOAD ERR 92 message. Related Information Commands DEALLOCATE Manuals Introduction to MPE XL for MPE V Programmers ALLOW Grants a user access to a specific operator command. Syntax ALLOW FILE=formaldesignator[ ;SHOW] ALLOW[ @.@ | user.@ | @.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE administrators since, once you make the file, you can reuse it to disallow the set of commands (via the DISALLOW command) or to allow the same set of commands again. Here is an example of an indirect file: EDITOR HP32201A.07.17 EDIT/3000 TUES, MAY 29, 1994, 5:08 PM (C) HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. 1985 /ADD 1 SUSAN.PAYROLL;COMMANDS=ALTJOB,ALTSPOOLFILE 2 JOHN.ACCTNG;COMMANDS=ALTJOB,DELETESPOOLFILE 3 // ...
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE the actual system console and must be preceded by cntl-A. Some console commands have the same name as non-console commands, an example is RECALL, which may be executed on any device. The following is a list of commands that may be allowed.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE [ ;MAXPRI=[ subqueuename] ] [ ;LOCATTR=[ localattribute] ] [ ;ONVS=volumesetname] [ ;USERPASS=[ {REQ | OPT } ] ] (1) (1) The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. Parameters acctname The name of the account to be altered. password The password to be assigned to the account. If you omit password, any existing password is removed. If you omit PASS=, any existing password is unchanged.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE System Supervisor = OP Network Administrator = NA Node Manager = NM Save Files = SF Access to Nonshareable I/O Devices = ND Use Volumes = UV Use Communication Subsystem = CS Programmatic Sessions = PS User Logging = LG Process Handling = PH Extra Data Segments = DS Multiple RINs = MR Privileged Mode = PM Interactive Access = IA Batch Access = BA Default is AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, IA, BA, except for the SYS account. The SYS account has no true default.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE CAUTION User processes executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the system. If you assign these subqueues to nonpriority processes, other critical system processes may be prevented from executing. Exercise extreme caution when choosing subqueues. localattribute Local attribute of the account, as defined at the installation site. This is a double-word bit map, of arbitrary meaning, that might be used to further classify accounts.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Table 3-1.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE ALTACCT MALCHIOR;ONVS=TIME_LORD;FILES=20000 You must specify the changes for the system volume set (the first command) and for the volume set itself (the second command). Specifying a volumesetname limits the user to changing only FILES in the second command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE change the UID of a file, you must be one of the following: • The file's account manager (your logon account matches the GID of the file and you have MPE/iX account manager (AM) capability). In this case, ownername must specify a user belonging to the account manager's logon account. • A system manager (a user who has the MPE/iX system manager (SM) user capability). In this case, ownername may specify any user existing in the user database.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE capabilitylist Either 1) a list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted this group, or 2) a list of additions and/or deletions to be applied to the group's existing set of capabilities. Additions and deletions are specified by a "+" or "-" immediately followed by the capability to add or delete, separated by commas. If "+"/"-" is to be specified in the list, then the list must begin with "+" or "-". For example, CAP=+MR,-PH is legal, but CAP=MR,-PH is not.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Each capability is denoted by a two letter mnemonic, as follows: Process Handling = PH Extra Data Segments = DS Multiple RINs = MR Privileged Mode = PM Interactive Access = IA Batch Access = BA Default is IA, BA except for the PUB group of the SYS account which has no true default. It is assigned the maximum group capabilities when the system is delivered and should not normally be changed.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE implicitly specifies APPEND and LOCK. The user types are specified as follows: ANY = AC = GU = AL = GL = Any user Member of this account only Member of this group only Account librarian user only Group librarian user only To specify two or more user or access types, separate them by commas. ONVS A particular volume set for which the group attributes are to be changed. The volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE omitted from an ALTGROUP command, the corresponding value for the group remains unchanged. When a keyword is included but the corresponding parameter is omitted (as in PASS = Return), the default value is assigned. Table 2-3 lists the default values for the ALTGROUP command. Table 3-2. on page 53 shows the default values for the ALTGROUP Command. Table 3-2.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE However, if LEILA does contain files, you cannot change the home volume set for this group without creating a new group and transferring those files to it. Related Information Commands ALTACCT, ALTUSER Manuals Volume Management Reference Manual ALTJOB Alters the attributes of waiting or scheduled jobs. (Native Mode) Syntax ALTJOB[ JOB=] { #Jnnn #Snnn } [ ;INPRI=inputpriority] [ ;OUTDEV={ ldev devclass } ] [.HIPRI][;JOBQ=queuename] Parameters #Jnnn A job number.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Example In the following example, three jobs are submitted by users, each with an INPRI value of 8.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE ALTLOG Alters the attributes of an existing user logging identifier. Syntax ALTLOG logid [ ;LOG=logfile { ,DISC ,TAPE } ] [ ;PASS=password[ { ;AUTO ;NOAUTO } ] Parameters logid The logging identifier whose attributes are to be changed. This identifier must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. logfile The name of the file to receive data from the logging procedure.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Example To change the destination log file of the logging identifier KIM to log file C and specify that C resides on disk, enter: ALTLOG KIM;LOG=C,DISC Since the keyword parameter, PASS=, was omitted, KIM retains any password previously specified.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE @S - all sessions, @J - all jobs, @ - all sessions and jobs The USER and ANYUSER options apply only to jobspec and only if jobspec is wildcarded. The USER option, which is the default, alters only processes matching the user's name, while the ANYUSER option alters all processes matching the wildcarded jobspec. For example, if the user's name is STEVE.UI and you enter the command shown below, then only job processes logged on as STEVE.UI are altered.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE system-defined default workgroup at the base priority (subject to decay as it consumes CPU). To assign a scheduling queue value, you must have OP capability. • A queue manager value {BM,CM,DM,EM} sets the queue attribute of the target process(es). If a user-defined workgroup does not capture the process, then the process will fall into the corresponding system-defined default workgroup at the base priority (non-decayable).
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE jobspec target processes, regardless of their owners. SYSTEM CAUTION Use the SYSTEM option if the target process specified in pinspec is a system process. SM capability is required for the SYSTEM option. SYSTEM is ignored for all jobspec processes and when you specify a workgroup or natural workgroup. If you specify both SYSTEM and TREE, you see a warning that TREE will be ignored.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE :ALTPROC job=mgr.payroll; pri=155 To alter the queue attribute of pins 150, 247, 211 to be ES, enter: :ALTPROC (150,#p247,211); pri=ES Related Information Commands SHOWPROC, TUNE, SHOWQ, NEWWG, ALTWG, PURGEWG, SHOWWG Manuals MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual Using the HP 3000 Workload Manager ALTSEC Changes the access permissions of an object by altering the access control definition (ACD).
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE a group. A logical device number must be a numeric value configured on the system, or an @ sign, that indicates all devices on the system. A device class name must be configured on the system. File equations are ignored during resolution of the object name to avoid having accidental file equation references cause unintentional changes to an object's access permissions. MPE Syntax You can include MPE file name Syntax but not RFA information.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE may specify two or more modes if you separate them by commas. The user types are specified as follows: ANY = Any user AC = Member of this account only GU = Member of this group only AL = Account librarian user only GL = Group librarian user only CR = Creator You may specify two or more user types if you separate them by commas. The default is R,L,W,A,X:ANY.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE The userspec part consists of • a fully qualified user name (username.accountname) • the file owner represented as $OWNER • the file group represented as $GROUP • the file group mask represented as $GROUP_MASK • @.accountname, which represents all users in the account accountname • @.@, which represents all users in the system You cannot use wildcards in any other manner within a user specification.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE default. You cannot copy an ACD from a device class (DEVCLASS), although you may copy to all devices on the system by specifying the @ sign as the target device. DELACD (Indicates "delete ACD"). Use DELACD to delete all ACD pairs from the specified objectname. ACDs may be removed only from devices and files in MPE groups. The file access matrix controls access to a file when an ACD is deleted. MASK (Indicates "recalculate MASK").
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE File Access Matrix Examples To view the file access matrix, use LISTFILE,4. You have created a file named FDATA, and want to change its file access matrix access permissions to grant write access to only yourself.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE To add a new ACD to file PROGNAME allowing all users on the system to execute it, but only users in account ACCT to write to it enter: ALTSEC PROGNAME;NEWACD=(X:@.@;W,X:@.ACCT) To add a new ACD pair to an ACD which already exists for file PROGNAME which will allow the user ENGR of the LAB account to read, write, lock, append, execute and read the ACD information enter: ALTSEC PROGNAME;ADDPAIR=(R,W,X,RACD:ENGR.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE may immediately become ACTIVE on ldev2 if all requirements are met. DEFER Immediately changes the output priority of an ACTIVE or READY spoolfile to 0. If ACTIVE, the file is returned to the READY state. Operation Notes The operator uses the ALTSPOOLFILE command to change the printing priority of a spoolfile, to increase or decrease the number of copies produced, and/or to change the destination device or class.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE You may alter the outputpriority or the numcopies of an ACTIVE spoolfile without interrupting the printing process. If you alter the device or defer the ACTIVE spoolfile with the DEFER parameter, the printer stops immediately. In both cases, the entire file is printed when printing resumes. Deferring a spoolfile lowers its output priority to zero, the lowest priority possible.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE capability is required to use this parameter. password The password to be assigned to the user. If password is omitted, any existing password is removed. If PASS= is omitted, any existing password is unchanged. capabilitylist Either 1) a list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted to this user, or 2) a list of additions and/or deletions to be applied to the user's existing set of capabilities.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE process of any job/session initiated by the user. This parameter is specified as AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES, but cannot be greater than that specified with the NEWACCT or ALTACCT commands. The subqueuename defined for the user is checked against the subqueuename defined for the account at logon, and the lower priority of the two is used as the maximum priority restricting all processes of the job/session.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE user remains unchanged. When a keyword is included, but the corresponding parameter is omitted (as in PASS=Return), a default value is assigned as shown in Table 3-3. on page 72. Table 3-3.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE ASSOCIATE Gives a user operator control of a device class. Syntax ASSOCIATE devclass Parameters devclass The name of a logical device class configured with SYSGEN. Operation Notes This command links a device class, such as LP, to an individual user on the system. The user may then execute any valid operator command for a device in the device class and receive the status messages for the devices in that device class on $STDLIST.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Related Information Commands DISASSOCIATE Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks BASIC Interprets a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. Syntax BASIC[ commandfile] [ ,[ inputfile] [ ,listfile] ] Parameters commandfile Actual file designator of the source file or device from which BASIC/V commands and statements are input.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Examples To enter commands and data from your standard input device, with program listing and output transmitted to the standard output device, enter: BASIC You may also submit commands and data to the BASIC/V interpreter through input files that you have stored on disk. Files created using the editor must be kept with the UNN (unnumbered) option of the editor KEEP command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE than it would if it were executed by the interpreter. To save the program after it is written, use the BASIC/V interpreter command SAVE filename,FAST. The program then can be compiled, prepared, and executed with the BASICGO command. You must specify the FAST option to compile the program. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Example To compile, prepare, and execute the BASIC/V program MYPROG, enter: BASICGO $CONTROL USLINIT $COMPILE MYPROG $EXIT The above example begins execution of the BASIC/V compiler, initializes the USL, compiles the program MYPROG, and then exits from the compiler. Related Information Commands BASIC, BASICOMP, BASICPREP Manuals BASIC/V Compiler Reference Manual MPE Segmenter Reference Manual BASICOMP Compiles a compatibility mode BASIC/V program.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is BSCLIST. Default is $STDLIST. NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (BSCTEXT, BSCUSL, and BSCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Related Information Commands BASIC, BASICGO, BASICPREP Manuals BASIC/V Compiler Reference Manual MPE Segmenter Reference Manual BASICPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode BASIC/V program. BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE MPE/iX RUN command. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE BASOUT) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command. Operation Notes The BBASIC command is generally used for online programming in HP Business BASIC/V, but it can also be used to interpret HP Business BASIC/V programs submitted in batch mode.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE listfile NOTE Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BBCLIST. Default is $STDLIST. The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. Refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE uslfile Actual file designator of the user subprogram library (USL) file on which the object program is written, which can be any binary output file with file code of USL or 1024. Its formal file designator is BBCUSL. If the uslfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE BBASICOMP MYPROG If you now want to run your program, use the PREPRUN command: PREPRUN $OLDPASS Related Information Commands BBASIC, BBASICGO, BBASICPREP Manuals HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual MPE Segmenter Reference Manual BBASICPREP Compiles and prepares an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode. HP Business BASIC/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE program segments are stored in the systemcdefined temporary file $OLDPASS. If you want to save the prepared program in a file other than $OLDPASS, you may either create a file and specify its file name on the BBASICPREP command line, or specify a nonexistent progfile. A BSAVE program file can be created from within the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter after it is written, by using the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter >SAVE filename command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE output. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is BASOUT. Default is $STDLIST. xllist A quoted list of the executable libraries which is searched when resolving external procedure references during execution of a user's program. NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (BASCOM, BASIN, and BASOUT) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE executable library. Related Information Commands BBXLCOMP, BBXLGO, BBXLLK Manuals HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual BBXLCOMP Compiles an HP Business BASIC/XL program. HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE specify listfile, the default is $STDLIST. $STDLIST is usually the terminal in a session or the printer in a batch job. NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (BBCIN, BBCOBJ, and BBCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Related Information Commands BBXL, BBXLGO, BBXLLK Manuals HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual BBXLGO Compiles, links, and executes an HP Business BASIC/XL program. HP Business BASIC/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE command fails. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Example To compile, link, and execute the HP Business BASIC/XL program MYPROG and direct the listing to the disk file LISTFL, enter: BBXLGO MYPROG,LISTFL Related Information Commands BBXL, BBXLCOMP, BBXLLK Manuals HP Business BASIC/XL Migration Guide HP Business BASIC/XL Reference Manual BBXLLK Compiles and links an HP Business BASIC/XL program.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE linked program in a file other than $OLDPASS, specify the file name on the BBXLLK command line. Create a BASIC SAVE program file from within the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter, by using the HP Business BASIC/XL >SAVE filename command. The program may be compiled and linked with the BBXLLK command and executed with the MPE/iX RUN command. NOTE This command is implemented as a command file.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE it releases the device(s), or whether it should be aborted. All commands that normally affect executing jobs, such as ABORTJOB, operate on suspended jobs. The SHOWJOB command, which lists all jobs, displays SUSP for those in the suspended state. To list suspended jobs only, enter SHOWJOB SUSP. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE MPE Syntax If the filereference does not begin with a dot or a slash, it is parsed according to the MPE Syntax and has the following format: filename[/lockword][.groupname[.acctname]] MPE names must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. If acctname is specified, you must have create directory (CD) access to the target group in the account. The default groupname and acctname are the logon group and account.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE bytes has only 11 bytes available for data in each logical record. However, to determine actual block size, 12 bytes is used for the record size (block size = 12 bytes multiplied by the blockfactor). If the file is specified as a binary file, the 11 bytes are rounded up to 12 bytes (6 words), all of which are available for each logical record. blockfactor The number of logical records per physical block in a new file.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE integer ranging from 0 to 32,767 or a mnemonic name for this parameter, certain reserved integers and mnemonics have particular system defined meanings. Default is the unreserved file code of 0. Using 1090 (LOG) as your designated file code may not yield the number of records you specify in the DISC= parameter. Most files use the number of records specified in the DISC= parameter as the maximum limit; user logging uses this specified number as a minimum.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE The characteristics of a file created with the SPOOL keyword are: • variable length records of 1008 bytes each • a blocking factor of 1 • ASCII format • permanent file • record limit of 1023 • undefined maximum number of extents with 0 extents initially allocated KSAM64 specifies a KSAM file that is capable of holding more than 4GB of data. KSAM64 files are compatible in every other way with KSAM XL files.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE INTEGER REAL IEEEREAL NUMERIC PACKED *PACKED 1 to 255 bytes 1 to 255 bytes 4, 8, or 16 bytes 1 to 28 bytes 1 to 14 bytes (odd number of digits) 2 to 14 bytes (even number of digits) This parameter is required for all key types. DUP OR RDUP These two options apply only to KSAM files. The DUP option allows you to specify that duplicate key values are permitted.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Operation Notes This command builds a new file on disk. If it is an ASCII file, the initially allocated file space is initialized to blanks. If it is a binary file, the file space is initialized to zeros. Unless the TEMP parameter is specified, the file is saved in the permanent file domain. To create a permanent file, you must have save file (SF) capability and SAVE access in the group to which the new file belongs.
Command List I Commands ABORT to BYE Parameters None. Operation Notes This command terminates a session and displays the CPU-time used (in seconds), connect-time (in minutes), and the date and time, as follows: CPU=48. CONNECT=35. FRI, MAY 4, 1987, 10:56 PM If you enter the HELLO command without logging off your current session, MPE/iX terminates your current session and immediately initiates a new one.
Command List II 4 Command List II Chapters I thru XII provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Commands CALC thru COPY CALC Evaluates an expression. (Native Mode) Syntax CALC expression NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" in chapter 2 “Command Structure Defined”. Parameters expression The expression to be evaluated. Operation Notes The CALC command evaluates expression and displays the result to $STDLIST. Expressions can yield integer, string, or Boolean results.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY expressions using the AND, NOT, XOR, and OR logical operators, optionally nested within parentheses. Do not use the FINFO function with the CALC command for remote files. It ignores their existence and returns incorrect information. Use This command is available in a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break terminates the INPUT( ) function.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY formal file designator is CCTEXT. If you are running HP C/iX from your terminal, you will probably specify a disk textfile. If you do not specify textfile, then the default file is $STDIN. $STDIN is the current input device, usually your terminal. When textfile is your terminal, you can enter source code interactively. When you have entered all the source code, type a colon (:) to end the interactive input.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY listfile The name of the file on which the compiler writes the program listing. It can be any ASCII file. The default is $STDLIST.$STDLIST is usually the terminal from a session or the printer from a batch job. The formal file designator is CCLIST. If listfile is $NULL or a file other than $STDLIST, the compiler displays on $STDLIST those lines that contain errors.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Examples The following example compiles an HP C/iX program entered from your standard input device and stores the object program in the object file $OLDPASS. The listing is then sent to your standard list device. CCXL The next example compiles an HP C/iX program contained in the disk file SOURCE and stores the object program in the object file OBJECT. The program listing is stored in the disk file LISTFILE.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY When textfile is your terminal, you can enter source code interactively. When you have entered all the source code, type a colon (:) to end interactive input. listfile The name of the file on which the compiler writes the program listing. It can be any ASCII file. The default is $STDLIST. $STDLIST is usually the terminal from a session or the printer from a batch job. The formal file designator is CCLIST.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY program listing to the file LISTFILE, enter: CCXLGO SOURCE,LISTFILE Related Information Commands CCXL, CCXLLK, RUN, LINK, XEQ, LINKEDIT Utility Manuals HP C Programmer's Guide CCXLLK Compiles and links an HP C/iX program. HP C/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. This command is recognized only if HP C/iX is installed on your system.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (CCTEXT and CCLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. Operation Notes The CCXLLK command compiles and links an HP C/iX program into a file on disk. If you do not specify textfile, the compiler expects input from the current input device. If you do not specify listfile, the compiler sends the listing output to the formal file designator CCLIST (default $STDLIST).
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Syntax CHANGELOG logid[;DEV=device] Parameters logid Name of the currently active user logging process. This name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. device Name of the device on which the new logging file is to be created. The device may be either DISC or TAPE. Default is DISC.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY To use CHANGELOG (manually or automatically), end the first user logging file name with the numeric characters 001 (for example, fname001). This establishes a naming convention that works in conjunction with the file set number to generate sequential file names independently. New file names consist of the file name root (fname) plus the next sequential increment of the last three digits: Current File TEST001 TEST002 ... TEST998 TEST999 Next File TEST002 TEST003 ...
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Syntax CHDIR[ [DIR=]dir_name] [;SHOW | NOSHOW] Parameters dir_name The name of the directory you want to change to, which is assumed to be an MPE name unless you specify otherwise. To change to an HFS-named directory, begin dir_name with a dot (.) or a slash (/). The dir_name may not end in a slash, and using wildcards is not allowed. This parameter is optional.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Table 4-3. CHGROUP vs. CHDIR command Affects CHGROUP CHDIR HPCWD variable yes yes Disk space accumulation yes no Use The CHDIR command may be invoked from a job, a session, a program, or in Break. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. You must have traverse directory entries (TD) permission to each directory component in dir_name (refer to the ALTSEC command in this chapter for more information on directory permissions.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Syntax CHGROUP[ [groupname][/grouppass]] NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters groupname The name of the group to which the user is switched. If the parameter is omitted, the user is switched to the home group. grouppass The password of the group you are switching to, if it is assigned a password.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY To switch the user from the current group to the user's home group, enter: CHGROUP Related Information Commands CHDIR, HELLO Manuals None COB74XL Compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program using the 1974 ANSI standard entry point and creates an object file. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. This command is recognized only if HP COBOL II/iX is installed on your system.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY The functionality of NMRLS closely maps to the MPE/V USLS. Refer to the HP COBOL/XL Programmer's Guide (31500-90002) for information on the RLINIT and RLFILE commands that cause creation of an NMRL by default or initialization. The compiler may issue an error message telling you that a new or existing object file is too small to contain the compiler's output or number of modules. In that case you must build a larger file or use the Link Editor to clean the NMRL.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY be unchanged. A FILE equation could be used if the file is renamed. Operation Notes The COB74XL command compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program into an object file on disk. If you do not specify textfile, HP COBOL II/iX expects your input from your standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, HP COBOL II/iX sends the program listing to the current list device.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Program development in native mode uses the MPE/iX LINK command, not the MPE V/E PREP command. This produces a significant change in the method of compiling code.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters textfile The name of the file that contains the source file that is to be compiled. This can be any ASCII or toolset access method (TSAM) file. The formal file designator is COBTEXT. If you are running HP COBOL II/iX from your terminal, you will probably specify a disk textfile.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Once the file is created, XDB expects the fully qualified name of the file to be unchanged. A FILE equation could be used if the file is renamed. Operation Notes The COB74XLG command compiles, links, and executes a program using the ANSI 1974 standard entry point. If you do not specify textfile, HP COBOL II/iX expects the source program to be entered from your standard input device.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY point. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. This command is recognized only if HP COBOL II/iX is installed on your system. (Native Mode) Syntax COB74XLk[textfile] [ ,[ progfile] [ ,[ listfile] [ ,[ masterfile] [ ,newfile] ] ] ] [ ;INFO=quotedstring] [ ;WKSP=workspacename] [ ;XDB=xdbfilename] NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY COB74XLK SALARIES,SALPRG;INFO="$CONTROL & BOUNDS,MAP,VERBS$SET&$X9=ON" & COB74XLK ACCOUNTS;INFO="$DEFINE %A=5#" workspacename This parameter is the actual file designator of an HPToolset workspace. The formal file designator created by the compiler is COBWKSP. xdbfilename Actual file designator for the file to be used by XDB. This is a permanent file created by the compiler that contains the listing of the source files. The formal file designator is COBXDB.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY enter: COB74XLK SFILE,MYPROG Related Information Commands COB74XL, COB74XLG, LINK, RUN, XEQ, LINKEDIT Utility Manuals HP COBOL II/XL Reference Manual HP COBOL II/XL Programmer's Guide HP Link Editor/iX Reference Manual COB85XL Compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program using the 1985 ANSI standard entry point and creates an object file. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY existing version of the code module is first purged.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Refer to the HP COBOL/XL Programmer's Guide (31500-90002) for information on the RLINIT and RLFILE commands that cause creation of an NMRL by default or initialization. The compiler may issue an error message telling you that a new or existing object file is too small to contain the compiler's output or number of modules. In that case you must build a larger file or use the Link Editor to clean the NMRL. You may then recompile to the new file.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Operation Notes The COB85XL command compiles an HP COBOL II/iX program into an object file on disk. If you do not specify textfile, HP COBOL II/iX expects the source text to be entered from your standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, HP COBOL II/iX sends the program listing to the current list device.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY LINK RLFILE, SOMEPROG RUN SOMEPROG Related Information Commands COB85XLG, COB85XLK, LINK, RUN, XEQ, LINKEDIT Utility Manuals HP COBOL II/XL Reference Manual HP COBOL II/XL Programmer's Guide HP Link Editor/iX Reference Manual COB85XLG Compiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/iX program using the ANSI 1985 standard entry point. HP COBOL II/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY quotedstring A string of no more than 255 characters (including the single or double quotation marks that enclose it). The quotedstring string may be used to pass dollar sign ($) commands to the compiler: "$command1$command2$command3...". The $ must be the first character in the string, and it must be used to separate multiple commands.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program but not in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY listfile The name of the file to which the compiler writes the program listing. This can be any ASCII file. The formal file designator is COBLIST. If you do not specify listfile, the default is $STDLIST. $STDLIST is usually the terminal in a session or the printer in a batch job. masterfile Actual file designator of the file which is merged against textfile to produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is COBMAST.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY You cannot backreference the formal file designators used in this command (COBTEXT, COBOBJ, COBLIST, COBMAST, COBNEW, COBWKSP, and COBXDB) as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command. NOTE This command is implemented as a command file.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is COBTEXT. Default is $STDIN. uslfile Actual file designator of the user subprogram library (USL) on which the object program is written. This can be any binary output file with a file code of USL or 1024. Its formal file designator is COBUSL. If the uslfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY listfile Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is COBLIST. Default is $STDLIST. masterfile Actual file designator of the master file with which textfile is merged to produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal designator is COBMAST.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Manuals HP COBOL II/XL Reference Manual COBOLIIGO Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the COBOL 74 compiler. COBOLII is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. The native mode equivalent of this command is COB74XLG.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY The USL file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file, $OLDPASS, which is passed directly to the MPE segmenter. The segmenter purges the USL file and writes the prepared program to $OLDPASS, which is then executed and may be executed repeatedly. You cannot backreference the formal file designators used in this command (COBTEXT, COBLIST, COBMAST, COBNEW, COBWKSP, and COBXDB) as actual file designators in the command parameter list.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY progfile Actual file designator of the program file to which the prepared program segments are written. If progfile is omitted, the MPE segmenter creates the program file, which resides in the temporary file domain as $OLDPASS. If entered, progfile indicates that the file was created in one of two ways: • By specifying a file code of 1029 or PROG, and a numextents value of 1. This file is then used by the PREP command.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It is not available in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY !JOB USER.TECHPUBS !COMMENT THIS IS A SAMPLE JOB !FORTGO MYPROG !EOJ Related Information Commands JOB, UDCs, command files Manuals None CONSOLE Changes the system console from its current device to another job-accepting terminal. Syntax CONSOLE[ldev] Parameters ldev The logical device number of the new console terminal. If omitted, the CONSOLE command displays the current logical device number of the console.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Since the system console is a session device, a session must be logged on to the console in order to execute operator commands.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be used by any user to determine the location of the console. To change the location of the console, this command must be issued from the console itself, unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command, or the user must have system manager (SM) capability.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Example If you anticipate a possible error resulting from the command RUN MYPROG, and wish to override this error and allow the job to continue executing, enter: !JOB USER.PUBS !CONTINUE !RUN MYPROG !IF JCW <= WARN THEN ! RUN MYPROG2 !ENDIF !EOJ Related Information Commands JOB Manuals Appendix A, "Predefined Variables in MPE/iX" COPY Copies one file to another by creating a new file or by overwriting an existing file.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY .FOO in an HFS current working directory, the file must be represented as ./.FOO. NOTE If the target file is a directory name it may end in a slash (/) to improve readability of copy in scripts. NOTE The max extent value for targetfile value may not be the same as for sourcefile.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY Use This command may be invoked from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command and purges the targetfile. The COPY command can be invoked in BREAK and does not suffer from process creation overhead. Examples To copy ABCD.logongroup to EFG.logongroup, enter: COPY ABCD, EFG To copy ABCD.logongroup to ABCD.newgroup, enter: COPY ABCD, .newgroup To copy ABCD.grp to ABCD.logongroup, enter: COPY ABCD.
Command List II Commands CALC thru COPY 144 Chapter 4
Command List III 5 Command List III Chapters I thru XII provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Commands DATA thru EXIT DATA Enters data into the system from a device file. (Cannot be used to enter data from $STDIN.) (Native Mode) Syntax DATA[jsname,] username [/userpass] .acctname [/acctpass] [;filename] Parameters jsname Name of job or session that is to read data. Default is no job/session name. It may contain up to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Operation Notes This command identifies data to be read from a device file other than your standard job/session input device. It can be used, for example, to input a data file from a spooled input device for later use by an interactive session or a batch job. The DATA command is the only command that can be entered before a job or session is initiated. Files identified by DATA may be input only from magnetic tape on spooled tape drives or with the STREAM command.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Examples A data file is created on disk, and the STREAM command is used to make the file available to your program. To create the file DATAFL on disk, invoke a text editor (like EDITOR) and enter the data beginning with the DATA command and ending with the EOD command. For example: EDITOR /ADD DATA SESSB,BROWN.ACCT1 . . .
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT PROCEDURE The code segment containing the procedure specified by name in SL.PUB.SYS is deallocated. name The name of the program file or procedure to be deallocated. Operation Notes DEALLOCATE immediately releases table entries belonging to a program file or procedure that has been allocated. If the program is currently executing, the command takes effect once the program or procedure is no longer in use.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Operation Notes The DEBUG command enters the system debugger. An optional parameter, commands, defines a string of system debugger commands that are executed when the debugger is invoked, but before the debugger prompt is displayed. If the string contains commands that return the user to the command interpreter, those commands are executed. Any remaining commands are pushed onto a command stack.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Parameters #Onnn The identification of a READY or ACTIVE output spoolfile. #Innn The identification of a READY, input spooled data file. ldev The logical device number on which the spoolfile is ACTIVE. Operation Notes Before deleting an ACTIVE spoolfile, first take the output device offline. This allows you time to enter the command and determine that the ACTIVE spoolfile corresponds to the correct output device.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Syntax DELETEVARvarname [,varname] ... [,varname] NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters varname The name of the variable to be deleted. Operation Notes Deletes a specific MPE/iX variable, or all variables specified by a pattern. If you specify more than one varname, you must separate them with commas.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT DELETEVAR ?axval To delete all variables created by the user, enter: DELETEVAR @ To delete a range of variables, for example, those that begin with the letters P, Q, R, S, or T followed by zero or more characters that end with the string module.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT command in any of three ways: • Direct mode, in which you enter specific user names and account and the list of prohibited commands directly at the console. • Indirect mode, in which you use a text editor such as EDIT/3000 to create a file that contains the user name and account of those users who will be prohibited from executing certain operator commands, and a list of disallowed commands.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT /ADD 1 SUSAN.PAYROLL;COMMANDS=ALTJOB,ALTSPOOLFILE 2 JOHN.ACCTNG;COMMANDS=ALTSPOOLFILE,DELETESPOOLFILE 3 // ... /KEEP COMNDTMP /E DISALLOW FILE=COMNDTMP;SHOW If you want MPE/iX to display each command line as it is executed from the file, inclue the SHOW parameter.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Related Information Commands ASSOCIATE DISCRPS Enables or disables the rotational position sensing (RPS) feature on a specified logical device. It requires a special firmware upgrade CS-80 disk drives. Syntax DISCRPSldev { ,ENABLE [{,value,value}] ,DISABLE } Parameters ldev The logical device number of the specified CS-80 disk drive. ENABLE Enables rotational position sensing on the device. DISABLE Disables rotational position sensing on the device.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Example To enable the RPS feature on logical device 1 and display the status of the disk drive, enter: DISCRPS 1,ENABLE SHOWDEV 1 LDEV AVAIL OWNERSHIP 1 DISC (RPS) 50 FILES VOID DEN ASSOCIATION To use the value parameter with ENABLE to set time-to-target and window size to the default values, enter: DISCRPS ldev,ENABLE,90,30 Related Information Commands SHOWDEV Manuals CS/80 Instruction Set Programmers Manual DISCUSE (UDC) The DISCUSE UDC executes the DISKUS
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT aborts execution. Examples The following example illustrates the use of the DISCUSE UDC. Note that a message is printed to remind you to use the DISKUSE command. DISCUSE Please use the DISKUSE command. ^ SECTORS TREE LEVEL DIRECTORY (CWD= /ACCT/GROUP/d0) BELOW 2100 330 . Refer to the DISKUSE command later in this chapter for additional examples.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT parameter only applies to HFS-named directories and is ignored for MPE-named directories. The USENAME parameter is the default. Operation The DISKUSE command reports disk space, in sectors, for a directory. Disk space allocated to directories themselves (including accounts and MPE groups) is counted as part of the total number of sectors. The process' CWD is shown for all relative pathnames.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Examples The illustration below shows a hierarchical directory structure, upon which all of the succeeding examples are based. Directory names are shown as the character d plus a number (for example, d0), and file names are shown as the character f plus a number (for example f1). For illustrative purposes, the HPPROMPT variable has been set to show the current working directory (HPCWD).
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT LEVEL BELOW (right-justified) Shows the number of sectors allocated directly to all objects immediately under the named directory. The space used by the listed directory file (container) does not contribute to this number, nor does the space used by the objects under directories under the displayed directory. The sum of the number of sectors reported by the following command equals the number shown under the LEVEL BELOW column.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT MPE syntax can also be used, as shown in the following example (note that the dir_name (MYDIR) is upshifted.) This example is not based on the directory structure shown. DISKUSE SECTORS TREE LEVEL BELOW 2100 NOTE 330 DIRECTORY /ACCT/GROUP/MYDIR The output is presented in HFS syntax, even if the directory name is supplied in MPE syntax.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Related Information Commands LISTFILE, REPORT Manuals None. DISMOUNT Releases a volume set that was explicitly reserved by the user with a MOUNT or VSRESERVE command. The equivalent native mode command is VSRELEASE. (Native Mode) Syntax DISMOUNT[{ *volumesetname} ] [.groupname[.acctname]] Parameters * or Specifies the home volume set for the group and account specified, or for the logon group and account if groupname or groupname.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Table 5-1. Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - DISMOUNT Command Specify MPE V/E xxxMOUNT Command Accesses MPE/iX VSxxxxxx Command Accesses myset The volume set named myset.logongrp.logon acct. The volume set myset. *.grp.acct The home volume set of the group grp in account acct. Causes an error. myset_grp_ acct Error (name component longer than eight characters). The volume set named myset_grp_acct. m_g_a The volume set named m_g_a.logongrp.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT You may also use the VSRELEASE command: VSRELEASE MYSET.B.C Related Information Commands MOUNT, LMOUNT, DSTAT, VSRESERVE, VSRELEASE Manuals Volume Management Reference Manual DO Allows the user to reexecute any command still retained in the command line history stack. It also permits the user to edit the command before reexecuting it, but without having to use the interactive mode of the REDO command.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT The editing directives used in editstring are defined in Table 3-5 Table 5-3. Editing Directives for the DO Command Directive Effect i INSERT. If text follows the i, the text following i is inserted in the current line at the position after the i. r REPLACE. If text follows the r, the text following r replaces the same number of characters in the current line, beginning at the position of r. d DELETE.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Table 5-3. Editing Directives for the DO Command Directive Effect vw DOWNSHIFT WORD. Downshifts the word starting at the position specified by v. A word is defined as all characters except a space, comma, or semicolon. If you place the v directly beneath a word delimiter, the delimiter is skipped and only the word is downshifted. If no word exists on the command line, no downshift occurs. You may follow this directive with other edits.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Table 5-3. Editing Directives for the DO Command Directive Effect >vdelim DOWNSHIFT TO DELIMITER FROM EOL. Starting at the end of the current line, downshifts all characters right-to-left up to, but not including, delim. If the delimiter is not found, no downshift occurs. You may follow this directive with other edits. >rtext REPLACE. Replaces characters at the end of the command line.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT program. Pressing Break terminates recursive command executions from the history/redo stack. Editing Samples Practical uses of the editing commands listed above are shown in Table 5-4. on page 169. Table 5-4. Editing Samples for the DO Command Edit Action u First occurrence undoes the previous edits. The u must be in column one. u Second occurrence undoes all edits on the current line. The u must be in column one.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Table 5-4. Editing Samples for the DO Command Edit Action ^w upshift the word starting at the ^ >vw downshift the last word Examples DO PAS Reexecutes the most recent command beginning with the string PAS. DO 10 Reexecutes command number 10 (absolute) on the command history stack. DO -2 Reexecutes the second-to-last command on the stack (one command before the most recent).
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Example After you have made changes to the system I/O configuration with SYSGEN's I/O Configurator, enter: :DOIONOW Related Information Commands SYSGEN Manuals Performing System Management Tasks System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown DOWN Removes a device from normal system use. This command does not apply to the system console or to disk drives. Syntax DOWN ldev Parameters ldev The logical device number of the device being taken offline.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Example To take logical device number 7 offline, enter: DOWN 7 To take logical device number 10 (an input-spooled, job-accepting magnetic tape) offline, enter: DOWN 10 STOPSPOOL 10 11:16/31/SP#10/STOPPED 11:16/31/LDEV#10 NOT READY Related Information Commands SHOWDEV, UP, ABORTIO Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks DOWNLOAD Downloads format information to a line printer. Syntax DOWNLOAD ldev[ ,filename ,MARGIN=nn ] [,...
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT where there is no MARGIN record in the VFC file. When a particular print job has requirements for forms and/or a VFC file, the user indicates this need by way of a FORMS message. Refer to "Examples." CAUTION Do not issue a DOWNLOAD command to an HP 2608S while a spoolfile is ACTIVE. This makes the device UNAVAILABLE, and it remains so until the system is restarted with a START RECOVERY. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Operation Notes The DSTAT command is used to display the current status of one or more disk drives on the system.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Example To display the status of LDEV 1, enter: : :DSTAT 1 LDEV-TYPE STATUS VOLUME (VOLUME SET-GEN) 1- 079371 : MASTER MEMBER1 (MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET-0) Related Information Commands SYSGEN, LMOUNT, LDISMOUNT, MOUNT, DISMOUNT, VSRESERVE, VSRELEASE, VOLUTIL Utility Manuals Volume Management Reference Manual ECHO Displays a message on the standard list device.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT This time ECHO is given the value of the variable a argument. Explicit dereferencing has been specified and the dereferencing is done before ECHO is executed. ECHO !a hi there Two exclamation points are resolved to one exclamation point by string substitution, and MPE/iX is prohibited from making the value substitution (even number rule).
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Operation Notes The EDITOR command starts the EDIT/3000 subsystem. Use This command may be issued from a session or job. It may not be used from a program unless the user or the program has process handling (PH) capability. It may not be used from BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Any number of ELSEIF commands may follow an IF command. In contrast, only one ELSE command may follow an IF or ELSEIF command. Refer to the ELSE and IF commands. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect unless expression contains the INPUT evaluator function.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Example The following example illustrates using the ELSE command with the IF command: IF EXPN1 THEN ... ELSE IF EXPN2 THEN ... ELSE IF EXPN3 THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF The same result can be accomplished more efficiently by using the ELSEIF command: IF EXPN1 THEN ... ELSEIF EXPN2 THEN ... ELSEIF EXPN3 THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF Notice that only one ELSE may follow an ELSEIF, while any number of ELSEIF commands may follow an IF.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT expression is evaluated, and if true, the IF block is executed; if false, the ELSE block (if one exists) is executed. If false and no ELSE exists, then execution continues following the ENDIF. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Example The following examples show the IF block ending with the ENDIF command: IF logical_expression ELSE logical_expression . . .
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break terminates the WHILE command loop. Example The following is an example of a simple WHILE block: WHILE logical_expression . . . ENDWHILE Related Information Commands WHILE Manuals None EOD Denotes end-of-data on input stream from a job file (from an input other than $STDIN). It also terminates data initialized by the DATA command.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT An EOD causes the read of the FREAD intrinsic to return the CCG condition code to the calling program. This condition code indicates the end-of-file condition on the terminal. Table 5-7. on page 183 defines the various end-of-file indicators. Table 5-7. End-of-File Indicators Type of File Indicators DATA file from standard input device (for jobs and sessions) EOD - terminates $STDIN and $STDINX. : followed by any other character - terminates $STDIN.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT Example The following example shows how EOJ is used within a job file to terminate a batch job: !JOB USER.PUBS !RUN MYPROG1 !RUN MYPROG2 !EOJ Related Information Commands JOB Manuals Using the HP 3000 Series 900: Advanced Skills ERRCLEAR Zeros out all HP predefined error-related variables. (Native Mode) Syntax ERRCLEAR NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT escape endif Related Information Commands ESCAPE, RETURN Manuals None ERRDUMP Allows a user to dump either the process or system error stack to a specified depth. (Native Mode) Syntax ERRDUMP[errorstackdepth] [;SYS] NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters errorstackdepth The number of error stack messages to be printed.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT If the user specifies an errorstackdepth outside of the boundaries of the error stack, an error message is displayed and the error stack is not dumped. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Examples To obtain an error stack dump, enter: ERRDUMP A sample system response is: TYPE MANAGER; THE END-OF-FILE HAS BEEN DETECTED. FILE SYSTEM MESSAGE 1023.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT ESCAPE cmd2 Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing BREAK has no effect on this command. Example errclear continue run database if hpcierr < 0 then echo database warning ![abs(hpcierr)] detected, proceeding... elseif hpcierr > 0 then echo FATAL database error !hpcierr detected, halting... escape else . . .
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT level-by-level with the EXIT command, enter BYE. Use This command is available from a job or session. It is not available from a program or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List III Commands DATA thru EXIT 190 Chapter 5
Command List IV 6 Command List IV Chapters I thru X provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN FCOPY Invokes the FCOPY subsystem. Syntax FCOPY[fcopycommand] Parameters fcopycommand An FCOPY subsystem command. The FCOPY subsystem enables you to copy files or selected portions of files from any supported input device to any supported output device. There are many commands; only the most common examples are found in the "Examples" section of this command. Refer to the FCOPY Reference Manual (32212-90003) for more information.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN END OF SUBSYSTEM : Related Information Commands COPY Manuals FCOPY Reference Manual FILE Declares the file attributes to be used when a file is opened. This declaration, informally known as a file equation, may be used to override programmatic or system default file specifications.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN on the right side of the equal sign (=). $NULL Actual file designator of a system-wide file that is always treated as an empty file. When $NULL is accessed by a program for input, that program receives only an end-of-file indication. When it is accessed by a program for output, the associated write request is accepted by MPE/iX, but no physical output is actually performed.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN If the name begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), the name is considered to follow the HFS file naming syntax rules: • File names are not upshifted. • File names can be up to 255 characters in length for absolute pathnames and 253 characters for relative pathnames. • File names can begin with, and contain, any of the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, .
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN nodespec parameter is optional; if you do not have NS3000/XL AdvanceNet, omitting the nodespec parameter makes no difference in the performance of the FILE command. However, specifying nodespec on a system that does not have NS3000/XL produces an error. The nodespec parameter is controlled by the NS3000/XL subsystem. Refer to the NS3000/XL User/Programmer Reference Manual.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN volumes that fall within that device class. outpri The output priority requested for an output spool file. This may have a value of 1 (the lowest priority) to 13 (the highest). numcopies The number of copies requested for an output spool file. The maximum number is 127. VTERM Instructs MPE/iX to use reverse virtual terminal service instead of remote file access. Use VTERM only if the designated device is a remote terminal.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN [;KEY={^filereference keyinfo}] [;FIRSTREC=recnum] [;REUSE ;NOREUSE] Parameters for Option recsize Record size. A positive number indicates words; a negative number indicates bytes for new files only. For fixed-length files, this is the logical record size. For undefined length files, this is the maximum record size. For variable-length files, this is the maximum logical record size if blockfactor is 1.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Byte stream files are ASCII coded. Corresponds to tape densities in BPI (bytes-per-inch) for new files only. This parameter is only applicable when writing to a tape mounted on the HP 7976A, HP 7978A, or HP 7980 variable-density tape drive. density The density value from a file equation takes precedence over the density specified in FOPEN or HPFOPEN. The supported densities are 800, 1600, and 6250.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN first physical block is deleted when the next record is written, and remaining blocks are logically shifted to front of file. CIR cannot be simultaneously accessed by readers and writers. KSAMXL specifies a native mode KSAM file (KSAM XL file). SPOOL specifies an output spool file. No spooling attributes are initialized. PRI is set to 8 and number of copies to 1. No output device is set.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN keylocation Location of the first byte of the KSAM key within the data record counting from the first byte in the record. The first byte in the data record is always numbered 1. Only one key can start at each location. This parameter applies only to KSAM files. keysize Length of the KSAM key, in bytes. This parameter is required for all key types. Different keytypes have different lengths, as described below: Table 6-1.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN [ ;BUF=numbuffers] ;NOBUF][ ;LOCK ;NOLOCK] [ ;COPY ;NOCOPY][ ;FORMS=formsmsg] [ ;EXC ;SHR ;EAR ;SEMI] [ ;NOLABEL ;LABEL=[[volid][,[ IBM | ANS][,[ expdate][ ,seq]]]]] [FORMID=formid][ ;PRIVATE] Parameters for Access NOCCTL or CCTL Indicates whether or not carriage-control characters are specified. NOCCTL indicates that carriage-control characters are not being specified in writes to the file.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN FLOCK and FUNLOCK intrinsics. Default is NOLOCK. COPY or NOCOPY Indicates if files can be copied. COPY allows MSG, KSAM, CIR, and SPOOL files to be either copied (logical data record read) or replicated (block read and write completely duplicating file) to another file. NOCOPY accesses the file in its natural mode, that is, as a MSG file. Default is NOCOPY. formsmsg A message to the operator requesting that certain forms be mounted.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN is the first FOPEN or HPFOPEN, then NEXT causes the tape to be positioned to the first file on the tape. If the previous FCLOSE specified REWIND, the tape backspaces to the last file, and the position is as it was on the previous file. This is the default. formid Applies only to output spoolfiles. A string of up to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with a letter, which uniquely identifies a special form that is to be mounted.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN To use the FILE command for a file, you must have a valid, formal file designator (the name by which your program recognizes the file). The formal file designator provides a way for commands and code outside your program to reference the file. The FILE command is the only way you can control or change the programmatic file specifications without changing the code which calls FOPEN or HPFOPEN.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN The following is an example of using the *formaldesignator, in this case, specifying a file on magnetic tape used as a source file during FORTRAN compilation: FILE SOURCE=TAPE1,OLD;DEV=TAPE;REC=-80 FTNXL *SOURCE Implicitly, the command executor issues the following FILE command, backreferencing your previous FILE command: FILE FTNTEXT=*SOURCE Implicit FILE commands, like explicit FILE commands, cancel any previous FILE commands that reference the same formal fil
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Syntax FINDDIR[[DIR=]dir_name] [ [START=]start_dir] Parameters Refer to the LISTFILE command for a complete explanation of the parameters used with the FINDDIR UDC. The following parameters are supported with the FINDDIR UDC. dir_name A simple directory name, including wildcards. The dir_name is case insensitive. It cannot be a pathname. For example, abc, @bc, and [A-M]_@ are valid dir_names; while /ABC/, ./Mydir, and ABC.GRP are not valid dir_names.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Parameters Refer to the LISTFILE command for a complete explanation of the parameters used with the FINDFILE UDC. The following parameters are supported with the FINDFILE UDC. filename A simple file name, including wildcards. The filename is case insensitive. It cannot be a pathname. For example, abc, @bc, and [A-M]_@ are valid filenames; while /ABC/, ./Mydir, and ABC.GRP are not valid filenames. The filename is required.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN be configured as an MPE Type 32 device. The device class must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. devname The device name of a printer. The device name must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Users should note that it is not possible to have a device class name and a device name (which are the same).
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN device operator to mount standard forms. Once both the previous spoolfile and the current spoolfile have no formids, the spooler operates in accordance with the selected DIALOG option once more. NOFORMIDOVERRIDE This is a sub-parameter of the chosen EACHxxx keyvalue. With this feature selected, the Native Mode Spooler ignores any and all formids associated with the current spoolfile or the previous spoolfile.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN command. The options specified in the FORMSALIGN command are stored in the appropriate device files. For example, options for LDEV 6 are stored in file 00000006.DEVICES.3000devs. This is why the options are retained even when no spooler process exists for LDEV 6. However, these device files are reconstructed at each system startup. The FORMSALIGN options set at that time are EACHCHANGE, FORMIDOVERRIDE.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Syntax FORTGO[textfile] [,[listfile][,[masterfile][,[newfile]]]] [;INFO=quotedstring] Parameters textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN. listfile Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is FTNLIST. Default is $STDLIST.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Examples To compile, prepare, and execute a FORTRAN 66/V program entered from the disk file SOURCE and transmit the resulting program listing to the disk file LISTFL, enter: FORTGO SOURCE,LISTFL To enter your source input from a device other than your standard input device, and/or direct the listing to a device other than your standard list device, simply name the input and listing files as command parameters.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN listfile Actual file designator of the file to which the program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is FTNLIST. Default is $STDLIST. masterfile Actual file designator of the master file with which textfile is merged to produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is FTNMAST.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN FORTPREP To compile and prepare a FORTRAN 66/V source program from a text file named TEXTX into a program file named PROGX, with the listing sent to the list file LISTX, enter: FORTPREP TEXTX,PROGX,LISTX The FORTPREP command combines the compilation and preparation steps. The compiled program segments, stored in the file $OLDPASS, are prepared and stored in the program file PROGX.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN This can be any ASCII output file. Formal file designator is FTNLIST. Default is $STDLIST. masterfile Actual file designator of the master file with which textfile is merged to produce a composite source. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is FTNMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input is read from textfile, or from $STDIN if textfile is not specified. newfile Actual file designator of the merged textfile and masterfile.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN FORTRAN MYSOURCE,MYUSL,MYLIST;INFO= "$CONTROL BOUNDS" To compile a FORTRAN 66/V program and store the object code into a USL file you create with the BUILD command, enter: BUILD OBJECT;CODE=USL FORTRAN SOURCE,OBJECT,LISTFL To create a USL file with the BUILD command, the code must be specified.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Resource Management Programmer's Guide FTN Compiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 77/V program. FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. The native mode equivalent of this command is FTNXL. Syntax FTN[textfile] [,[uslfile][,[listfile]]] [;INFO=quotedstring] Parameters textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN you omit the uslfile parameter, the object code is saved in the temporary file domain as $OLDPASS. To keep it as a permanent file, you must save $OLDPASS under another name. You cannot backreference the formal file designators used in this command (FTNTEXT, FTNUSL, and FTNLIST) as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Default is $STDLIST. NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (FTNTEXT and FTNLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command. quotedstring A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks (apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN FTNPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program. HP FORTRAN 77/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. The native mode equivalent of this command is the FTNXLLK command. Syntax FTNPREP[textfile] , [progfile] [,listfile] [;INFO=quotedstring] Parameters textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN output to the formal file designator FTNLIST (default $STDLIST). The USL file $OLDPASS, created during compilation, is a temporary file passed directly to the MPE segmenter. You may access it only if you do not use the default for progfile. This is because the segmenter also uses $OLDPASS to store the prepared program segments, overwriting any existing temporary file of the same name. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN This file is stored in binary form and has a file code of either NMOBJ (1461) or NMRL (1033). Its formal file designator is FTNOBJ. If the objectfile parameter is omitted, the object code is saved to the temporary file $OLDPASS if it exists, or to $NEWPASS which then becomes $OLDPASS. If you specify objectfile, the compiler stores the object file in a permanent file of the correct size, type, and name you specified.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution. Examples The following example compiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program entered from your standard input device and stores the object program in the object file $OLDPASS. The listing is then sent to your standard list device.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Related Information Commands FTNXLGO, FTNXLLK, RUN, XEQ, PREP, SEGMENTER Manuals HP FORTRAN 77/iX Reference MPE Segmenter Reference Manual FTNXLGO Compiles, links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. HP FORTRAN 77/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. This command is recognized only if HP FORTRAN 77/iX is installed on your system.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Operation Notes The FTNXLGO command compiles, links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, MPE/iX sends the program listing to the formal file designator FTNLIST (default is $STDLIST). The object file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file, $NEWPASS, which is passed directly to the Link Editor as $OLDPASS.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is FTNTEXT. Default is $STDIN. progfile Actual file designator of the program file to which the linked program is written.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be used in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution. Examples The following example compiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program entered through your standard input device and stores the linked program in the file $OLDPASS. The listing is printed on your standard list device.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Operation Notes The GETLOG command specifies a logging identifier to be used each time a particular logging process is used. Frequently the GETLOG command is used with databases, so that each test task that runs writes to a logging file. This makes data recovery easier because you know where the task failed. The creator of the logging identifier must have user logging (LG) or system supervisor (OP) capability to execute this command.
Command List IV Commands FCOPY thru GETRIN Syntax GETRIN rinpassword Parameters rinpassword Password of the intrinsic that locks the RIN. The password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. Operation Notes The GETRIN command acquires a global RIN from the MPE/iX RIN pool, typically during a session. You must assign an arbitrary password for the RIN, which aids in restricting its use to authorized users.
Command List V 7 Command List V Chapters I thru XII provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF HEADOFF Stops header/trailer output to a device. (Native Mode) Syntax HEADOFF ldev Parameters ldev The logical device number of the printer affected by the command. Operation Notes Header and trailer information appears before and after a file when it is printed. This information is not a part of the file's text. This information identifies the file by session number, output spoolfile number, session name (if any), user, and account.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Parameters ldev The logical device number of the printer affected by the command. Operation Notes Header and trailer information appears before and after a file when it is printed. This information is not a part of the file's text. This information identifies the file by session number, output spoolfile number, session name (if any), user, and account. It also lists the date and time the file was printed.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. userpass User password, optionally assigned by the account manager. The password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The user password must be preceded by a slash (/). acctname Account name as established by the system manager. The name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF the default priority for all programs executed within the session. BS is the highest priority, ES is the lowest. If you specify a priority that exceeds the highest priority permitted for your account or user name by the system, MPE/iX assigns the highest priority possible below BS. DS and ES are intended primarily for batch jobs; their use for sessions is generally discouraged. For information on the guidelines for these priority queues, refer to the TUNE command.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF 1, 3, 5 Same as 0, but the CI terminates after processing the INFO= string. If the INFO= string is not specified, the CI terminates after executing the first user-supplied command. -1 Prohibits cataloging of UDCs and suppress the display of the CI banner and the welcome message. Invoking this level requires system manager (SM) capability. -2 Same as -1, but the CI terminates after processing the info= command.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF The session number assigned by MPE/iX uniquely identifies your session to MPE/iX and to other users. MPE/iX assigns such numbers to sessions in sequential order as they are logged on. If you are on a modem and do not log on within the system-configured time, the line is dropped. You must redial and press Return again. If you are already logged on and you issue the HELLO command, you will be logged off your current session and logged on to a new session.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF For instance, if the group XGROUP requires a password, and if you use this group as your logon group, you could enter the password in this fashion: MPE iX:HELLO USER.TECHPUBS,XGROUP/XPASS Note that when you specify your home group as your logon group, you need not enter a password, even if that group has such a password. Sometimes, when logging on to the system, it is more convenient to have MPE/iX prompt you for any required passwords.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Syntax Direct access: HELP[{ udcnamecommandname[{ keyword,ALL} ]commandfilenameerrormessagepro gramfilename function name variable nameSUMMARYCLASSHELPSTUDY EXPRESSIONS| VARIABLES | OPERATORS | FUNCTIONS} ] Interactive (subsystem) access: >commandname{space or comma} [{ keyword,ALL} ] HELPMENU SUMMARY CLASS HELP HELPSTUDY Parameters If you specify the HELP command with no parameters, you enter the help facility subsystem in interactive mode.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF example of the command. variable name Any CI predefined variable, eg: HPLASTJOB command- filename Any existing command file. Refer to commandname, "Operation Notes," and "Examples." errrormessage Any MPE/iX error message. The keywords are: CIERRnn program- filename Any existing program file. Refer to commandname, "Operation Notes," and "Examples.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Syntax: FINFO(filename, option) Defn: A CI evaluator function that returns information about the specified file. Type: String, integer, or Boolean depending upon option. Example: FINFO('',"EXISTS") Result: TRUE Example: FINFO('jeff',"eof") Result: 71495 The following table summarizes the options of the FINFO function. The description includes the option number, one or more aliases, the data type, and a brief description of the option.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF showme ***** If the UDC MYUDC (which is not the name of any MPE/iX command) contains the NOHELP option, then the Help facility displays an error. Related Information Commands None Manuals System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual IF Used to control the execution sequence of a job, UDC, or command file. (Native Mode) Syntax IF expression[THEN] Parameters expression Logical expression, consisting of operands and relational operators.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Operation Notes This command begins an IF block consisting of all the commands after the IF command up to, but not including, the next ELSE. ELSEIF, or ENDIF statement. The ELSE, ELSEIF, or ENDIF must have the same nesting level as the IF statement. Another similar block can follow the ELSE statement. Nesting of the blocks is allowed to 30 levels so long as IF is used alone.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters varname Any variable (that can be set with SETVAR) in which the input string from $STDIN is stored. If varname does not already exist, INPUT creates it. prompt The prompt string that is to be displayed on the standard listing device.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF The user may optionally specify a timed read by creating a value for seconds. The pending read prompt is canceled after seconds. The INPUT command recognizes the HPTIMEOUT variable. The length of the timed read is seconds or HPTIMEOUT (in minutes), whichever is smaller. If a timed read (using seconds or HPTIMEOUT) expires, then the pending read terminates. • If varname already exists and you enter a null (a Return), then the value of varname remains unchanged.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF ENDWHILE Table 7-2. on page 247 illustrates how the INPUT command functions. Table 7-2.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF name is assigned. username User name, established by the account manager, that allows you to log on to this account. The name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. userpass User password, optionally assigned by account manager. The password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF is not supplied in the command syntax, the STREAM command will prompt you for it if: • The STREAM command is invoked from a session. • Neither $STDIN nor $STDLIST is redirected. • The JOB command is a first level JOB command (it is not nested within a second level STREAM command). If the password is supplied in the command syntax it must be preceded by a slash (/). cpusecs Maximum CPU time allowed job, in seconds. When this limit is reached, the job is aborted.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Use of the HIPRI option without SM or OP capability causes the following warning to be displayed: MUST HAVE 'SM' OR 'OP' CAP. TO SPECIFY HIPRI, MAXIMUM INPRI OF 13 IS USED (CIWARN 1460) RESTART Request to restart a spooled job that has been interrupted by the system termination/restart. This parameter takes effect automatically when the system is subsequently restarted with the START RECOVERY option. The effect is to resubmit the job in its original form.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF specified. NOTE The "&" symbol has no meaning to the input spooler when it reads records because the CI is not involved at that point. Operation Notes The JOB command is not used at the colon prompt (:). Rather, it is used in interactive mode with the STREAM command at the > prompt, or within an input jobfile, created to define a batch job. The job defined with this command is then activated (executed) with the STREAM command.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF • When the standard listing device is a line printer and you do not specify a file group name, central processor time limit, execution priority, and/or input priority in the JOB command, the default values assigned by MPE/iX for the omitted parameters appear on the job listing. The STREAM command prompts for any necessary passwords that are not supplied in the command syntax if: • The STREAM command is invoked from a session.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF JOBFENCE Defines the minimum input priority that a job or session must have in order to execute. (Native Mode) Syntax JOBFENCE priorityfence Parameters priorityfence A number between 0 and 14, inclusive. Within this range, smaller numbers are less limiting; larger numbers more limiting.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF 16:21/#J7/34/LOGON FOR: JOB1,FIELD.SUPT ON LDEV #10 16:21/#J8/35/LOGON FOR: JOB2,FIELD.SUPT ON LDEV #10 Related Information Commands ABORTJOB, ALTJOB, BREAKJOB, JOB, SUSPENDJOB, RESUMEJOB, JOBPRI, STREAM, STREAMS, SHOWDEV Manuals Using the HP 3000 Series 900: Advanced Skills MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual JOBPRI Sets or changes the default execution priority for batch jobs and sets a maximum execution priority for batch jobs.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks JOBSECURITY Designates what level of user may request resources and control the execution of jobs. (Native Mode) Syntax JOBSECURITY[ { HIGH LOW } {;PASSEXEMPT= {NONE},{USER},{XACCESS},{MAX}} ] Parameters HIGH Permits only the operator logged on at the console and users with SM capability to use job control commands. LOW Allows individual users to exercise control over their own jobs.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF is NONE, which means that job passwords are required. When you reboot the system with a START RECOVERY the last PASSEXEMPT state is preserved. PASSEXEMPT provides some of the functionality of the HP Security Monitor. For example, PASSEXEMPT=USER is equivalent to the stream privilege feature.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Related Information Commands ABORTJOB, ALTJOB, BREAKJOB, RESUMEJOB, JOBFENCE Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks LDISMOUNT Cancels a previously issued LMOUNT or VSRESERVE command. This informs the system that the volume set is no longer reserved system-wide. The equivalent native mode command is VSRELEASESYS. (Native Mode) Syntax LDISMOUNT[{ * | |volumesetname} ] [,groupname[.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Table 7-3. Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - LDISMOUNT Command *.grp.acct. The home volume set of the group grp in account acct. Causes an error. myset_grp_acct Error (name component longer than eight characters). The volume set named myset_grp_acct. m_g_a The volume set named m_g_a.logongrp.logonacct, provided it exists. If it does not exist, an error is reported. The volume set name m.g.a. In MPE V/E, the name V.G.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF VSRELEASESYS DATABASE.PAYROLL.ACCTNG Related Information Commands MOUNT, , LMOUNT, DISMOUNT, DSTAT, VSRESERVE, VSRELEASE Manuals Volume Management Reference Manual LIMIT Limits the number of concurrently running jobs/sessions. (Native Mode) Syntax LIMIT[ { [+ | - ] numberjobs [+ | - ] ,numbersessions | numberjobs,numbersessions ] [;JOBQ=queuename] Parameters + Increment the limit value - Decrement the limit value numberjobs The number of jobs.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF cause jobs or sessions executing at the time to abort. They continue to execute, but no new jobs are allowed to enter the executing state, and no new sessions are initiated. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF [ ;NMSTACK=nmstacksize] [ ;NMHEAP=nmheapsize] [ ;UNSAT=unsatname] [ ;PARMCHECK=checklevel] [ ;ENTRY=entryname] [ ;NODEBUG] [ ;MAP] [;SHOW] [ ;SHARE] [ ;PRIVLEV=priv_level] [ ;PRI=pri_level] [ ;MAXPRI=max_pri_level NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters file The name of an object file or a relocatable library file.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF BA IA PM MR DS PH = = = = = = Local Batch Access Interactive Access Privileged Mode Multiple RINs Extra Data Segments Process Handling If you omit this parameter, the BA and IA capabilities are assigned to the program file by default. nmstacksize The maximum size, in bytes, to which the NM stack may grow. This must be a decimal number. The default is zero, which instructs MPE/iX to assign a system-defined constant as the value of nmstacksize.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF If you omit this parameter, the file contains debugging information if the source file was compiled with this option. MAP Prints a symbol map to the list file, LINKLIST. SHOW Displays the name of each object module as it is being merged into the program file. You may include this option to verify the order in which LINK processes each module. priv_level Determines the privilege level used by the executable program file.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Note that when you do this interactively, the command prompts do not appear on the screen. For example, to send the Link Editor output to the printer: FILE LINKOUT;DEV=LP RUN LINKEDIT.PUB.SYS;STDLIST=*LINKOUT Link Editor listings and maps are sent to the file LINKLIST, not to $STDLIST. The listings and maps sent to LINKLIST are: • The symbol map produced by the MAP option of the LINK command. • The listing produced by the LISTPROG command.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Related Information Commands RUN, XEQ, LINKEDIT Utility Manuals HP Link Editor/XL Reference Manual HP Link Editor/iX Technical Addendum LISTACCT Displays information about one or more accounts. Syntax LISTACCT[acctset] [,listfile] [;PASS] [;FORMAT={SUMMARY|BRIEF|DETAIL}] Parameters acctset The accounts to be listed. The default is all accounts for system managers (SM). For all other users, the default is their logon account.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Examples The presence of the password in the following display implies that the user has account manager (AM) capability and this is the user's account, or that the user has system manager (SM) capability and this is not the user's account. LISTACCT HPXLII;PASS ...or...
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Related Information Commands LISTFILE, LISTGROUP, LISTUSER, NEWACCT, PURGEACCT, ALTACCT Manuals Performing System Management Tasks LISTDIR (UDC) The LISTDIR UDC executes the LISTFILE command to list all files that are directories. System-defined UDCs are not automatically available. Your System Manager must use the SETCATALOG command to make these UDCs available for your use. For example, SETCATALOG HPPXUDC.PUB.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Examples Refer to the LISTFILE command later in this chapter for examples. Related Information Commands LISTFILE, FINDDIR (UDC) Manuals None LISTEQ Displays all active file equations for a job or session. Syntax LISTEQ[listfile] Parameters listfile The name of the output file. The default is $STDLIST, a temporary file that cannot be overwritten by a BUILD command.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Manuals None LISTF Displays information about one or more permanent files. (CM) Syntax LISTF[fileset] [,listlevel] [;listfile] Parameters fileset Specifies the set of files to be listed. The default is @, which lists all files in your logon group. You may select the file(s) to be listed by using the fully or partly qualified form for fileset: filename.groupname.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF Table 7-5. Format Options Listlevel 3 −3 Displayed Information Displays the file name, record size, extent size, number of records, user's access rights, and other file characteristics including the date created, modified, and last accessed. The same information for MPE and HFS files is displayed except for the following differences: • Fully qualified MPE file name is replaced by an absolute pathname.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF in the temporary domain, and with user supplied carriage control characters (CCTL), OUT access mode, and EXC (exclusive access) option. All other characteristics are identical to the FILE command default specifications. You may specify a different kind of file or backreference an existing file.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF :LISTF L@,6 LINKCLK.DEVELOP.HPXLII LINKFROG.DEVELOP.HLPXLII LINKLIST.DEVELOP.HPXLII Level 7 File Display ******************** FILE: LINKCLK.DEVELOP.HPXLII ******************** FILE: LINKFROG.DEVELOP.HLPXLII ******************** FILE: LINKLIST.DEVELOP.HPXLII Level 8 File Display :listfile,8 ******************** FILE: HPPXUDC.PUB.SYS 15 Accessors(O:15,P:15,L:0,W:0,R:15),Share #S265 MIKEP.HPE P:2,L:0,W:0,R:2 #S263 JEFFV,MGR.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF OPEN FLOCK Level 10 File Display :LISTF@.TEST,10 ACCOUNT= SYS Name GROUP= Access ERWS Fcode SYSXTNTS TEST2 TESTFILE TEST Recsize Type 44 500 500 FB FA FA GROUP= TEST EOF File Limit 11687 1592197 0 48806446 10000000 10000000 Level 11 File Display :LISTF@.
Command List V Commands HEADOFF thru LISTF 276 Chapter 7
Command List VI 8 Command List VI Chapters I thru X provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON LISTFILE This command lists file and directory attributes through the use of options. The LISTFILE information is a superset of the LISTF command information. Syntax LISTFILE[[fileset=]{ fileset(fileset[,fileset]...)} ] [[;FORMAT=]format_opt] [ [;SELEQ=]select_eq | ^indir] [ [;NAME=]pattern] [ ;PASS] [ ;{PERM}{;TEMP}[;PERMTEMP]] [ ;USENAME] [;TREE] [;NOTREE] Parameters fileset Specifies the set of files to be listed.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON the right bracket (]), hyphen (-) means the character `-' itself. For example, "[a-c]" means one of ‘a', ‘b', or ‘c', whereas "[-a-c]" or "[a-c-]" means one of ‘a', ‘b', ‘c', or ‘-'. It is illegal to specify [c-a], or [a-A] because ‘c' does not alphabetically precede ‘a' and uppercase ‘A' comes before lowercase ‘a' (in ASCII character evaluation). Also note that it is legal to specify [A-z] and any legal special characters.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON to be an absolute pathname; otherwise, it is considered to be CWD relative. If fileset ends in a slash, it is treated as a directory name, and pattern is used to determine the file names that match. All the directories and files that match fileset are found, and searched recursively to display the files and directories that match pattern.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Table 8-1. Format Options Opti on Name Displayed Information 1 SUMMARY Displays the file name, file code, record size, record format, and other file characteristics such as ASCII or binary records, carriage-control option, file type, current end-of-file location, and the maximum number of records allowed in the file.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Table 8-1. Format Options Opti on Name Displayed Information 9 LOCKS Shows level 8 information and details about processes accessing the files including file locking data. Restrictions apply. 10 SUMMARY WIDE Shows level 1 information but in a wider format that allows for expression o larger file sizes.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON pattern NUMBER List only files matching the specified file code number. MNEMONIC List only files matching the specified file code mnemonic PRIV List only files with negative file code. INUSE Lists only files that are currently in use by users or by MPE. OPEN Lists only files that are opened by progams. INUSE is a superset of OPEN. LOCK List only files being locked by a program.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON the files at the specified level are displayed. For example, /@/@/@ indicates that all objects at the third level are to be displayed. USENAME is the default. TREE If the TREE option is specified, objects at all lower directory levels are displayed. NOTREE Indicates that only objects at the specified level are to be displayed. The NOTREE option overrides an HFS fileset that ends in a slash.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON F4 F5 SIZE TYP 80B AF 80B AF EOF 411 199 LIMIT R/B SECTORS #X MX 411 16 144 2 * 199 16 64 1 * HFS Examples The following figure illustrates a hierarchical directory structure. In this figure, directory names are shown as the character d plus a number (for example, d0), and file names are shown as the character f plus a number (for example, f1). The examples assume the directory structure shown.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON 16W 16W 80B 80B 80B HBD HBD AF AF AF 4 4 12 12 12 67107839 67107839 12 1 12 1 12 1 1 1 64 2 * d2/ 64 2 * d3/ 16 1 1 f1 16 1 1 f2 16 1 1 f3 In the next example, specifying the absolute pathname produces a listing of all entries one level below the group.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON /ACCT/PUB/ /SYS/ALINE925/ . . . /TELESUP/PUB/ /TEST/PUB/ /TEST/SPOOL/ /TEST/SPOOLSTD/ /TEST/TEMPLATE/ /ACCT/GROUP/d0: The next example illustrates the use of the OBJECT=DIR parameter to show all directories on the system. This is similar to the FINDDIR UDC.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON PATH= /ACCT/GROUP/d0/./d3/ CODE LOGICAL RECORD- FILENAME SIZE TYP EOF LIMIT 16W DBH 4 67107839 d7/ 80B AF 12 12 f10 80B AF 12 12 f7 80B AF 12 12 f8 80B AF 12 12 f9 The next example illustrates a detail listing (format option 3) of all files in subdirectory d3. /ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile .
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON /ACCT/GROUP/d0: The next example illustrates the use of the FORMAT=-3 option to show the owner. You must be the owner, or have AM or SM capability to use this option. /ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile /ACCT/GROUP/@,-3 ******************** FILE: /ACCT/GROUP/d0/ FILE CODE : 0 FOPTIONS: DIRECTORY BLK FACTOR: 1 OWNER : MANAGER.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON /ACCT/GROUP/d0:listfile ./d2/f4,-2 PATH= /ACCT/GROUP/d0/d2/ -ACD ENTRIES- FILENAME @.@ : RACD f4 /ACCT/GROUP/d0: Related Information Commands LISTF, PLISTF (UDC), LISTFTEMP, LISTSPF (for spool files), FINDFILE (UDC), FINDDIR (UDC), LISTDIR (UDC) Manuals None LISTFTEMP Displays information about one or more temporary files. Syntax LISTFTEMP[fileset] [,listlevel] [;listfile] Parameters Specifies the set of temporary files to be listed.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Table 8-2. List Options Option Displayed Information −1 Shows only the file label in hexadecimal. The hexadecimal display generated by this format option only serves a diagnostic purpose in MPE/iX and is subject to change. 0 For each directory, this option displays PATH=The name of the file is displayed in a multicolumn format. This is the default.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Table 8-2. List Options Option Displayed Information 9 Shows level 8 information and details about processes accessing the files including file locking data. Restrictions apply. 10 Shows level 1 information but in a wider format that allows for expression o larger file sizes.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON F = LINKCLK 00000000 LINK 20202020 20202020 00000000 52455445 20202020 00010405 0EA78B32 000000A0 00009C90 00100000 44495343 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 .........@..
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON BRIEF Generates a list of group.account names only. Operation Notes This command produces group information in an ASCII format. Use This command is available from a session, a job, a program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command. If you do not have account manager (AM) or system manager (SM) capability, you can list only your logon group. Users with AM capability may list any group in their account.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Syntax LISTJOBQ Parameters none Operation Notes The LISTJOBQ command allows the user to list all the existing job queues in the system. It displays the queue name, limit, number of jobs in the queue that are in the EXEC state and the total number jobs in the queue, number of jobs in the EXEC state plus number of jobs in the WAIT state. This command is not allowed in the SYSSTART file.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON whether an automatic CHANGELOG is permitted; that is, whether the AUTO parameter has been specified with a GETLOG or ALTLOG command. If the logid parameter is not entered, all logging identifiers on the system are displayed with their creators and log files. The PASS parameter, which can be used only by the creator of the logging identifier specified, causes the password associated with the logging identifier to be listed.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Table 8-3. History Stack Ranges Start End Effect m n Lists commands m through n. m (omitted) Displays commands m through the last command in the stack. (omitted) n Displays the stack from the first command through command n. If m and n are negative values, they refer to relative command numbers (relative to the most recent command, which is -1). If m and n are positive, they refer to absolute command numbers (the order in which they were entered).
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON BUILD CMDFILE;REC=-80,,,ASCII;DISC=9 FILE LIST=CMDFILE,OLD LISTREDO -10,-2;OUT=*LIST;UNN CMDFILE contains a listing of nine command lines, but without the command number; -10 is 9 lines distant from the most recent command; -2 is one line distant from the most recent command. The most recent command is not listed.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Only spool files whose attributes satisfy all filter requirements will be listed. When you use a selection equation, enclose the entire equation in square brackets, and enclose individual keyword specifications (such as PAGES<100) in parentheses. For example, you use the following command to display all the output spool files from user.acct that have less than 100 pages: LISTSPF O@;SELEQ=[(OWNER=user.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON #Innn. The "#" is optional; but if it is used, an O (for output) or an I (for input) must also be used. If # is not used, the O is also optional for output spool files; that is 123 is the same as #O123. The valid range of SPOOLIDs is 1 ≤ nnn ≤ 9,999,999. (The commas are for clarity; do not enter any commas in the actual equation.) • parm ::= PAGES: Number of pages in the spool file (if known). A positive integer number is expected.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON n ≤ 16,383. (The comma is shown for clarity; do not enter any commas in the actual equation.) For a job input spool file, the JOBNUM shown is allocated to the job, not the job or session that streamed it. You may use some wildcards; J@ accepts all jobs, S@ accepts all sessions. J'@ and S'@ are also allowed, The apostrophe (') indicates an imported spool file or a spool file recovered during START NORECOVERY. • parm ::= RECS: Number of records in the spool file.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON • The character count of the record is added to that of the records processed previously. If the total character count exceeds 509, an error is returned. If the total is less than 509, the current record is appended to previous records. • This process repeats until either 509 characters have been counted or the end-of-file is detected. Records terminating with or without ampersands may be mixed as desired in the indirect file.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Display Field and Description Below is an example of the first line of the display for LISTSPF. Following the example is a description of each field in the display. SPOOLID #01 JOBNUM FILEDES PRI J12345 $STDLIST 6 COPIES DEV 1 EPOC STATE RSPFN CREATE RSPFN OWNER THISUSER.ACCOUNT1 SPOOLID The unique spool file identifier. JOBNUM The job or session identifier of the job or session that created the spool file.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON file in the PRINT state during a trailer if the next file is another copy of the current file. • DEFER: An output spool file is in the deferred state. • SPSAVE: The SPSAVE option was specified when the spool file was created or at any time before it would have been deleted after its final copy was printed. That final copy has been printed, so the spool file is now in this state instead of being deleted.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON FORMID JOBNAME COPSRM SECTS RECS PAGES TESTJOB 1 250 500 ~9 DATE 12/20/88 TIME 8:39 FORMID An 8-character display, the first of which is a letter. If an F appears in the RSPFN column but this field is blank, it means that the file has a forms message but formid was not specified.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON shown in two groups, input spool files to the left of the display and output spool files to the right. Of these, only SELECTED is not a state. Instead, SELECTED shows the total count of spool files whose output priority is higher than the global outfence; that is, SELECTED displays the sum of printing files plus those READY files whose output priority is above the global outfence.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON #O128 J144 $STDLIST 8 LPJOB 3 250 5 EPOC 127 READY DEV.HPE 21 12/20/88 22:19 #O1233 S1234 OUTLIST 0 1 FASTLP TESTJOB 1 250 500 DEFER DEV.HPE ~9 12/20/88 8:39 #I564 READY DEV.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON accounts) within the user's capabilities (AM or SM). Use wildcard characters to specify more than one user. Use the ? symbol to specify a single alphanumeric character. Use the # symbol to specify a single numeric character. Use the @ symbol to specify zero or more alphanumeric characters. listfile The name of the output file. The default is $STDLIST, a temporary file that cannot be overwritten by a BUILD command.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON PETE.TEST MIKE.TEST CHRIS.TEST LISTUSER PETE;FORMAT=DETAIL ******************* USER : PETE.TEST PASSWORD : ** UID : ## GID : ## MAX PRI : 150 LOC ATTR : $00000000 LOGON CNT : 2 HOME DIR : /UI/DEVELOP LOGON CI : /SYS/PUB/CI CAP : AM,AL,GL,DI,CV,UV,LG,PS,CS,ND,SF,BA,IA,PM,MR,DS,PH NOTE In the above example, the "##" in the UID and GID fields indicate that no UID or GID is associated with the user. The PXUTIL utility should be run to create UID and GID entries.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON volume- setname An artificial component of a volume set name used to maintain backward compatibility with MPE V/E. groupname Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E. acctname Used only for compatibility with MPE V/E. genindex A value from -1 to 32,767 specifying which generation of the home volume set is to be reserved. A value of -1 indicates that any generation is permitted.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Table 8-4. Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - LMOUNT Command *.grp.acct The home volume set of the group grp in account acct. Causes an error. myset_grp_acct Error (name component longer than eight characters). The volume set named myset_grp_acct. m_g_a The volume set named m_g_a.logongrp.logonacct, provided it exists. If it does not exist, an error is reported. The volume set named m_g_a. In MPE V/E, the name V.G.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Related Information Commands MOUNT, DISMOUNT, DSTAT, VSRESERVE, VSRELEASE Manuals Volume Management Reference Manual LOG Starts, restarts, or stops user logging. Syntax LOG logid{ ,RESTART ,START ,STOP } Parameters logid Logging identifier previously established with a user GETLOG command. START Initiates a logging process. RESTART Restarts a logging process. STOP Terminates a logging process.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Syntax =LOGOFF[#Snnn] or =LOGOFF[#Jnnn] Parameters #Snnn or #Jnnn The number of the session or the job that is to remain logged on after all others are aborted. Default is that all sessions and all jobs are logged off. Operation Notes This command sets the job and session execution limits to 0 and aborts all jobs and sessions, including the session logged on to the system console.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON Related Information Commands =LOGON, ABORTJOB, TELL, WARN Manuals System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual Performing System Operation Tasks =LOGON Enables job/session processing following a =LOGOFF command. Syntax =LOGON Parameters None. Operation Notes This command enables the processing of jobs/sessions following the execution of the =LOGOFF command.
Command List VI Commands LISTFILE thru =LOGON 316 Chapter 8
Command List VII 9 Command List VII Chapters I thru X provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE MOUNT Sends a request to the system to reserve a volume set (keep it online). The set must be online in order to have the command take effect. (Native Mode) Syntax MOUNT[{ *volumesetname} ] [.groupname[.acctname]] [;GEN=[genindex]] Parameters * or Specifies the home volume set for the group and account specified, or for the logon group and account if groupname or groupname.acctname is not specified.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Table 9-1. Command Acceptance of Naming Conventions - MOUNT Command myset.grp.acct The volume set named myset.grp.acct. The volume set named myset.grp.acct. myset The volume set named myset.logongrp.logonacct. The volume set myset. *.grp.acct The home volume set of the group grp in account acct. Causes an error. myset_grp_acct Error (name component longer than eight characters). The volume set named myset_grp_acct. m_g_a The volume set named m_g_a.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE X.logongrp.logonacct, which may or may not be your intention. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Use volumes (UV) or create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this command. Examples You are logged on to account MYACCT in group GRP.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Table 9-2. Account Manager Default Capabilities Attribute Default subqueuename Same as the account maximum priority localattribu te Same as account local attributes Home Group PUB UID A unique identifier GID A unique identifier The attributes of an account manager may be changed with the ALTUSER command after mgrname is defined. However, in no case is this user granted attributes greater than those assigned the account.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE User Logging = LG Process Handling = PH Extra Data Segments = DS Multiple RINs = MR Privileged Mode = PM Interactive Access = IA Batch Access = BA Default is AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, IA, BA. fileaccess The restriction on file access pertinent to this account.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE set (from which the account is accessed). The second NEWACCT builds the account on the volume set where files in this account will exist. The only other parameter that works with ONVS is the FILES parameter. volume- setname Volume set names consist of from 1 to 32 characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore, and periods.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE security allows READ and EXECUTE access to all users who successfully log on to the account, and APPEND, WRITE, LOCK, and SAVE access to account librarian (AL) and group users (GU) only. These access provisions are (R,X:ANY;A,W,L,S:AL,GU). NOTE If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX returns an error message.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Syntax NEWCI progfile[,["]entrypoint["]] [;NOPRIV] [;LMAP] [;DEBUG] [;MAXDATA=maxstack] [;PARM=parameternum] [;STACK=stacksize] [;DL=dlsize] [;NMSTACK=nmstacksize] [;NMHEAP=nmheapsize] [;LIB= { G P S} ] [;XL="library[, ...
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE The NEWCI command can only be executed from a session, it is not allowed in a job. The NEWCI command is only executable from the root CI process, which is sometimes referred to as the usermain process. Normally, NEWCI is executed from the root CI process when executing a logon UDC. If a NEWCI command is executed, then the newly created process replaces the existing root CI process and becomes the new root CI process for that session.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE file newci ***** NEWCI Programmatically The NEWCI command is programmatically executable, but only from the “root” CI process. Some programs allow users to interactively enter CI commands (by convention CI commands are generally prefixed with a : character). Most HP product/utilities allow CI commands to be entered interactively.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Syntax NEWDIR[DIR=] dir_name [;SHOW | NOSHOW] Parameters dir_name The name of the directory that you are creating (required). The dir_name is assumed to be an MPE name unless it begins with a a dot (.) or a slash (/), which indicates an HFS directory. The dir_name may not end in a slash, have wildcard characters, or reference a file equation. SHOW Echoes the absolute pathname of the newly created directory to $STDLIST. SHOW is the default.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE NEWDIR dir1.mygroup.myacct The following example creates an HFS-named directory called john by specifying the full pathname of the directory. Since the directory will reside in the MPE/iX account MYACCT, and since HFS syntax is case-sensitive, the user enters "MYACCT" in uppercase. NEWDIR /MYACCT/jones/cmdf/john The following example creates an MPE-named directory called DIR1 in the current working directory (CWD).
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Multiple RINS = MR Privileged Mode = PM Interactive Access = Local Batch Access = IA BA This list imposes a limit on program files belonging to the group. A capability cannot be assigned to the group if it has not been defined for the account in which the group resides. Default is IA, BA. filespace Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files of the group.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE AC GU AL GL = = = = Member of this account only Member of this group only Account librarian user only Group librarian user only Two or more user or access types may be specified if they are separated by commas. ONVS Specifies a particular volume set on which the group is to be built. The volume set must be already defined and recognized by the system.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE command. Examples To create a new group named GROUP1 (on the system volume set), which will be assigned all default capabilities, enter: NEWGROUP GROUP1 To create a new group named G2 in the account GRIMSBY (on the system volume set) and give it process handling (PH) and multiple RINs (MR) capabilities, enter: NEWGROUP G2.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE individual limits). The job queues persist across reboots, provided a START RECOVERY is done. Any other system starts will cause the job queues to be deleted and they will have to be created again. This command is available in a session, job, or in BREAK. Pressing [Break] has no effect on this command. This command is not allowed in the SYSSTART file. SM/OP capability is required to execute this command.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE as the name of the new link that is being created. The NEWLINK command fails if the path represented by linkname points to a file or directory that already exists. The following table lists all the CI commands that operate on files, groups, accounts, or directories and are affected by symbolic linking. Keep in mind the following data points when using Table 9-3. on page 334 below: • Typically, a symbolic link always resolves to its target name.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Table 9-3. CI Commands Affected by Symbolic Links Command Name Follow Link Notes STORE No Link is not resolved. Therefore, operation is performed on the name specified. You can issue the NEWLINK command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. NEWLINK requires Save Files (SF) capability, Create Directory entry (CD) and Traverse Directory (TD) permissions. Examples The following tree structure will be used to construct the examples that follow it.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE :NEWLINK COMMON, COMMON.CODE.SOFTWARE :PRINT COMMON Suppose that a user is currently logged on as USER1 in the group PUB.SOFTWARE. To access the files in /ACCT1/dir1 directory without entering the full path name each time, USER1 may establish a link named "morecode" to that directory as follows: :NEWLINK LINK=./morecode; TO=/ACCT1/dir1 Then, to get a list of the files under /acct1/dir1/, the user enters: :LISTFILE .
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Duplicate name in directory. (CIERR 906) Related Information Commands PURGELINK, PURGE, LISTFILE Manuals None NEWUSER Creates a new user. Syntax NEWUSER username[.acctname] [;PASS=[password]] [;CAP=[capabilitylist]] [;MAXPRI=[subqueuename]] [;LOCATTR=[localattribute]] [;HOME=[homegroupname]] [;UID=[uid]] [;USERPASS=[{ REQOPT} ][Expired]] The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE job/session. Also, the priority requested by the user at logon is checked against the subqueuename defined for that user, and the lower of these two values is granted. Default is CS. CAUTION Processes capable of executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the system. Assigning nonpriority system and user processes to these subqueues can prevent the execution of critical system processes. Exercise extreme caution in assigning processes to these subqueues.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Table 9-4.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Manuals Performing System Management Tasks NSCONTROL Controls the Network Service subsystem. Syntax NSCONTROL function[;function] ... function may be START=[service[,service]...] STOP= [service[,service]...] ABORT AUTOLOGON= [{ ONOFF} ] [{ ,ALL[,service[,service]]} ] LOADKEYS LOG= [{ ONOFF} ] [ ,ALL ,RPM ,ENV ,DSDAD ,DSSERVER ,VTSERVER ] [{ ,LOW,HIGH} ] SERVER= { servername ALL } [,minservers] [,maxservers] STATUS= [ USERS SERVICES SERVERS SUMMARY ALL [,...
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE the Remote Process Management (RPM) service. RPML Enables local users to create and kill processes on the local and remote nodes using the Remote Process Management (RPM) service. VT Enables remote users to logon to the local node using HP's TCP message mode. VTA Enables remote users to logon to the local node using TCP stream mode. VTL Enables local users to log onto remote nodes using the REMOTE HELLO command.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE DSDAD LOW Logs creation and deletion of sockets, ports, and server processes. DSDAD HIGH Same as LOW, plus all received service requests and internal messages between DSDAD and server processes. DSSERVER LOW Logs internal initialization messages between DSDAD and DSSERVER processes. DSSERVER HIGH Same as LOW, plus all received messages from other processes. VTSERVER LOW Logs internal initialization messages between DSDAD and VTSERVER processes.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE STATUS[=USERS|SERVICES|SERVERS|SUMMARY|ALL[,...]] The STATUS parameter can be unqualified, or can be keyword equated to one or more of the following values: VERSION USERS Display the jobs and sessions on this node that are using Network Services. SERVICES Display information about the services. SERVERS Display information about the servers. SUMMARY Display a summary of information about services, servers, and users.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE NS network services: :NETCONTROL START;NET=LAN1 :NETCONTROL START;NET=WIDE :NSCONTROL START Stop all Network Services, while letting existing users continue their work: :NSCONTROL STOP Stop the VT and Reverse VT services only.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Syntax OCTCOMP[input] [,[targetfile][,[list]][;INFO=quotedstring]] or OCTCOMP [input] [,[targetfile][,[list][,[INFO=]quotedstring]]] * * Refer to the help option of the INFO=quotedstring NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters If no parameters are specified OCTCOMP returns a command usage message and then exits.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE parameter, you cannot use the add or trans parameters. map [=seglist][;] Generate PMAP listing for specified segments. If seglist is omitted, PMAP listing is generated for all segments. noovf [=seglist][;] Selectively ignore overflow traps in translating code. If seglist is omitted, noovf action is assumed for all segments. Specifying this option gives OCTCOMP permission to decide whether or not to catch overflow.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Operation Notes The OCTCOMP command translates MPE V/E instructions into native mode instructions. If you specify targetfile, a new file is created. If you do not specify targetfile, OCTCOMP attempts to append the translated instructions to input file. The append fails and an error message is displayed if the input file is too small to qualify as an output file. In such a case, the solution is to specify targetfile.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE code input file SOURCEIN, as: OCTCOMP SOURCEIN,OCTOUT2;INFO="IGNORE=1,2,4" Using an indirect file: OCTCOMP INSL;INFO="add=^adlist" Here adlist is an unnumbered file in which segments (names or numbers) are separated by a blank, a comma, or a new line: FSSEG1,FSSEG2 12 TIMAGE09 In this case, add is applied to all of the segments specified in the indirect file (^adlist).
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Refer to the Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual (32650-90166) for more discussion on globally enabling and disabling spooling queues. Use the @ option without any other parameter. The SHOW option entered with the @ option returns an error. Operation Notes The OPENQ command enables the operator to control the spool queue of a specified device or all devices of a device class without affecting the operation of spooler processes.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE header of a user command. The OPTION command (described here) accepts only the LIST/NOLIST and RECURSION/NORECURSION parameters. OPTION used in the header of a UDC or a command file accepts the HELP/NOHELP, LOGON/NOLOGON, BREAK/NO BREAK, and PROGRAM/NOPROGRAM parameters, in addition to the LIST/NOLIST and RECURSION/NORECURSION parameters.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE IF or WHILE block read by the Command Interpreter increments the nesting count even if it resides within a different UDC. It is especially important to remember this when using the recursion option which may make it easy to increment the nesting count beyond 30. Use This command is available in a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE being printed, set the outfence to 14. To prevent a subset of spoolfiles from printing, set the outfence higher than the outputpriority of any spoolfile in the group. To alter the printing priority of a single file without affecting the entire system, change the output priority of the specific spoolfile(s) with the ALTSPOOLFILE or SPOOLF command.
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE Manuals Chapter 9 Performing System Operation Tasks 353
Command List VII Commands MOUNT thru OUTFENCE 354 Chapter 9
Command List VIII 10 Command List VIII Chapters I thru X provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER PASCAL Compiles a compatibility mode Pascal/V program. Pascal/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. The native mode equivalent of this command is PASXL. Syntax PASCAL[textfile] [,[uslfile][,listfile]] [;INFO=quotedstring] Parameters textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER file. Operation Notes The PASCAL command compiles a compatibility mode Pascal/V program and stores the object code in a user subprogram library (USL) file on disk. If textfile is not specified, MPE/iX expects the source program to be entered from your standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, MPE/iX sends the program listing to your standard list device and identifies it by the formal file designator, PASLIST.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Syntax PASCALGO[textfile] [,listfile] [;INFO=quotedstring] Parameters textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is PASTEXT. Default is $STDIN. $STDIN is the current input device, usually your terminal. PASTEXT cannot be backreferenced as an actual file designator in the command parameter list.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Examples To compile, prepare, and execute a Pascal/V program entered from your standard input device, with the program listing sent to your standard list device, enter: PASCALGO To compile, prepare, and execute a Pascal/V program from the disk file PASCSRC and send the program listing to the file LISTFILE, enter: PASCALGO PASCSRC,LISTFILE Related Information Commands PASCAL, PASCALPREP, PASXL, PASXLGO, PASXLLK PREP, RUN, LINK, LINKEDIT Manuals MPE Segme
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Pascal/V interactively, or the printer if you are running a batch job. PASLIST cannot be backreferenced as an actual file designator in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command. quotedstring A sequence of characters between two single quotation marks (apostrophes) or between two double quotation marks.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER PASSWORD Creates or changes a user password. (Native Mode) Syntax PASSWORD Parameters None. Use This command may be issued from a session or in BREAK. It is breakable (aborts execution). It cannot be used if $STDIN or $STDLIST are redirected. Operation This command allows users to establish or change their own passwords. It may be issued interactively or programmatically within a session and prompts the user for required input.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER specify a disk textfile. If you do not specify textfile, then the default file is $STDIN. $STDIN is the current input device, usually your terminal. When textfile is your terminal, you can enter source code interactively in response to the > prompt. When you have entered all the source code, type a colon (:) in response to the > prompt to end the interactive input. The source code to be compiled can be a program or a list of modules.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Operation Notes The PASXL command compiles an HP Pascal/iX program and stores the object code in a permanent file (objectfile) or in $OLDPASS if you do not specify an object file. If textfile is omitted, the compiler expects the source program to be entered from your standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, the compiler sends the program listing to the formal file designator PASLIST (default is $STDLIST).
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER write the program listing on the terminal. If listfile is $NULL or a file other than $STDLIST, the compiler displays on $STDLIST those lines that contain errors. libfile The name of the HP Pascal/iX library file that the compiler searches if a search path is not specified with the compiler option SEARCH. The default is PASLIB in your group and account.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER the program listing to the file LISTFILE, enter: PASXLGO SOURCE,LISTFILE Related Information Commands PASCAL, PASCALGO, PASCALPREP, PASXL, PASXLLK PREP, RUN, LINK, LINKEDIT Manual HP Pascal/iX Reference Manual PASXLLK Compiles and links an HP Pascal/iX program. HP Pascal/iX is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER compiler options to the HP Pascal/iX compiler. HP Pascal/iX brackets the quotedstring with dollar signs ($) and places the string before the first line of source code in the text file. NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (PASTEXT, PASLIB, and PASLIST) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER HP Link Editor/XL Reference Manual PAUSE The PAUSE command allows the current task to be suspended or “sleep” for a specifiec number of seconds.) NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER jobs or sessions. The job name value can be " ," or " @," to match all jobs or sessions without a job name. When more than one job or session matches jobid PAUSE sleeps while all matching jobs are in their "while_state". If the job executing PAUSE matches jobid it will not be selected. interval_secs If interval_secs is specified PAUSE sleeps for this many seconds between attempts to see if jobid is still in its "while_state".
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Examples If a job must read data from a file called LOGDAT.GXK.PROCCTRL, which is to be created by a session, then the job may suspend activity pending a test for the existence of the vital file. The example below shows how the PAUSE command can be used to synchronize a session to some job activity via the existence of a known file: STREAM JLOGEND #J123 ... ... SETVAR START_CPU HPCPUSECS WHILE NOT FINFO("LOGDAT.GXK.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER :PAUSE job="J@,@.PROD" # note the quotes are required The next example sleeps while the backup job ("JBACKUP,OP.SYS") has not been streamed. PAUSE reports CIWARN 9032 if the job is not streamed within 30 minutes. :PAUSE 1800, job="jbackup,op.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER LISTFILE fileset ,format_opt[>outfile] Use This UDC may be issued from a session, a job, a program, or in break mode. Pressing Break aborts execution. If a permanent file exists with the same name as specified as outfile, then CIOR defaults are used rather than the PLISTF CCTL default. Examples Refer to the LISTFILE command earlier in this chapter for examples.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER whose formal file designator is $SEGLIST. If no FILE command is found referencing $SEGLIST, the listing is produced on $STDLIST. Default is no listing. segsize Maximum permitted stack area (Z-DL) in words. This parameter should be included when it is expected that the size of DL-DB or Z-DB areas will be changed during program preparation or execution. Regardless of what you specify, MPE/iX may change the segsize to accommodate table overflow conditions.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Reference Manual (32350-90001). FPMAP or NOFPMAP Includes or excludes the internal PMAP information. FPMAP is a request to have internal PMAP information included in the program. NOFPMAP excludes PMAP information from the program when the system FPMAP or job/session FPMAP is on. If the symbolic DEBUG option is invoked, default is FPMAP. Otherwise the default is NOFPMAP. Operation Notes The PREP command prepares a compiled source program for execution.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER Related Information Commands PREPRUN, RUN Manuals MPE Segmenter Reference Manual PREPRUN Prepares and executes a compiled compatibility mode program.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER file, this parameter is ignored. If privileged mode (PM) capability has been assigned, the user is put into privileged mode debug. If not, the user is put into user mode debug. Default is that the DEBUG call is not issued. LMAP Request to produce a descriptive listing of the allocated (loaded) program to a file whose formal file designator is LOADLIST. If no FILE command referencing LOADLIST is found, the listing is produced on $STDLIST.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER PM = Privileged Mode You can specify only those attributes that you possess through assignment by the account manager or the system manager. Default is IA and BA. filename Actual file designator of the relocatable library (RL) file to be searched to satisfy external references during preparation of the program. This can be any permanent file of type RL, to which you must have READ and LOCK access.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER be used to discard unneeded output from an executing program. STDLIST This parameter allows the user to specify the file to be used as $STDLIST by the program being executed. If $STDLIST is omitted, or if nothing is specified after the equal sign, such as $STDLIST=, then $STDLIST defaults to the job or session's standard list device. This parameter has the same subparameters as $STDIN, but you may also specify the keyword NEW.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER To prepare and execute a program from the USL file UBASE that begins execution at the entry point RESTART, that has a stacksize of 800 words, and searches an RL file named LIBA, enter: PREPRUN UBASE,RESTART;STACK=800;RL=LIBA The following example prepares and runs a program with $STDIN set to the existing disk file INPUT.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER outfile Specifies a destination other than $STDLIST for filename. If filename has embedded carriage-control characters (CCTL), PRINT inserts a blank in place of the CCTL in the outfile. New files are created TEMP. File equations are ignored unless an asterisk (*) precedes outfile, indicating a backreference. You must use a file equation to overwrite a permanent file. You must use the ;SAVE option in the file equation to overwrite a permanent file.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER value that would be displayed by LISTF ,``2. If you are reviewing a byte-stream file, NEXT displays the next logical record, whereas EOF is the byte count of the file. Table 10-1. on page 381 defines the range of valid responses to control the output. Table 10-1.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER then streamed as a second job. Use This command is available in a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command. Examples To send the contents of MYFILE to the line printer, enter the following commands: FILE XXX;DEV=LP PRINT MYFILE, *XXX In this example, the file XXX is equated with the line printer. Then the file MYFILE is "printed" to the file *XXX.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER PRINT infile;NONUM would consider the file as UNNUMbered file even when the file is a NUMbered file and the print the contents as it is in the file. [UFILEYES is an unnumbered file with trailing 8 characters as digits.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER posix/doc/print.doc in the current working directory (CWD). PRINT ./posix/doc/print.doc;start=-10 Related Information Commands FCOPY, COPY Manuals None PURGE This command deletes one or more files from the system.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER default for jobs or if the filereference designates a single file. CONFIRMALL Requests verification for each file before the purge is executed. A proper response is one of the following: • "Y" or "YES" to purge the file • "N", "NO", or Return to retain the file • "Q", "QUIT", or Break to stop the PURGE command The CONFIRMALL option is ignored in jobs and when you are purging a single file. NOSHOW Suppresses the display of each successfully purged file.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER • To purge multiple files using wildcards :PURGE /users/jeff/bin/FILES/file@ 3 FILES matched Continue PURGE? (YES/NO) yes 3 selected. 3 succeeded. 0 failed. • To purge multiple files interactively using wildcards To purge a number of files, one at a time, in an interactive mode so that you can skip a file or stop your purge, you can use the CONFIRMALL option.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER character. The remaining characters may be alphabetic, numeric, the underscore, and periods. If you specify a volumesetname, you must specify the full name of the volume set The volumesetname specified refers to a previously defined volume set. When a volumesetname is specified, the volume set must be mounted, or the PURGEACCT command fails. When ONVS=volumesetname is specified, the account is removed from the volume set directory.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER CAUTION Do not attempt to purge the SYS account. The SYS account cannot be completely purged, but you can destroy critical files by attempting to do so. If you execute PURGEACCT SYS, all groups except PUB are purged; all users except the system manager are purged; and all inactive files and system files in the PUB group are purged.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER [ { ;NOSHOW;SHOW} ] [{ ;SHOWERROR;NOSHOWERROR} ] Parameters dir_name The name of the directory that is being purged (required). The dir_name is assumed to be an MPE name unless you begin it with a dot (.) or a slash (/) to indicate an HFS directory. If dir_name is an HFS directory that ends in a slash and you don't include the NOTREE option, PURGEDIR deletes all objects at all levels under and including dir_name. The use of wildcards is permitted.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER default. SHOWERROR Displays on $STDLIST each lower-level error that prevents an object below dir_name from being deleted'. The object (file or directory) name is shown, followed by the error message. By default, lower-level errors are not displayed. SHOWERRORS is a synonym for SHOWERROR. NOSHOWERROR Suppresses the display of low-level errors. NOSHOWERROR is the default. `NOSHOWERRORS'' is a synonym for NOSHOWERROR.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER DIRECTORY dir_name TO BE PURGED? (YES/NO)_ Valid responses are YES, Y, NO, and N (case insensitive). If a TREE purge is requested, the prompt is: PURGE ALL FILES BELOW AND INCLUDING dir_name? (ALL/NO)_ Valid responses are ALL, NO, and N (case insensitive). NOTE If dir_name is long, the prompt may wrap around. If dir_name is an MPE name, it is fully qualified in the prompt message.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER ./DIR/B ./DIR/dir1/A ./DIR/dir1/B ./DIR/dir1 ./DIR/C ./DIR PURGEDIR /dir1/dir2;SHOW;TREE /dir1/dir2/file1 /dir1/dir2/file2 /dir1/dir2 PURGEDIR ./foo/;show ./foo/dir1_below_foo/f1 ./foo/dir1_below_foo/f2 ./foo/dir1_below_foo ./foo The following command purges all empty directories under the CWD with TMP in their name.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER :purgedir ./@TMP/ When wildcards are specified with dir_name, then RD access is required to the parent directory of each wildcard component. If the purge is multilevel, then TD, RD, and DD accesses are necessary to each directory below dir_name.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER group's home volume set is mounted. Entries are purged by volume set definitions first, files second, and finally the group. If no files in the group are in use, and the group itself is not in use, the PURGEGROUP command removes the entire group. Otherwise, only inactive files are removed. To completely purge the group in this case, reenter the PURGEGROUP command when neither the group nor its files are in use.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER PURGEJOBQ Removes a job queue Syntax PURGEJOBQ qname Parameters qname is the name of the queue to be deleted Operation Notes The PURGEJOBQ command deletes a job queue. The queue will be deleted only if it is empty, that is, if no jobs are waiting or executing in the queue. The default system job queue can not be purged. The user must have SM or OP capability to execute the command. This command is available in a session, job. or in BREAK.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER group SAFE.COMPANY. To remove the link /COMPANY/SAFE/PAYROLL, enter the following command: :PUREGLINK PAYROLL To remove the link /dira/scripts, enter the following: :PURGELINK /dira/scripts Related Information Commands NEWLINK, PURGE, PURGEDIR, LISTFILE Manuals None PURGEUSER Removes a user from an account. Syntax PURGEUSER user[.acctname] Parameters user Name of the user to be deleted.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER To execute this command, the account must be the same as the logon account of the command issuer unless that user has system manager (SM) capability.
Command List VIII Commands PASCAL thru PURGEUSER 398 Chapter 10
Command List IX 11 Command List IX Chapters I thru X provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN RECALL/=RECALL Displays all pending console REPLY messages. Syntax RECALL=RECALL Parameters None. Operation Notes A user, the system operator, a job or a program issues the RECALL command to determine if any pending resource requests are currently awaiting a response. Pending resource requests are responded to by using the REPLY command. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Performing System Operation Tasks REDO Allows the user to edit and reexecute any command still retained in the command line history stack. (Native Mode) Syntax REDO[[CMD=]cmdid] [[;EDIT=]editstring] NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters cmdid Specifies the command to execute.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN The edit string must be surrounded by quotation marks (" ") if it contains any scanner/parser delimiters such as: , ; " ' [ ] or = or spaces. Operation Notes REDO executes the command specified as cmdid. The user may specify an optional editstring that edits the command before it is reexecuted. This command is a companion to the MPE/iX DO command. Unlike the DO command, the REDO command does permit interactive editing.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Table 11-2. Editing Directives for the REDO Command Directive Effect ^w UPSHIFT WORD. Upshifts the word starting at the position specified by ^. A word is defined as all characters except a space, comma, or semicolon. If you place the ^ directly beneath a word delimiter, the delimiter is skipped and only the word is upshifted. If no word exists on the command line, no upshift occurs. You may follow this directive with other edits.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Table 11-2. Editing Directives for the REDO Command Directive Effect >^ UPSHIFT FROM EOL. Upshifts the character at the current EOL. You may specify multiple ^'s to upshift a series of characters (read right-to-left) from the EOL. Also, you may follow this directive with other edits. >^w UPSHIFT WORD FROM EOL. Upshifts the last word in the command line. You may follow this directive with other edits. >^delim UPSHIFT TO DELIMITER FROM EOL.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Editing Samples The Table 11-3. on page 405 shows examples of using the REDO command. Table 11-3. REDO Editing Samples Edit Action u First occurrence undoes the previous edits. The u must be in column one. u Second occurrence undoes all edits on the current line. The u must be in column one. rxyz Replaces the current text with xyz starting at the position of r. xyz Replaces the current text with xyz starting at the position of x.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Table 11-3. REDO Editing Samples Edit >dw^.dw Action Deletes the last word in the current line, recalculates the EOL, then upshifts all characters up to, but not including, the dot (.), then deletes the word to the left of the characters that were upshifted. Use This command is available in a session or in BREAK. It is not available in a job or from a program. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be executed only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN belong to your logon or home group. • Checking the file status You can enter the LISTFILE command to determine if a file is currently released or secured. Refer to the LISTFILE command for more information. • Access control definition An access control definition (ACD) overrides file access controls whether or not you have released or secured the file. For more information about ACDs, refer to the ALTSEC command in this manual.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Operation Notes The RELLOG command removes a user logging identifier from the system by deleting it from the directory of logging identifiers. This command may be issued only by the user who created the logging identifier. System supervisor (OP) or user logging (LG) capability is required to use this command. After RELLOG is issued, programs containing the removed logging identifier are not allowed to access the logging system.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN MPE Files To rename an MPE file, you must have DD access to the source MPE group and CD access to the target MPE group. If you specify groupname or acctname, you must have save access to the group or account. Users with System Manager (SM) capability can rename any file to any location on the system. You can use RENAME to move native mode MPE files to HFS directories. You cannot move compatability mode MPE files to HFS directories.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN RENAME MYFILE.GROUP1,MYFILE.GROUP2 The following command renames the file dir2/doc/print.txt in the current working directory (CWD) to MYFILE in the group and account MYGROUP.MYACCT. RENAME ./dir2/doc/print.txt, MYFILE.MYGROUP.MYACCT The following command renames the file FILE1 in the PUB group to new_txt in the HFS directory dir1 under the root directory. RENAME FILE1.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN program and the REPLY/=REPLY is aborted. The reply usually takes the form (NUM) or (Y/N), since (MAX CHARS.=nn) is used only for labeled tapes and the PRINTOPREPLY intrinsic. If your reply is not of the type specified, an error message is displayed. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual REPORT Displays accounting information for the logon account and group. Any user may obtain REPORT information about the user's logon group. (Compatibility Mode) Syntax REPORT[groupset] [,listfile] [;ONVS=[volumesetname]] Parameters groupset Specifies the accounts and groups for which information is to be listed.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Specifies one alphanumeric character (A?# = all the three-character names that begin with A, followed by an alphanumeric, followed by a digit.) ? The characters may be used as follows: n@ Report on all groups starting with the character "n". @n Report on all groups ending with the character "n". n@x Report on all groups starting with the character "n" and ending with the character "x". n##``...# Report on all groups starting with the character "n".
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN If data for the MPE/iX system volume set is requested (either with or without the ONVS= parameter), file space counts are displayed for all volume sets (both system and non-system). However, the account total display reflects only file space in the MPE/iX system volume set. If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX returns an error message.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Syntax RESET{ formaldesignator @ } Parameters formal- designator A formal file designator name in the form file[.group[.account]] [:nodespec], for which a FILE command has been issued. The nodespec portion may be an environment identifier indicating the location of the file, or it may be $BACK. Specifying $BACK means that the file resides one "hop" back toward your local system (which may be the local system itself).
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Parameters @ Specifies that the counters for all accounts, and all groups within the accounts, are to be reset. Default. acct Specifies the name of a particular account, and all groups within the account are to be reset. CPU Specifies that only the CPU usage counter is to be reset. Default is that both the CPU-time and connect-time counters are reset. CONNECT Specifies that only the connect-time usage counter is to be reset.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Issuing this command in BREAK does not affect existing processes. Example To disarm the stackdump/debug facility enter: RESETDUMP Related Information Commands DEBUG, SETDUMP Manuals System Debug Reference Manual RESTORE Returns files that have been stored on backup media to the system.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN before running RESTORE: FILE SOURCE;DEV=TAPE The restorefile can now reference a remote device. For example, FILE REMOTE;DEV=REMSYS#TAPE RESTORE *REMOTE;@;SHOW NM RESTORE will restore all files from the specified remote device. Although the initial tape mount request will appear on the remote console, all of RESTORE's console messages will be displayed on the local console.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN This file may consist of fileset(s) and option(s), but only options can appear after the first semicolon (:) on each line. An option specified on one line will operate on all files in the filesetlist. ^indirectfile is the preferred format. If you use !indirectfile, the CI will interpret this as a variable reference, so you will have to specify indirectfile instead.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN uppercase letters (no upshifting). Names in MPE syntax are upshifted. Both MPE and HFS name components can use the characters @, #, and ? as wildcard characters. These wildcard characters have the following meaning: @ specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters. # specifies one numeric character. ? specifies one alphanumeric character. These wildcard characters can be used as follows n@ Restore all files starting with the character n.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Specifying Database Files When specifying TurboIMAGE and ALLBASE/SQL databases to be restored, only the root file or DBCon file needs to be specified. RESTORE will determine which other files belong to that database, and will restore all of them. If dataset file(s) are specified without specifying a root file, then a warning will be printed for each file, and they will not be restored.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN the specified account. thisisit.@.account Any MPE file named thisisit in all groups in one particular account. ?@.@.acct @ All MPE named files in all the groups in one particular account. All (MPE and HFS) files in the CWD. This is the default for everyone, regardless of permissions. @.@ All (MPE and HFS) files in the logon account. @.@.@ All the files and directories (MPE and HFS) on the system. ?@.@.@ All MPE named files on the system.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN NAMESONLY Displays only the filename and the starting and ending media number. You cannot use NAMESONLY with SHORT or LONG. DATES Displays the creation date, the last date of access, and the last date of modification. SECURITY For MPE format listing, causes SHOW to display the creator and the file access matrix for all the files which do not have an active ACD. For files with active ACDs only, the phrase *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN CREATE Allows you to restore files whose group, account, or creator does not yet exist in the system's directory. The account and groups will be created with default capabilities. If no suboptions are specified, then CREATE defaults to ACCOUNT,GROUP,CREATOR,PATH for SM or OP, to GROUP,CREATOR,PATH for AM, and to PATH for everything else.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN omitted, then the gid present on the media is preserved. This option overrides the account and local options with respect to the gid changes. filegroupname The file sharing group name which will be the new gid for all files being restored. If this parameter is not specified then the gid on the media is preserved.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN filecode/filecode A file code range. A filecode is an integer between -32768 and 32767. FCRANGE=1000/1040 would restore only those files having file codes between 1000 and 1040. You may specify a maximum of eight file code ranges. FILES= maxfiles If you are restoring a large number of files from an MPE V/E (transport) tape, specify a number at least as large as the number of files to be restored. The default is 4000.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN specified group and account. volumesetname A volume set name. If you specify the VOL or VOLCLASS options, the corresponding volume/volume class name must reside within this volume set. Volume Set Notes VOLSET, VOLCLASS and VOL may not be used with the DEV option. You can inadvertently restore files to groups or accounts that you did not intend.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN overriding the default behavior with ;PARTIALDB. THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY IF TURBOSTORE XL OR TURBOSTORE XL II IS INSTALLED ON YOUR SYSTEM. TURBOSTORE IS NOT PART OF THE FUNDAMENTAL OPERATING SYSTEM, BUT MAY BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY. For additional information on TURBOSTORE XL, refer to the Store and Turbostore/iX Manual (30319-90001). RESTORESET Specifies parallel and sequential backup devices.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN parameter to locate the correct media. This option is not available if the restorefile option is specified. NAME This parameter must be specified with the MOSET option, and cannot be specified without it. If specifies the logical name to be used for the backup. For example: RESTORE @.@.@;;MOSET=(12);NAME=DAILY.D23OCT90.BOZO This name could indicate that the restore should be taken from the daily backup done on 23 Oct 1990 on the system called BOZO.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN The system manager and system supervisor may restore lockword-protected files without specifying the lockword only when RESTORE is executed during a session. Users without SM or OP capability must always supply the lockword. The exception is AM. If you have AM and you are working in your own account, you do not have to supply the lockword. If RESTORE is executed as a job, however, all users lacking SM, OP, or AM capability must supply file lockwords.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN :RESTORE ;ABC.PUB.SYS;SHOW TURBO-STORE/RESTORE VERSION A.50.11 HP36398A (C) 1986 HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. WED, NOV 23 1994 11:22 AM WILL RESTORE 1 FILES ; NUMBER OF FILES ON MEDIA FILENAME GROUP ACCOUNT VOLUME RESTRICTIONS ABC .PUB .SYS DISC :C 0 FILES RESTORED: : SECTORS CODE 1 REEL 1 1 If you restore all files without specifying a fileset, a warning will appear, alerting you that all files, based on your capabilities, will be restored.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN RESUME Resumes execution of a suspended operation. (Native Mode) Syntax RESUME Parameters None. Operation Notes After a program or MPE/iX command operation is suspended by pressing Break or by using the CAUSEBREAK intrinsic, the RESUME command resumes execution of the operation at the point where the execution was suspended. Note that the RESUME command is legitimate only during a BREAK.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN RESUMEJOB Resumes a suspended job. (Native Mode) Syntax RESUMEJOB #Jnnn Parameters #Jnnn A job number. Operation Notes The system operator uses the RESUMEJOB command to resume processing a job suspended with the BREAKJOB command. The job continues execution from the point at which it was suspended; no message is issued. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. It may be executed only from the console, or by a user with system supervisor (OP) capability. Examples Assume the system is online and running with logging enabled. If a recoverable error occurs, the following error message is sent to the system console: ST/10:43/LOG FILE NUMBER 104 ERROR #46. LOGGING SUSPENDED. After the error is corrected, enter RESUMELOG.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN to "Operation Notes.") Using the FILES parameter is not allowed on the HP 2680A Page Printer or an HP 2608S CIPER-Protocol Printer. PAGE is the literal page (usually 60 lines or skip to channel 1), as output by the spooler to the printer. Operation Notes If you specify only the ldev parameter, the printer resumes printing at the beginning of the highest-priority spoolfile. Otherwise, the printer resumes printing the previously ACTIVE spoolfile.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Syntax RETURN Parameters None Operation Notes This command terminates the execution of the currently executing user command. Control resumes in the calling environment at the command line following the user command in which RETURN was embedded. Invoking RETURN at the CI colon (:) prompt has no effect. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Parameters textfile The actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is RPGTEXT. Default is $STDIN. uslfile The actual file designator of the user subprogram library (USL) file to which the object program is written. This can be any binary input file with a file code of USL or 1024. Its formal file designator is RPGUSL.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be issued in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN file designator is RPGMAST. Default is that the master file is not read; input is read from textfile, or from $STDIN, if textfile is not specified. If two files being merged have identical line numbers, the lines from textfile or from $STDIN overwrite those in masterfile. newfile NOTE The actual file designator for the file produced by merging the textfile and the masterfile. This can be any ASCII output file. The formal file designator is RPGNEW.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN purchased separately. Syntax RPGPREP[textfile] [,[progfile][,[listfile][,masterfile][,[newfile]]]] Parameters textfile The actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. The formal file designator is RPGTEXT. Default is $STDIN. progfile The actual file designator of the program to which the prepared program segments are written.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN store the prepared program segments, overwriting any existing temporary files of that name. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program. It may not be issued in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN RPGXL Compiles an RPG/XL program. RPG/XL is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately. This command is recognized only if RPG/XL is installed on your system. (Native Mode) Syntax RPGXL[textfile] [,[objectfile][,[listfile]]] [;INFO=quotedstring] NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN your standard list device ($STDLIST). If you omit the objectfile parameter, the object code is saved in the temporary file domain as $OLDPASS. To keep it as a permanent file, you save $OLDPASS under another name. NOTE This command is implemented as a command file. If you set the HPPATH variable to null (SETVAR HPPATH ""), the command file is not executed, and the command fails. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN : RUN SOMEPROG However, if an NMRL is used instead of an NMOBJ, the above can be simplified to the following: BUILD RLFILE;DISC=10000;CODE=NMRL RPGXL MAIN, RLFILE FTNXL SUB, RLFILE LINK RLFILE,SOMEPROG RUN SOMEPROG Related Information Commands RPGXLGO, RPGXLLK Manuals HP RPG/XL Programmer's Guide HP RPG/XL Reference Manual HP RPG Utilities Reference Manual RPGXLGO Compiles, links, and executes an RPG/XL program.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Operation Notes The RPGXLGO command compiles, links, and executes an RPG/XL program. If textfile is omitted, RPG/XL expects input from your standard input device. If you do not specify listfile, RPG/XL sends the program listing to the formal file designator RPGLIST (default is $STDLIST). The object file created during compilation is a system-defined temporary file, $NEWPASS, which is passed directly to the Link Editor as $OLDPASS.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to "Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter. Parameters textfile Actual file designator of the input file from which the source program is read. This can be any ASCII input file. Formal file designator is RPGTEXT. Default is $STDIN. progfile Actual file designator of the program file to which the linked program is written.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Examples The following example compiles and links an RPG/XL program entered through your standard input device and stores the linked program in the file $OLDPASS. The listing is printed on your standard list device.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN prevents MPE/iX from performing the upshift and permits you to enter strings for case-sensitive applications. NOPRIV Specifies that the pages of the code space of the program are to be assigned execution level 3 (the least-privileged execution level), regardless of the declared execution level. The execution level of pages in a library are not affected by the NOPRIV parameter. The default is that code in the program executes at its declared execution level.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN The first line of the load map from the name section displays the type of the file (program or library) and the full name of the file. The title is followed by the module name of the loaded SOM. The next grouping of items is the File Sequence Number (FSN) and the SOM number. The FSN is the number given the file according to its location in the ordered list of files presented to the loader.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN The procedure address (Proc Addr) column gives the starting address of the procedure. The stub address (Stub Addr) column gives the (inbound) external call stub. The last column is interpreted as follows: XL-execution level and/or EL-the call execution level. Import Code Symbols Section External Name printf proca . . exit Type - XRT Stub Addr Stub Stub Stub 4 3 2C5.506C 2C5.509C A 2C5.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN The last column gives the access rights for the symbol. Import Data Symbols Section IMPORTED DATA SYMBOLS ..... Symbol Name Type c Data d Data ANSI_MODE Data a Data Scope Unsat Unsat Unsat Unsat DXRT -C -14 -18 -10 DXRT Addr R/W 240.41634FE4 240.41634FEC 240.41634FE8 240.41634FF0 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 The valid type for import data symbols is: Data Requested import data item.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN NM Library File : XL.PUB.SYS Module Name : hp30026_01 FSN SOM : : LP DP : : Shared Data : 2 0 240.401001A0 240.41639000 YES EXPORTED DATA SYMBOLS ..... Symbol Name Select Type Scope . Size DP Addr R/W 240.41641894 3/3 . __ANSI_MODE YES Stor Univ 4 . . Continuing with the PDD area, the remaining columns starting with Type through R/W are interpreted in the same manner as explained in the Export Data Section.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN The file types are: PROG Compatibility mode program file SSL SL.PUB.SYS PSL SL.PUB.account GSL LC (Level of file checking): 0 No checking 1 Check procedure type 2 Check number of parameters 3 Check parameter type STT is the segment transfer table entry within the segment. Seg is the logical segment number of the segment.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN size if progfile is a native mode program. dlsize The DL-DB area to be assigned initially to the CM stack. To accommodate system logging requirements, this area is always rounded upward in such a way that the distance from the beginning of the stack data segment to the DB address is a multiple of 128 16-bit words. This value must be in the range -1 to 32,767.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN group and account of the program, where the program resides. If the LIB and XL parameters are missing, this parameter defaults to S. This parameter may not be used at the same time as the XL parameter. "library" Specifies the library or libraries to be searched, and the order in which they are searched to resolve any external references. This parameter is available only for native mode load operations.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN directory. NOCB Instructs the file system not to use the stack segment, PCBX, for its control blocks, even if sufficient space is available. This allows for expansion of the stack, using the DLSIZE and ZSIZE intrinsics, to the maximum possible limit at a later time. NOCB affects only those programs that use the following types of file: MSG, RIO, and CIR. Programs using other types of files ignore the NOCB parameter.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN lowercase. If the user does not supply an UNSAT procedure and a process cannot be fully bound, the load fails. An UNSAT procedure must reside in an XL. The UNSAT procedure cannot be placed in an NMOBJ file and linked with the rest of the program. STDIN Specifies the file to be used as $STDIN by the program being executed.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Operation Notes This command executes a program prepared in a program file. It permits searching libraries (SLs for compatibility mode, XLs for native mode) to satisfy external references. Relocatable libraries (RL) are not searched. If the volume set containing the file to be run is not mounted, this command implicitly causes that volume set to be mounted. The volume set has to be opened with a VSOPEN command.
Command List IX Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN Examples To list the references of a loaded program, enter: RUN XLAB;LMAP To run a program stored in the program file PROG4, beginning at the entry point SECLAB, enter: RUN PROG4,SECLAB The following example runs a program TESTPROG with $STDIN set to an old disk file named INPUT and $STDLIST set to the line printer: FILE LPFILE;DEV=LP RUN TESTPROG; STDIN=INPUT;& STDLIST=*LPFILE The next example runs a program using the STDIN parameter, setting $STDIN to a
Command List X 12 Command List X Chapters I thru XII provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ SAVE Saves a file in the permanent system file domain. Syntax SAVE{ $OLDPASS,newfilereference tempfilereference } Parameters $OLDPASS A system-defined temporary file. After this file is saved, it can no longer be referenced by the name $OLDPASS. newfile-reference New actual file designator assigned to $OLDPASS when it is made permanent. Its format is: filename[/lockword][.groupname[.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ This command applies only to temporary files on disk. It is similar to opening a file with the FOPEN intrinsic, and then closing it with the FCLOSE intrinsic, using a permanent file disposition. Use the SAVE command to save KSAM XL files. Since the KSAMUTIL utility is not supported for KSAM XL, the SAVE command is the only method of doing so. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ filename[/lockword][.groupname[.acctname]] If the file has a lockword, you must specify it; otherwise, the system prompts you for it. If you do not specify groupname.acctname, the system assumes the logon group and account. HFS Syntax If the filename begins with a dot (.) or a slash (/), it is parsed according to HFS syntax. Operation Notes • Usage You can use this command only for permanent disk files you created.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Default is $STDLIST. Usually this file is a line printer. This must be defined in a FILE command, and then backreferenced (see "Example"). NOTE The formal file designator used in this command, SEGLIST, cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list. For further information, refer to the "Implicit FILE Commands for Subsystems" discussion of the FILE command. Operation Notes This command starts the segmenter subsystem from MPE/iX.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Parameters DELETE Flags the job's $STDLIST for deletion at job termination. SAVE Cancels the effect of a previous SET STDLIST=DELETE command. Default is SAVE. ECHO Turns terminal echoing ON or OFF. MSG Specifies whether or not TELL messages are displayed on the user's terminal. MSG=OFF prevents TELL messages from appearing on the terminal. WARN messages override MSG=OFF and will appear on the terminal.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ SETCATALOG Catalogs, or enables, the user-defined commands (UDCs) in a specified catalog file at the user, account, or system level. You can also use this command to disable all UDCs on the system. (Native Mode) WARNING If you do not specify a catfilename, all UDC's are disabled (deleted from the UDC directory) regardless of whether or not the ;DELETE option is used. Use only MPE/iX flat files as UDC files.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ UDCs. The ACCOUNT and SYSTEM options allow the user to delete the cataloged file at the account or system levels. The default is user level. Operation Notes The SETCATALOG command allows you to catalog user-defined commands. When you set your own UDCs, the change takes place in your UDC catalog immediately.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ commands if appropriate. The following command deletes UDCA from the directory at the account level, provided it was cataloged at the account level. If other account-level UDCs reside in the directory along with UDCA, they remain undisturbed by this deletion. When appropriate, a new logon UDC is set up.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ units are seconds. Thus a positive correction will cause the system clock to advance by the specified number of seconds, while a negative correction will cause the system clock to slow by the specified number of seconds. time zone spec A specification of the time zone in the form hh:mm, preceded by a required "W" or "E" to specify the Western or Eastern Hemisphere.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ move the system to a new time zone, such as moving between Standard Time and Daylight Savings Time. This form of the command alters the local time without changing Universal Time. Date-Time: If the Date-Time form of the command is used, the system time is adjusted to the specified date and time. This adjustment is gradual by default. It may be made immediate if ;NOW is specified and the user has System Manager (SM) capability.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ there will never be a case where two consecutive timestamps appear to be out of sequence and where system time appears to run backwards. This change in clock speed is accomplished by establishing a system time correction which is gradually consumed. During this time the system clock speeds up or slows down as necessary. When the correction reaches zero, the system clock resumes its normal pace. The rate of the correction depends on the load on the system.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ • Some compilation tools like MAKE rely on the relative modification dates of the files in the compilation unit. Setting the system time backward and then modifying the main file in the compilation unit may force an unnecessary full compilation, since the main file may have an earlier modification time than the files it depends on.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ :SHOWCLOCK SYSTEM TIME: FRI, JUL 24, 1987, 8:52:53 AM CURRENT TIME CORRECTION: 0 SECONDS TIME ZONE: 7 HOURS 0 MINUTES WESTERN HEMISPHERE Note that in the example above the system clock was slower than normal for several minutes. Cancelling the correction did not undo that change; it merely prevented any further time change. Thus after this sequence of commands, the system clock is set to a slightly earlier time than if no SETCLOCK command had been issued.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ [ ;BASE = num] [ ;MAX = num ] [ ;SHOW] Parameters INSP Specifies the input spoolid counter. OUTSP Specifies the output spoolid counter. JOBNUM Specifies the job number counter. SESSNUM Specifies the session number counter. The target counter (INSP, OUTSP, etc.) is only optional if the SHOW option is used by itself to display BASE and MAX values for all counters without changing any of them.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ The defaults, established when the system is booted, are MAX=0 and BASE=1. This is for backward compatibility; if these settings are not changed, the system will operate as it does today. These boot time settings can be modified by including one or more instances of this command in SYSSTART.PUB.SYS. The SHOW option can be used alone to display the current values of BASE and MAX for a specified counter or for all four counters.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ ST This parameter is ignored. QS This parameter is ignored. ASCII This parameter is ignored. "commands" A string of system debug commands surrounded by quotation marks. Refer to the DEBUG command in this chapter. Operation Notes This command enables the stackdump facility for any process created later under the current session or job.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Parameters jcwname The name of a new or existing user-defined or system-defined job control word (JCW). You can use @ to specify all currently defined JCWs. You may not specify the system-reserved JCWs, HPMINUTE, HPHOUR, HPDAY, HPDATE, HPMONTH, or HPYEAR. delimiter One or more punctuation characters or spaces, except %, !, and -. Whatever character is used delimits the name and value.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ The values in the system-reserved JCWs can be inspected by the user, but not altered. To display the contents of a JCW use the SHOWJCW or the SHOWVAR command. JCW Values and Mnemonics JCWs may be assigned any positive integer value between 0 and 65,535 inclusive (%0 and %177777). These values are treated as 16-bit unsigned integers by MPE/iX, since all 16 bits are used for numeric information, rather than using the most significant bit as a sign bit.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ found, it is created and set to value. The term "value," as used here, means the explicitly stated or the computed value. You may not begin a JCW name with the mnemonic names OK, WARN, FATAL, or SYSTEM, unless you append a number to the mnemonic such that the computed value exceeds 65,535 (for example, WARN999999, or SYSTEM200000). If the computed value exceeds 65,535, MPE/iX does not recognize the term as a valid mnemonic, and treats it as the name of a JCW.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ The system-reserved JCWs are HPMINUTE, HPHOUR, HPDAY, HPDATE, HPMONTH, and HPYEAR. They contain system-assigned minute, hour, day, date, month, and year information. If the user attempts to assign values, an error message is displayed. You can retrieve the values in these JCWs with the FINDJCW intrinsic. The values can also be tested if the JCW is used with an IF, WHILE, SETJCW, SETVAR, or CALC command. The names of the system-reserved JCWs are reserved.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Operation Notes Allows a job or session to receive or block TELL messages from other users. WARN messages from the system operator override quiet mode and are received and displayed. Examples To block messages, enter: SETMSG OFF To receive messages, enter: SETMSG ON Related Information Commands SET, TELL Manuals None SETVAR Assigns values to MPE/iX variables.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Table 12-2.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Syntax SHOWALLOCATE[ STATUS[,listfile] ALLOCATE [,[fileset][,listfile]] ALL[,[fileset][,listfile]] ] Parameters Request to display a summary of status information includes: STATUS (1)Number of programs allocated; (2)Size and percentage of utilization of the following system tables: Code segment table, code segment extension block table, and loader segment table.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ @n All files ending with the character n. n@x All files starting with the character n and ending with the character x. n##..# All files starting with the character n followed by up to seven digits (useful for listing all EDIT/3000 temporary files). ?n@ All files whose second character is n. n? All two-character files starting with the character n. All two-character files ending with the character n.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ To display summary status information regarding allocation. SHOWALLOCATE STATUS ALLOCATION STATUS NUMBER OF PROGRAMS ALLOCATED = 3 ALLOCATION RELATED TABLES SIZE CODE SEGMENT TABLE CSTX BLOCK TABLE LOADER SEGMENT TABLE 191 144 32000 %USED 52 13 3 Related Information Commands ALLOCATE Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks SHOWALLOW Displays which operator commands have been allowed. Syntax SHOWALLOW[{ @.@user.@@.acctuser.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Example To list the operator commands allowed to the user USER.SYS, enter: SHOWALLOW USER.SYS #S86 USER.SYS USER HAS THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS ALLOWED: ABORTIO ACCEPT DOWN GIVE THERE ARE NO GLOBAL ALLOWS DEFINED. Related Information Commands ALLOW, DISALLOW Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks (32650-90137) SHOWCATALOG Displays information about user-defined commands (UDCs). (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWCATALOG[listfile] [;USER=username[.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ executing UDC directory is not affected. Only the UDC catalog set is affected. The next time the user logs on, the UDC directory is built from this set. Thus the SHOWCATALOG command with the USER option shows the UDC catalog set. The SHOWCATALOG command alone shows the currently executing UDC directory commands. Use This command is available from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Operation Notes Prints the current time, date, the time correction in effect, and the time zone. See the command SETCLOCK for information about time correction and time zone. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ LDEV AVAIL 1 DISC 2 DISC 3 DISC 4 DISC 5 AVAIL 6 SPOOLED 7 AVAIL 8 AVAIL 9 AVAIL 10 A AVAIL 11 DISC 12 DISC 13 DISC 14 DISC 15 DISC 16 DISC 17 AVAIL 18 AVAIL 19 SPOOLED 20 A UNAVAIL 21 A AVAIL OWNERSHIP N/A N/A N/A N/A VOLID DEN ASSOCIATION SPOOLER OUT N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #S914: 8 FILES COLUMN MEANING LDEV Includes the logical device number and may include one of the following: AVAIL OWNERSHIP J Accepts jobs. D Accepts data.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ VOLID DEN #Snnn Controlled by the indicated session. nn FILES Indicates number of files currently in use on a disk. DOWN Device is offline, requested by system operator with the DOWN command. DP Device is being taken offline (DOWN command operation pending). The volume identification and may include one of the following: IBM The named magnetic tape volume that has a label written in the IBM format. ANSI The named magnetic tape volume that has a label.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ SHOWDEV CARD LDEV AVAIL OWNERSHIP VOLID DEN ASSOCIATION 6 A AVAIL Related Information Commands DISCRPS, ABORTIO Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks SHOWIN Reports the status of input device files. Syntax SHOWIN[ #Innn STATUS ] [;SP] [;item[;item [;...]]] Parameters #Innn Identifies the particular input device file for which information is to be displayed.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ @S Displays the status of input device files for all sessions. @ Displays the status of device files for all jobs and sessions. (Default.) [#]Jnnn Displays the status of all input device files for a specified job. [#]Snnn Displays the status of all input device files for a specified session. ACTIVE, OPENED, or READY Displays the status of all input files in a specified state. ACTIVE displays the status of active device files.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ outfence or the outfence of a specific device. PRI The outpriority of the device file, requested by the user or adjusted by the system operator. Specified for spooled output device files only. #C The number of copies needed, specified for spooled output device files only. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ SHOWJCW Displays the current state of one or more job control word (JCW) variables. Syntax SHOWJCW[jcwname] Parameters jcwname The name of a valid job control word (JCW) variable. Default is that all user-defined and system-defined JCWs are displayed. Operation Notes The SHOWJCW command is used to display the current state of one or more job control words (JCWs). Job control words in MPE/iX are classed as variables of type JCW.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ HPDAY=4 Related Information Commands DELETEVAR, SETJCW, SETVAR, SHOWVAR Manuals Appendix A, "Predefined Variables in MPE/iX" SHOWJOB Displays status information about jobs/sessions. Syntax SHOWJOB[ [#]Snnn [#]Jnnn STATUS SCHED item[;item[;...]] ] [;*listfile] [;JOBQ] Parameters #Snnn The session number (assigned by MPE/iX) of the session for which the status information is to be displayed.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Parameters for Item A list of jobs/sessions for which status information is to be displayed. Use one of the following options: JOB= @J Displays status information for all jobs. @S Displays status information for all sessions. @ Displays status information for all jobs and sessions. Default. [jsname,] username. acctname The jsname is an optional name given to the session or job by the user.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ 7 JOBS: 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 7 EXEC; INCL 7 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 0; JLIMIT= 3; SLIMIT= 16 If the SHOWJOB SCHED command is used, the output is displayed as shown below. The STATE field shows that the job is scheduled. The SCHEDULED-INTRO field shows the time and date the job will be introduced to the system. Note that the scheduled jobs are listed in the order in which they will be introduced to the system.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Related Information Commands ABORTJOB, BREAKJOB Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks SHOWLOG Displays the number of the system's current log file and the percentage of disk space used. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWLOG Parameters None.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Syntax SHOWLOGSTATUS[logid] Parameters Displays status of the user logging file associated with the logging identifier, logid, created by the GETLOG command. Default is that the status of all logging identifiers is displayed. logid Operation Notes This command lists the status of currently running logging processes. The status includes the total number of records written by the process and the number of users accessing the logging file.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Related Information Commands ALTLOG, CHANGELOG, GETLOG, LISTLOG, LOG, OPENLOG, RELLOG, RESUMELOG, SHOWLOG, SWITCHLOG Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual SHOWME Reports the status of a job or session. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWME Parameters None. Operation Notes To display the status of the current job/session enter: SHOWME USER: #S485,MGR.DSUSER,PUB (NOT IN BREAK) RELEASE: V.UU.FF MPE XL HP31900 A.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ MPE/iX operating system is compiled. This V.UU.FF number cannot be changed and is used when entering a service request (SR) against the MPE/iX operating system product for that particular release. CURRENT Shows the current time and date. LOGON Shows the logon time. CPU SECONDS Shows the central processor time (CPU) used by this job/session.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ information is displayed in Type II format, described in the "Operation Notes" section. The default is to display status information for all output device files used by the logon job or session. SP Displays the status information for currently spooled output device files associated with the logon job or session. The information is displayed in a combination of two formats, Type I format followed by Type II format, which is described in the "Operation Notes" section.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ N Displays the status of nondeferred READY device files. D Displays the status of deferred READY device files. Operation Notes This command displays the status information for one or more currently defined output device files. The information reflects the status at the time the command is entered and always appears on the standard list device.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ This applies only to spooled output device files. RANK The ranking of the file and its order in the system with respect to other files of the same output priority and classname or ldev. A time stamp activated by the FCLOSE intrinsic determines the file's rank. The letter D following RANK indicates a deferred file. This applies only to spooled device files.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ SHOWOUT DEV=43 DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE 43 #O43 #S37 $STDLIST OPENED FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C OUTFENCE= 2 : Related Information Commands SHOWIN, LISTSPF Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks SHOWPROC Displays information about the specified process(es). (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWPROC[ [ PIN=]{pinspec | (pinspec [ ,pinspec ] ...)}] [[;JOB=]{jobspec | (jobspec [ ,jobspec] ...
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ must be in the form user[.account]. SM or OP capability is required to specify another user's username. If there is more than one job or session under the same username, all are displayed. You can use wildcards; they have the following meanings: @S - all sessions @J - all jobs @ - all sessions and jobs An ordinary user can only see their own processes, even when jobspec is wildcarded. For example, if the user name is JEFF.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ USER The USER option filters output when jobspec is wildcarded by displaying only processes matching the user's name. USER is the default for users without OP and SM capability. ANYUSER This option defeats the filtering of the wildcarded jobspec and displays all matching processes. SM or OP capability is necessary to specify ANYUSER, and users with these capabilities get ANYUSER by default.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ JOBNUM (6): The job or session number for the process. LOGON (v): The job/session, user, and account name associated with this process. PARENT (5): Process Identification Number for the process' parent (decimal). This field is unique to the DETAIL format. The DETAIL format displays PARENT so that process relationships can be determined. A zero indicates that the process does not have a parent (for example, PROGEN).
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ C152 0:12.999 WAIT S12 C152 0:02.000 WAIT S12 C152 0:01.030 READY S12 54 :tdp "text myfile" 38 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile 67 (FCOPY.PUB.SYS);to=b$ :SHOWPROC #P54; tree; notrunc QPRI CPU STATE JOBNUM PIN C152 0:12.999 WAIT S12 C152 0:02.000 WAIT S12 C152 0:01.030 READY S12 r;new (PROGRAM) STEP 54 :tdp "text myfile" 38 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile 67 (FCOPY.PUB.SYS)
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ or OP capability), enter: :SHOWPROC job=@; format= detail Related Information Commands TUNE, ALTPROC, SHOWQ, NEWWG, ALTWG, PURGEWG, SHOWWG Manuals MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual SHOWQ Displays scheduling data for all processes and the scheduling characteristics of the CS, DS and ES scheduling subqueue(s). (Native Mode) SYNTAX SHOWQ[;ACTIVE] [;STATUS] Parameters ACTIVE Displays only the processes currently running or those about to run.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ A B B A D C C 1 C M163 #S263 2 C U215 #S256 3 4 U29 #J30 M37 #S234 M55 #S248 Each entry in the three columns displays the following information for a single process; the meaning is explained below.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ backward compatibility is maintained through five default workgroups created by the system. The scheduling characteristics of the CS_Default, DS_Default, and ES_Default workgroups mimic those of the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues. In fact, the information displayed for the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues is the same information as that for the default workgroups. Please refer to the NEWWG and SHOWWG commands for more detail.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Operation Notes Prints current time and date, as indicated by system clock. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Example To display the time and date, enter: SHOWTIME MON, JUL 24, 1987, 8:47 AM Related Information Commands SETCLOCK, SHOWCLOCK Manuals None SHOWVAR Displays specific variable names and their current values. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWVAR[ varid] [ ,varid] ...
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ VARIABLE NAME = value. Users with SM capability may display user-defined variables for another job or session by using the JOB= parameter. If jobid matches the job ID of the user execuiting the command no restrictions are placed. Plaese specify the USER option in scripts and jobs that use JOB=. This documents the intent, and allows these scripts and jobs to function the same if JOB= is later enhanced to show predefined and use user-defined variables.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Examples To display two specific variables, enter: SHOWVAR firstvariable, secondvariable To display all variables beginning with a single alphabetic character and ending with the characters axval, enter: SHOWVAR ?axval To display all variables created by the user with the SETVAR, INPUT, or SETJCW command, or with the HPCIPUTVAR, PUTJCW, or SETJCW intrinsics, enter: SHOWVAR To display all variables created currently in the variable table, those created by the user
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Operation Notes The =SHUTDOWN command performs an implicit =LOGOFF of all sessions, including the session logged at the system console. All system processes are stopped in an orderly fashion. This includes the completion of all pending system activity and any processing necessary to ensure that the integrity of all system tables and directories is maintained.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Spoolers Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown notified of a shutdown. (Shut 16) of system processes begins. (Shut 4) of system managers begins. (Shut 5) of operating system complete. (Shut 6) Related Information Commands =LOGOFF Manuals System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual SHUTQ Closes the spool queue(s) for the specified logical device, device name, or all members of a device class.
Command List X Commands SAVE thru SHUTQ Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.
Command List XI 13 Command List XI Chapters I thru X provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE SHOWLOG Displays the number of the system's current log file and the percentage of disk space used. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWLOG Parameters None.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Syntax SHOWLOGSTATUS[logid] Parameters Displays status of the user logging file associated with the logging identifier, logid, created by the GETLOG command. Default is that the status of all logging identifiers is displayed. logid Operation Notes This command lists the status of currently running logging processes. The status includes the total number of records written by the process and the number of users accessing the logging file.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Related Information Commands ALTLOG, CHANGELOG, GETLOG, LISTLOG, LOG, OPENLOG, RELLOG, RESUMELOG, SHOWLOG, SWITCHLOG Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual SHOWME Reports the status of a job or session. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWME Parameters None. Operation Notes To display the status of the current job/session enter: SHOWME USER: #S485,MGR.DSUSER,PUB (NOT IN BREAK) RELEASE: V.UU.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE MPE/iX operating system is compiled. This V.UU.FF number cannot be changed and is used when entering a service request (SR) against the MPE/iX operating system product for that particular release. CURRENT Shows the current time and date. LOGON Shows the logon time. CPU SECONDS Shows the central processor time (CPU) used by this job/session.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE information is displayed in Type II format, described in the "Operation Notes" section. The default is to display status information for all output device files used by the logon job or session. SP Displays the status information for currently spooled output device files associated with the logon job or session.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE N Displays the status of nondeferred READY device files. D Displays the status of deferred READY device files. Operation Notes This command displays the status information for one or more currently defined output device files. The information reflects the status at the time the command is entered and always appears on the standard list device.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE This applies only to spooled output device files. RANK The ranking of the file and its order in the system with respect to other files of the same output priority and classname or ldev. A time stamp activated by the FCLOSE intrinsic determines the file's rank. The letter D following RANK indicates a deferred file. This applies only to spooled device files.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE SHOWOUT DEV=43 DEV/CL DFID JOBNUM FNAME STATE 43 #O43 #S37 $STDLIST OPENED FRM SPACE RANK PRI #C OUTFENCE= 2 : Related Information Commands SHOWIN, LISTSPF Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks SHOWPROC Displays information about the specified process(es). (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWPROC[ [ PIN=]{pinspec | (pinspec [ ,pinspec ] ...)}] [[;JOB=]{jobspec | (jobspec [ ,jobspec] ...
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE must be in the form user[.account]. SM or OP capability is required to specify another user's username. If there is more than one job or session under the same username, all are displayed. You can use wildcards; they have the following meanings: @S - all sessions @J - all jobs @ - all sessions and jobs An ordinary user can only see their own processes, even when jobspec is wildcarded. For example, if the user name is JEFF.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE USER The USER option filters output when jobspec is wildcarded by displaying only processes matching the user's name. USER is the default for users without OP and SM capability. ANYUSER This option defeats the filtering of the wildcarded jobspec and displays all matching processes. SM or OP capability is necessary to specify ANYUSER, and users with these capabilities get ANYUSER by default.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE JOBNUM (6): The job or session number for the process. LOGON (v): The job/session, user, and account name associated with this process. PARENT (5): Process Identification Number for the process' parent (decimal). This field is unique to the DETAIL format. The DETAIL format displays PARENT so that process relationships can be determined. A zero indicates that the process does not have a parent (for example, PROGEN).
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE C152 0:12.999 WAIT S12 C152 0:02.000 WAIT S12 C152 0:01.030 READY S12 54 :tdp "text myfile" 38 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile 67 (FCOPY.PUB.SYS);to=b$ :SHOWPROC #P54; tree; notrunc QPRI CPU STATE JOBNUM PIN C152 0:12.999 WAIT S12 C152 0:02.000 WAIT S12 C152 0:01.030 READY S12 r;new (PROGRAM) STEP 54 :tdp "text myfile" 38 (TDP.PUB.SYS) text myfile 67 (FCOPY.PUB.SYS)
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE or OP capability), enter: :SHOWPROC job=@; format= detail Related Information Commands TUNE, ALTPROC, SHOWQ, NEWWG, ALTWG, PURGEWG, SHOWWG Manuals MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual SHOWQ Displays scheduling data for all processes and the scheduling characteristics of the CS, DS and ES scheduling subqueue(s). (Native Mode) SYNTAX SHOWQ[;ACTIVE] [;STATUS] Parameters ACTIVE Displays only the processes currently running or those about to run.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE A B B A D C C 1 C M163 #S263 2 C U215 #S256 3 4 U29 #J30 M37 #S234 M55 #S248 Each entry in the three columns displays the following information for a single process; the meaning is explained below.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE backward compatibility is maintained through five default workgroups created by the system. The scheduling characteristics of the CS_Default, DS_Default, and ES_Default workgroups mimic those of the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues. In fact, the information displayed for the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues is the same information as that for the default workgroups. Please refer to the NEWWG and SHOWWG commands for more detail.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Operation Notes Prints current time and date, as indicated by system clock. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Example To display the time and date, enter: SHOWTIME MON, JUL 24, 1987, 8:47 AM Related Information Commands SETCLOCK, SHOWCLOCK Manuals None SHOWVAR Displays specific variable names and their current values. (Native Mode) Syntax SHOWVAR[ varid] [ ,varid] ...
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE VARIABLE NAME = value. Users with SM capability may display user-defined variables for another job or session by using the JOB= parameter. If jobid matches the job ID of the user execuiting the command no restrictions are placed. Plaese specify the USER option in scripts and jobs that use JOB=. This documents the intent, and allows these scripts and jobs to function the same if JOB= is later enhanced to show predefined and use user-defined variables.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Examples To display two specific variables, enter: SHOWVAR firstvariable, secondvariable To display all variables beginning with a single alphabetic character and ending with the characters axval, enter: SHOWVAR ?axval To display all variables created by the user with the SETVAR, INPUT, or SETJCW command, or with the HPCIPUTVAR, PUTJCW, or SETJCW intrinsics, enter: SHOWVAR To display all variables created currently in the variable table, those created by the u
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Operation Notes The =SHUTDOWN command performs an implicit =LOGOFF of all sessions, including the session logged at the system console. All system processes are stopped in an orderly fashion. This includes the completion of all pending system activity and any processing necessary to ensure that the integrity of all system tables and directories is maintained.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Use This command may be issued only at the physical console. Example To shut the system down, first issue a warning to all users to allow them time to log off, and then execute =SHUTDOWN as shown below: WARN @;SYSTEM WILL SHUTDOWN IN FIVE MINUTES. PLS LOG OFF. CTRL A =SHUTDOWN 10:49/#S40/25/LOGOFF 10:49/20/ALL JOBS LOGGED-OFF To shut down the system in order to identify a DTC hang, use the dtc option.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE unenabled) of the devices specified with the SHUTQ command. @ The @ parameter globally disables all currently open spooling queues without closing the spooling queues. Thus when the spooling queues are globally reenabled with the OPENQ @ command, all spooling queues that were opened before being globally disabled will again be open. Refer to the Native Mode Spooler Reference Manual (32650-90166) for more discussion on enabling and disabling of spooling queues.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE SET SPEED = newspeed Parameters newinspeed The new input speed in characters-per-second (CPS). The input and output speeds must always be equal. Acceptable values for newinspeed and newoutspeed are 30, 120, 240, 480, 960, and 1920. newoutspeed The new output speed in characters-per-second (CPS). The input and output speeds must always be equal. Acceptable values for newinspeed and newoutspeed are 30, 120, 240, 480, 960, and 1920.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE or SET SPEED=2400 Related Information Commands SET Manuals MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual SPL Compiles a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Actual file designator of the file created by merging textfile and masterfile. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is SPLNEW. Default is that no file is written. newfile NOTE The formal file designators used in this command (SPLTEXT, SPLUSL, SPLLIST, SPLMAST, and SPLNEW) cannot be backreferenced as actual file designators in the command parameter list.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Related Information Commands SPLGO, SPLPREP, PREP, RUN Manuals Systems Programming Language Reference Manual SPLGO Compiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode SPL/V program. SPL/V is not part of the HP 3000 Series 900 Computer System Fundamental Operating Software and must be purchased separately.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Operation Notes This command compiles, prepares, and executes an SPL program. If textfile is omitted, MPE/iX expects input from your standard input device. This command creates a temporary user subprogram library (USL) file ($NEWPASS) that you cannot access and a temporary program file that you can access under the name $OLDPASS. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program but not in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE • By using the MPE/iX BUILD command and specifying a file code of 1029 or PROG, and a numextents value of 1. This file is then used by the PREP command. • By specifying a nonexistent file in the progfile parameter, in which case a job/session temporary file of the correct size and type is created. listfile Actual file designator of the file to which program listing is written. This can be any ASCII output file. Formal designator is SPLLIST. Default is $STDLIST.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Use This command may be issued from a session, job, or program but not in BREAK. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution. Examples To compile and prepare an SPL program entered from your standard input device, and send the output to your standard list device, enter: SPLPREP The following example compiles and prepares an SPL source program from the disk file SFILE into the program file MYPROG.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Parameters ldev The logical device number of the spooled device. devclass The device class name of the spooled devices. devclass must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. devname The device name of the spooled device. devname must begin with a letter and consist of eight or fewer alphanumeric characters. Note that it is not possible to have a device class name and a device name that are the same.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE specified, NOW is taken as the default. NOTE Because of the large amount of data buffered in the file system and the device, an output device may continue to print, making it appear as if the STOP parameter has not had any effect. In reality, the spooler stops sending data to the device when the command is received but must wait until all buffered data has been printed before stopping.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE If neither the NOW nor the FINISH option is specified, NOW is taken as the default. If neither the KEEP nor the NOKEEP option is specified, KEEP is taken as the default. If the OFFSET option is not specified, the spooler retains the present location in the output spool file. This is the default. The combination of the NOW, KEEP, and no OFFSET parameters (all defaults) is a special case.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE is specified and the spooler does not have a retained file, a warning is generated and the spooler prints the next available spool file from the beginning. RELEASE The RELEASE parameter directs a suspended output spooler to close (release) a spool file that it is currently retaining due to an earlier SUSPEND ;KEEP option. It is invalid and generates a warning if used in any other context.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE • KEEP is used as a parameter to the SUSPEND option or, it is taken as the default. • The spooler is actively processing a file or is suspending. • The NOW parameter is also specified or taken by default. If the OFFSET parameter is not specified (or this condition is taken by default), the spooler suspends after processing the current record. NOKEEP Directs the spooler to close the spool file that it is currently processing.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE serial printer does not return page data to its storage manager. The storage manager does not attempt to interpret the spool file data, looking for escape sequences that may advance paper, eject a page, or change the page length or line density. This would degrade performance to an unacceptable level. Instead, it checks the carriage control character supplied as part of the user's FWRITE intrinisc call.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE device, device name, or all devices of a device class. This allows users to generate spool files on that device(s). See the OPENQ command for more information. OPENQ is the default value for the START option. SHUTQ The SHUTQ option or parameter disables spooling for a specified logical device, device name, or all devices of a device class. This prevents users from generating spool files on that device(s). See the SHUTQ command for more information.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE SPOOLER dev;SUSPEND;KEEP;OFFSET=-3 SPOOLER dev;RESUME;OFFSET=-6 Output resumes at page 21 (30-3-6=21). 2. A spooler is again on page 30 when the following sequence is entered: SPOOLER dev;SUSPEND;KEEP;OFFSET=-15 SPOOLER dev;RESUME;OFFSET=20 Output resumes at (absolute) page 20. 3.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE { ldevdevclassdevname} ] [;PRI=outpri] [;COPIES= numcopies] [;SELEQ= { [select-eq]^indirect_file} ] [;ALTER] [;SPSAVE] [ ;DEFER;UNDEFER] [;SHOW]] ] [ [IDNAME=] { fileset(fileset [,fileset]. . .)} [;PRINT] [;DEV= { ldevdevclassdevname} ] [;PRI=outpri] [;COPIES= numcopies] [;SPSAVE] [ ;DEFER;UNDEFER] [;SHOW] ] [ [IDNAME=] { spoolid(spoolid [,spoolid]. . .
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Only spool files whose attributes satisfy all filter requirements are listed. For example, you use the following command to delete all the output spool files to which you have access and that have less than 100 pages from user.acct: SPOOLF O@;DELETE;SELEQ=[(OWNER=user.acct)AND(PAGES<100)] Begin and end selection equations with square brackets, as shown in the preceding example.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE in the actual equation.) • parm ::= PAGES: Number of pages in spool file (if known). Use a positive integer. The PAGES attribute does not apply to input spool files; therefore, any logical condition involving the attribute always returns FALSE when tested against an input spool file. • parm ::= FORMID: Form name. You may use wildcards. (The formid is an ASCII string up to 8 characters, the first of which must be a letter.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. Only "=" and "<>" are allowed as relational operators. This attribute does not apply to input spool files; therefore, any logical condition involving the attribute always returns FALSE when tested against an input spool file. • parm ::= DATE: Creation date in the format mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/year.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE last complete page that was printed in the spool files's file label extension (FLABX). The next time the file is selected for printing by any spooler, output resumes at the page saved in the FLABX. Because of the large amount of data buffered in the file system and the device, an output device may continue to print, making it appear as if the DEFER or DEV keyword has not had any effect.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Printing of a spool file is interrupted only if the newly specified target ldev, devclass, or devname is different than the previous target ldev, devclass, or devname. devclass Specifies the new destination device class name for the spool file. If the spool file is in the PRINT state, it is returned to the READY state. It may immediately enter the PRINT state on a device in devclass if all requirements are met.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE system, but the state of the spool file is DEFER. The spool file is not printed until a subsequent SPOOLF...;UNDEFER is entered. NOTE If the DEFER option is used on any file in the CREATE state (opened for original creation), the spool file only enters the DEFER state after it is completed (closed for the last time).
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Syntax STARTSESS ldev [ sessionname,] user [ /userpass] .acct [/acctpass][ ,group [/grouppass]] [ ;TERM={termtype}][ [;TIME=cpusecs] [ ;PRI= {BS | CS | DS | ES}][{ ;INPRI=inputpriority | ;HIPRI}] [ ;NOWAIT][ ;INFO=ciinfo][ ;PARM=ciparm] Parameters ldev The logical device number of the target terminal. This terminal must be a real physical device and cannot be a virtual terminal or a distributed system (DS) pseudo terminal.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE acct Account name established by the system manager. The name may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. A period (.) must precede the acct parameter. acctpass Account password, optionally assigned by the system manager. The password may contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE termtype Determines terminal-type characteristics. The value of the termtype parameter determines the type of terminal used for input. MPE/iX uses this parameter to determine device-dependent characteristics such as delay factors for carriage returns. The value must be 10, 18, 20, or 21. The default value for termtype is assigned by the system supervisor during system configuration.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE The HIPRI option is used for two different purposes when logging on. It can be used to override the system jobfence, or it can be used to override the session limit: • When using the HIPRI option to override the jobfence, the system first checks to see if you have system manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP) capability. The user who has either of these capabilities is logged on, and the INPRI defaults to the system jobfence and execution limit.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE ciparm The command interpreter parameter number you wish to use. If you are using the MPE/iX command interpreter, the numbers accepted are: 0, 2, 4 Logon UDCs are executed and the CI banner and the WELCOME message are displayed. Default. 1, 3, 5 Same as 0, but the CI terminates after processing the info= string. -1 UDCs are not cataloged. The CI banner and the WELCOME message are not displayed. Invoking this level requires system manager (SM) capability.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Example To start a session named CH5, with the username ERNST, accountname UDET, groupname JASTA11, and grouppass PASS on LDEV 21, enter: STARTSESS 21;CH5,ERNST.UDET,JASTA11/PASS Related Information Commands TUNE Manuals Process Management Programmer's Guide Performing System Operation Tasks STARTSPOOL Initiates the spooler process for a device. Syntax STARTSPOOL[{ ldev[;SHUTQ]devclass} ] Parameters ldev The logical device number of a spooled device.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Examples To start spooling all output to logical device 6 and all device classes that reference logical device 6, enter: STARTSPOOL 6 To start spooling all output to device class LP, enter: STARTSPOOL LP To start spooling on logical device 6, while preventing the creation of any new spool files, enter: STARTSPOOL 6;SHUTQ Related Information Commands STOPSPOOL Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks STOPSPOOL Terminates spooling to a specified device or d
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command. Examples To terminate spooling to logical device number 6 and cause the spooler process to relinquish control of that device, enter: STOPSPOOL 6 Spooling also terminates for any device class that references this device unless STARTSPOOL has been issued for a specific device class.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE [;NOTIFY] [;ONVS=volumesetname[,volumesetname[,...]]] [;SPLITVS=split_setname[,split_setname]] [;RENAME] [;TREE] [;NOTREE] [;STOREDIR[ECTORY] =directoryname] [;NOSTOREDIR[ECTORY]] [;PART[IAL]DB] [;STATISTICS] [;INTER] [;STORESET=(device[,...])] [;INTER] [;STORESET=(device[,...])[,(device[,...])[,...]]] The following parameters are available with TurboStore/iX and TurboSTORE/iX True-Online Backup products only: [;COMPRESS[=compressionparmlist]] [;MOSET=(ldev[,...
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE An alternate syntax exists for use with the RENAME option: filestostore[-filestoexclude[-...[=targetname] The system stores any file that matches filestostore unless the file also matches filestoexclude, which specifies files to be excluded from the STORE operation. You may specify an unlimited number of filestoexclude.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE These wildcard characters can be used as follows n@ Store all files starting with the character n. @n Store all files ending with the character n. n##...# Store all files starting with character n followed by up to seven digits (useful for storing all EDIT/3000 temporary files). n@x Store all files starting with the character n and ending with the character x. ?n@ Store all files whose second character is n.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE Database corruption may result if not all database files are restored from a backup. Be sure that you only want to restore certain database files before overriding the default behavior with ;PARTIALDB. MPE and HFS Naming Equivalences When an MPE name component is a single @ wildcard, the @ will be "folded" to include all MPE and HFS named files at that level and below. To specifiy only MPE-named files, use ?@ instead.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE targetname @.@ All (MPE and HFS) files in the logon account. @.@.@ All the files and directories (MPE and HFS) on the system. ?@.@.@ All MPE named files on the system. Specifies the name and creator for the file on the store media. The targetname parameter has the form: filename[:creator[.creatoraccount The filename can be any legal MPE filename or HFS pathname. The creator and creatoraccount must be legal creator and account names, respectively.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE equation would be: :FILE MYDISC=DISCBACK.DAILY.BACKUP;DEV=DISC Note that DEV=DISC must be specified for STORE to recover files from disk backups. All other information in the file equation will be ignored by STORE. STORE creates a binary, fixed record file containing the backup data. This disk file can be restored using the same file equation for RESTORE. By default, STORE creates the disk file with a 4Gig limit.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE factor, number of extents allowed, allocated, end- of-file, and file starting and ending media number. NAMESONLY Displays only the filename and the starting and ending media number. NAMESONLY is not allowed with SHORT or LONG. DATES Displays the creation date, the last date of access, and the last date of modification.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE (indicated by >=, equal to or greater than) limits the STORE to those files that were modified on or after a particular date. An accdate value (indicated by <=, less than or equal to) limits the STORE to those files that were accessed on or before a particular date. The date is expressed in the form mm/dd/yy[yy]. The year may be expressed in two or four digits (for example, 87 or 1987). This option cannot be used for files that are attached to a log set.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE SPLITVS, MAXTAPEBUF, STORESET, INTER, COMPRESS, ONLINE, MOSET, NAME, ONVS, TREE, or NOTREE options. MPEXL (optional) If MPEXL is specified, then STORE writes out MPE XL compatible media. If the TRANSPORT parameter is used and MPEXL is not specified, then MPE V compatible media is produced. This option is used to facilitate transport of files with a later version attribute to older systems. At present, ACDs are the only attributes that are translated.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE A set name included for the SPLITVS option can not be specified for the ONVS option. However, ONVS and SPLITVS can be both used in the same STORE command with different volume set names. The ONVS option also provides the ability to restrict, or enhance the creation of directory information on the store tape. If the DIRECTORY option is specified in conjunction with the ONVS option, only those accounting structures on the specified volume sets are stored.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE option is mutually exclusive with TREE. STOREDIRECTORY Specifies that STORE should create a disc file that contains the backup media label and directory information. This file will be placed in the store_dirs directory of the HPSTORE.SYS group (/SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs/). If this path does not exist, the directory file will not be created. The disc directory file can help to speed up the recovery process, particularly if ONLINE=END was used to create the backup.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE STORESET Specifies parallel and sequential backup devices. This option cannot be used if the storefile parameter is specified, and it cannot be used in conjunction with the TRANSPORT option. Sequential tapes are specified in this way ;STORESET = (*tape1,*tape2,*tape3,...) This instructs STORE to use only one drive at a time from the specified serial pool for the store operation. It will select *tape1 first.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE MOSET HIGH Specifies that the higher of the two available data compression algorithms is to be used. Although the data will be compressed more, STORE will use more CPU resources. LOW Specifies that the lower of the two available data compression algorithms is to be used. Although the files will not compress as well as with HIGH, STORE will use less CPU resources. Specifies parallel Magneto Optical (MO) backup devices.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE completion of the attach phase is also sent to the system console: FILES LOCKED BY ONLINE STORE ARE NOW FREE FOR READ/WRITE/PURGE See the NOTIFY option for an additional way to notify users that the attach phase has completed. START Specifies that a 7x24 true-online sync point should occur at the beginning of the backup, before any files are stored. All files being stored do NOT have to be closed for write access when the backup starts.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE file in your account, but you cannot store files having negative file codes unless you have Privileged Mode (PM) capability. Before entering a STORE command, you must identify storefile as a magnetic tape or DDS device by using the FILE command (creating a file equation). • Invoking the STORE functionality You may invoke the STORE functionality with the RUN command (for example, RUN STORE.PUB.SYS).
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE To store all MPE named files (and exclude HFS files and directories), enter :STORE ?@.@.@ To store all (MPE and HFS) files in the group GP4X in your logon account to a tape file named BACKUP, enter :FILE BACKUP;DEV=TAPE :STORE @.GP4X;*BACKUP;SHOW The console operator receives a request to mount the tape identified as BACKUP. A listing of the files stored appears on your standard list device.
Command List XI Commands SHOWLOG thru STORE 592 Chapter 13
Command List XII 14 Command List XII Chapters I thru XII provide information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, the commands are arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following information: Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief definition of its function. Syntax Provides information in diagram format defining how to enter the command and its parameters.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Commands STREAM thru XEQ STREAM Spools batch jobs or data from a session or job. The optional time-related parameters of the STREAM command may be used to schedule jobs. The time-related parameters are ignored when the STREAM command is applied to the DATA command, however.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ MON[DAY] TUE[SDAY] WED[NESDAY] THU[RSDAY] FRI[DAY] SAT[URDAY] day-of-month Day-of-month. The integers 1 through 31. It indicates the calendar day of the month. If day-of-month is greater than or equal to the current day-of-month, the current month is indicated. If day-of-month is less than the current day-of-month, the next month is indicated.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ use for this input. As a result, the listing device that corresponds to the streaming device (not necessarily your terminal) displays the job number assigned by MPE/iX and the listing generated by the job. When you enter STREAM without an input file (that is, with the terminal as the default input device) during a session or a job, MPE/iX prompts you for input by displaying a greater than (>) character.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ : ** MPE XL prompts for next command ** Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command and any job currently being entered through the command. Incompletely spooled disk space is returned to the system. If you make an error while entering the MPE/iX JOB command, you receive an error message on your job listing device. The system operator, however, receives no indication of the job or the error.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ must always precede it with a delimiting comma, even when you omit the input file name (the first parameter). In the following example, an asterisk (*) is used as a substitute command identifier: STREAM ,* >*JOB USER.TECHPUBS >*FORTGO MYPROG *EOJ *#J74 *>: : If your job input file contains subsystem commands, such as commands directed to the editor, do not enter any command identifier character at the beginning of these commands.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ than the current time, JOBFILE will be introduced at 8:00 a.m., Monday, June 15. STREAM JOBFILE; DAY=MONDAY; AT=20:00 Since the time specified (8:00 p.m.) is later than the current time, JOBFILE will be introduced at 8:00 p.m., Monday, June 8. STREAM JOBFILE; DAY=9; AT=20:00 Since the day of the month (9) is later than the current day of the month (8), the current month is assumed. JOBFILE will be introduced on Tuesday, June 9, at 8:00 p.m.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ used, providing that it was configured as job-accepting in the SYSGEN dialog. OFF Disables the STREAMS facility. Operation Notes The operator executes this command after a startup to enable the STREAM facility. The STREAMS device must be enabled each time the system is brought back online in order to allow users to stream jobs. (Streamed jobs are processed separately by MPE/iX, allowing users to continue with other work at their terminal.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ FINISH Directs the device to complete the currently active spool file and then stop. Operation Notes When the spooler process is suspended, the message SP# ldev SPOOLER SUSPENDED is displayed on the console. You may also determine the spooler's status by entering SHOWOUT SP;JOB=@. If suspended, any spool files listed will be READY for printing; none are ACTIVE, and a SHOWDEV of the spooled device indicates that the device is still spooled.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ number (xxx), the percentage of file space used (yy), and the current open log file (zzz), as shown in the following example: SYSTEM LOG FILE #xxx IS yy% FULL SYSTEM LOG FILE #zzz IS ON If this command is issued and logging is not active the following message is displayed: NO LOGGING LOG FILE xxx IS yy% FULL NOTE Do not create new log files with the BUILD command since MPE/iX creates them automatically.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ base configuration group given or defaulted on the SYSGEN command can be changed with the SYSGEN BASEGROUP command. newgroup The name of a group in the SYS account which is used as the default for keeping a new set of configuration data or a copy of the configuration data in the base configuration group. If the name of a new group is not specified on the SYSGEN command, it defaults to basegroup.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ SYSGEN CONFIG,NEWCONF,$STDIN,$STDLIST SYSGEN CONFIG,NEWCONF SYSGEN ,NEWCONF FILE SYSGIN=$STDIN FILE SYSGOUT=$STDLIST SYSGEN ,NEWCONF Related Information Commands NMMGR, VOLUTIL Manuals System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual Performing System Management Tasks TELL Sends a message to another session. Syntax TELL{ [#] Snnn [sessionname,] username.acctname @ @.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Operation Notes This command transmits a message from the sender's job or session to one or more sessions currently running. The message appears on the receiving session list device. Messages sent with this command may include escape and control characters that invoke bells or inverse video.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ FROM/sessionid Operation Notes This command sends a message to the system console. The message text appears on the system console, preceded by the time it was transmitted and your job/session number. Like messages transmitted between users (TELL command), this message is printed as soon as possible without interrupting any console input/output currently in progress.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ provided for compatibility, avoid setting the base priority between 150 and 152, since user processes running at priorities greater than 152 can adversely affect system performance. limit An integer specifying the lowest priority at which a process in the CS, DS, or ES scheduling subqueues can execute. Priority is inversely related to the integer: a higher-priority process has a lower number.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ NOTE With Release 5.0 of MPE/iX, all three circular scheduling subqueues, CS, DS, and ES, have dynamically calculated quantums. By default, the DS and ES subqueues have their bounds set to the same value. If the values specified for max are too large, system response may become erratic. If they are too small, excessive memory management may occur due to frequent process swapping. Either case degrades system performance.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ EXAMPLE To set the CS subqueue's base to 152, limit to 200, and max quantum (filter) to 300; and the DS subqueue's base to 202, limit to 238, min and max quantum (filter) to 1000, and cause oscillation boosting, enter: TUNE CQ=152,200,300,300;DQ=202,238,1000,1000,OSCILLATE To set the CS subqueue to oscillation with a 300 millisecond timeslice and the DS subqueue's base to 180, limit to 238, boost property to decay, and timeslice to 1500, enter: TUNE CQ=,,,,OSCILLA
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Related Information Commands DOWN, SHOWDEV Manuals Performing System Operation Tasks VMOUNT Enables or disables the MPE/iX movable volume facility. (Native Mode) Syntax VMOUNT{ ON [,AUTO] OFF } [;ALL,] Parameters ON or ON,AUTO Enables the movable volume facility so that all valid user MOUNT/VSRESERVE and operator LMOUNT/VSRESERVESYS requests are allowed. When ON is used without AUTO, the operator must reply to all MOUNT/VSRESERVE requests.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ users with the ALLOW command.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ having to use VSUSER and then perform an ABORTJOB on the users of the volume set. This command may be issued only from the system console. SPLIT This option is available only with the Mirrored Disk/iX, a separately purchased product. For information, refer to Mirrored Disk/iX User's Guide (30349-90003). It splits the volume set into user volumes and backup volumes if it is a mirrored volume set and if it is in the proper state.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands, such as: Vcommand A.B.C Entering Vcommand A fails to access the volume set. You cannot specify the first part of the volume set name alone and expect the group and account to default. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ specified for a non split volume set, an error is returned and the volume set is not opened. Operation Notes This command notifies the system to open the specified volume set. Because bringing a volume set online opens the set by default, this command is needed only for a volume set for which a VSCLOSE command has been issued. The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes. In MPE V/E, the name A.B.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Parameters volume- setname The volume set to be released. If you omit the parameter, the request is issued for the home volume set of the user's logon group and account. Refer to "Operation Notes." Operation Notes This command releases a volume set when it is no longer in use and negates a previous reservation of a volume set. The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes. In MPE V/E, the name A.B.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Syntax VSRELEASESYSvolumesetname Parameters volume- setname The name of the MPE/iX volume set for which a previously issued VSRESERVESYS command has been issued. Refer to "Operation Notes." Operation Notes This command is used to negate a previously issued VSRESERVESYS command for the specified volume set. It informs the system that the volume set is no longer reserved system-wide.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ to be kept online. If you omit the parameter, the system does not check the generation version of the specified volume set. Operation Notes This command calls for the specified volume set to be kept online, and prevents the console operator from taking a particular volume set offline. Once this is done, the volume set is designated as being in use by the user.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ compatibility mode command is LMOUNT. (Native Mode) Syntax VSRESERVESYS volumesetname Parameters volume- setname The name of the MPE/iX volume set to be kept online. Operation Notes This command calls for the specified volume set to be kept online and reserved system-wide and specifies that the volume set be kept online until a VSRELEASESYS command is issued.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ [;TREE [;NOTREE]] [;NODECOMPRESS] [;STOREDIR] [ECTORY] =directoryname] [;PART [IAL] DB] [;RESTORESET=(device [,...])] The following parameters are available with TurboStore/iX II and TurboSTORE/iX True-Online Backup products only: [;RESTORESET=(device[,...]) [,(device[,...])[,...]]] [;MOSET=(ldev[,...])[,(ldev[,...]) [,...]] [ ;NAME=backupname] Parameters vstorefile The name of the device that contains the files you want verified on the system.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ backups. filesetlist Specifies the set of files to be verified. The default depends on the user's capability, as shown below: Default Capability @ None @.@ Account manager (AM) @.@.@ System Manager and/or System Supervisor (OP) The is parameter has the form shown below: filesetitem[,filesetitem[...] where filesetitem can be ˆindirectfile or fileset. indirectfile A file name that backreferences a disk file. The syntax is ˆindirectfile or !indirectfile.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ If the name begins with a dot (.), then it is fully qualified by replacing the dot with the current working directory (CWD). Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can have a maximum of 255 characters with the full path name being restricted to 1023 characters. Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can use the following characters: Letters a to z Letters A to Z Digits 0 to 9 Special characters - _ .
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ myset [d-e1-6] Verify all files that begin with the name myset and end in d or e, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. You may specify up to a maximum of sixteen characters for each character set and you may not nest brackets. A character set specifies a range for only one (1) ASCII character. The range [a-d]@ gets all files that begin with the letter a through the letter d. The ranged [ad-de] may cause unpredictable results.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ @.@.acct /ACCT/ All the files (MPE and HFS) in all the groups in one particular account, plus all the files and directories under the specified account. thisisit.@.account Any MPE file named thisisit in all groups in one particular account. ?@.@.acct @ All MPE named files in all the groups in one particular account. All (MPE and HFS) files in the CWD. This is the default for everyone, regardless of permissions. @.@ All (MPE and HFS) files in the logon account.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ EOF, and file starting and ending media number. For spoolfiles, the old spoolfile name is also displayed. NAMESONLY Displays only the filename and the starting and ending media number. NAMESONLY is not allowed with SHORT or LONG. DATES Displays the creation date, the last date of access, and the last date of modification.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ option is mutually exclusive with TREE. NODECOMPRESS Normally, VSTORE will decompress the data on a Store-compressed media when verifying the files. However, when NODECOMPRESS is specified, the files will not be decompressed. Instead, just the integrity of the raw data read from the media will be checked. This results in a faster VSTORE of the media, which just verifies physical consistency.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ device Specifies the device from which the files are to be verified. It must be a magnetic tape or DDS. This device should be specified in a file equation before you invoke the VSTORE command, ie: :< user FILE DEVICE;DEV=TAPE This file equation can also specify a remote device or a disk file. MOSET Specifies parallel Magneto Optical (MO) backup devices. This option is not available if the storefile option is specified.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Use This command may be issued from session, job, or program, but not in BREAK. If you press [Break] during a Vstore, the operation continues while you interact with the CI. EXAMPLE To verify all files in a system: 1. Write a file equation to set up a device file. :FILE T;DEV=TAPE 2. Use the VSTORE command and backreference the device file. :VSTORE *T;@.@.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Example To display all of the currently reserved volume sets, enter: VSUSER VOLUME SET NAME JOBNUM JOBNAME USER_MANAGER #S260 NORMA.MPEM Related Information Commands The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter Manuals MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual Volume Management Reference Manual WARN Sends an urgent message to jobs/sessions. Syntax WARN{ @ [#] Jnnn [#] Snnn [jsname,] user.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ NOTE Use caution when sending a warning to users. The WARN command overrides a block mode screen. Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command. Example To send a WARN message to all sessions, followed by a WARN message to session #S51, enter: WARN @;THE SYSTEM WILL SHUTDOWN IN 5 MINUTES. PLS LOG OFF.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Use This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command. Example To create a multiline welcome message, enter: WELCOME #WELCOME TO THE HP3000 COMPUTER SYSTEM. #FILES WILL BE STORED EACH DAY BETWEEN 6AM AND 7AM.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ Table 14-1. Logical Operators - The WHILE Command Other functions: FINFO, SETVAR Use HELP FUNCTIONS |OPERATORS |EXPRESSIONS for more info The WHILE command evaluates expression and displays the result (TRUE or FALSE) to $STDLIST. If expression does not resolve to a Boolean result, an error is reported. The DO keyword is optional. It may be used or omitted and has no affect on the results.
Command List XII Commands STREAM thru XEQ when the name of the program or command file you want to execute is identical to the name of a built-in MPE/iX command or UDC command name. (Native Mode) Syntax XEQ filename[parameterlist] * or XEQ filename[;INFO=quotedstring] [;PARM=parmvalue] ** * for command files ** for program files Parameters filename The actual file name of the command file or program file to be executed. The search path (HPPATH) is used if filename is not qualified.
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX A Predefined Variables in MPE/iX Many variables have been predefined for use by the command interpreter. They may be used anywhere you would use your own variables. Table A-1. on page 633 lists all valid predefined variables. Table A-1.
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX Table A-1.
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX Table A-1.
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX Table A-1. Predefined Variables Variable Typea Definition Initial Value HPOUTCLASS RS output device class logon output device class HPOUTFENCE RI output fence value logon output fence value HPPATH WS search path for command files and implied RUN "!HPGROUP,PUB,P UB.SYS, ARPA.
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX Table A-1. Predefined Variables Variable Typea Definition Initial Value HPSTREAMEDBY RS user and account name of the person who streamed a job or invoked STARTSESS; if "the person" is the initial OPERATOR.SYS logon or a job streamed from the SYSSTART.PUB.
Predefined Variables in MPE/iX Table A-1. Predefined Variables Variable Typea Definition Initial Value HPWAITJOBS RI current number of jobs waiting number of jobs waiting at logon time HPYEAR RI last two digits of the current year logon year number JCW W JCW job control word (variable) zero a. R W JCW I B S PL READ ONLY variable (cannot be modified). READ/WRITE variable (can be modified). A standard MPE/iX JCW. Integer format. Boolean format (TRUE/FALSE). String (ASCII) format.
Expression Evaluator Functions B Expression Evaluator Functions The expression evaluator is a system procedure used by the user interface to accept a string, number, or Boolean expression, evaluate it, and return the result. This procedure is used by the CALC, SETVAR, IF, ELSEIF, and WHILE commands and within a ![ ]..
Expression Evaluator Functions Table B-1.
Expression Evaluator Functions Table B-1. Expression Evaluator Functions Symbol Function Example Result CSL circular shift left (3) -2 csl 2 -5 CSR circular shift right (3) -7 csr 1 -4 DECIMAL(string) returns a string value of an integer CALC decimal (255) CALC len(decimal($ff)) setvar i 0 while setvar(i,i+1) < 10 and finfo(“FILE”+DECIMA L(I), ‘exists’) do ...
Expression Evaluator Functions Table B-1. Expression Evaluator Functions Symbol FQUALIFY(string) Function returns a fully qualified filename Example CALC fqualify(‘a’) CALC fqualify(‘a.b’) CALC fqualify(‘a.b.c’) CALC fqualify(‘./a’) CALC fqualify(‘./A’) CALC fqualify(‘/a/b/c’) CALC fqualify(‘*a’) CALC fqualify(‘$null’) CALC dirname (fqualify(‘./a’)) Result A.GROUP.ACCOUNT # when the CWD is your logon group or /CWD/A #when the CWD is s a directory A.B.ACCOUNT A.B.C /ACCOUNT/GROUP/a A.GROUP.
Expression Evaluator Functions Table B-1.
Expression Evaluator Functions Table B-1.
Expression Evaluator Functions Table B-1.
Expression Evaluator Functions References References The following references apply to the numbers that appear in parentheses in table B-1. 1. Special rules apply when you use the comparison operators with strings. The strings are compared, character by character, until an inequality is found. This becomes the inequality of the strings. For example: 'ba' > 'abcd' and 'abcc' < 'abdc'.
Expression Evaluator Functions References 6. The FINFO function returns a string, Boolean, or an integer value. The result depends upon the option specified. The first parameter, filename, is a string, the name of the file for which you want the information. This must be a fully or partly qualified file name, or a string expression that yields such a file name.
Expression Evaluator Functions References comment the right side is not executed. This comment means no INPUT() will be performed. For LTRIM and RTRIM if trimstr is not given, then a space is used as the default POS (findstr,sourcestr[,N]). If N is specified, the Nth occurrence of findstr is searched for in sourcestr. If N is negative, the ABS(N)th occurrence of findstr is searched for in sourcestr from the right. A value of zero for N results in a zero being returned.
Expression Evaluator Functions References Table B-2.
Expression Evaluator Functions References Table B-2.
Expression Evaluator Functions References Table B-2.
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features Expression Evaluator Features The two main types of expressions, which can be processed by the expression evaluator, are numeric and string. In addition, Boolean expressions may be constructed using numeric and string expressions (involving the comparison operators), Boolean operators, Boolean functions, and Boolean variables.
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features Functions may be nested and mixed. String, numeric, and Boolean operations may not, however, be mixed.
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features endif setvar a 'x' setvar b a calc a+b xx setvar exp 'a+b*c/d' setvar a 1 setvar b 2 setvar c 3 setvar d 4 setvar e 5 calc exp a+b*c/d calc !exp 2, $2, %2 setvar exp2 exp+'*e' calc !exp2 6,$6,%6 setvar a hptimef showvar a A = 8:26 AM ** the time when var was set ** calc a + 'in the morning!!! ' 8:26 AM in the morning!!!' calc 'a' + 'in the morning!!!' a in the morning!!!' calc '!a' + 'in the morning!!! 8:26 AM in the morning!!!' deletevar a calc a
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features calc b*c 49, $31, %61 calc hpresult/a 6, $6, %6 setvar a '2' setvar b 6 calc a+b ERROR calc len(b) ERROR calc ord(a) 50, $32, %62 ** variables of different types ** ** expected string or string variable** setvar a -6 calc 18/(3^2^3/3^6/3+6)/-(a+3)-1 -1, $FFFFFFFF, %37777777777 The rules of precedence determine which operations are performed before others.
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features TRUE or (whatever) -> TRUE NOTE Exponentiation is the one exception to the left-to-right evaluation pattern. Exponentiation evaluates right to left. For example, 3^2^3 is resolved as 3^8 (=6561) and not as 9^3 (=729). The logical operators operate only on Boolean expressions, Boolean functions, or Boolean variables. Boolean expressions are those which contain a comparison operation (< > <= >= <> =) or a logical operation (AND, OR, NOT, XOR).
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features Strings A “string‘ of characters must be surrounded with quotation marks (“ or ‘) in order to be treated as a string. For example, a + 'a' is treated as the contents of the string variable a concatenated to the string 'a' . Evaluating a string that contains a string operator returns an error unless the string itself is surrounded by quotation marks (“ or ‘).
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features CALC A +“B‘ XYB CALC “!HPTIMEF‘ 8:26 AM CALC HPTIMEF 8:26 AM CALC !HPTIMEF error The error in the last example occurs because the dereferenced value of HPTIMEF is not a valid expression. Dereferencing of either kind is performed before any evaluation is carried out. The following examples illustrate the consequences: SETVAR B 2 SETVAR A B error The first command causes no problem. A variable, B, is created and its value is set to 2.
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features CALC “HPTIMEF‘ HPTIMEF But, CALC !HPTIMEF CALC 8:26 AM which produces an error.
Expression Evaluator Functions Expression Evaluator Features 660 Appendix B
Terminal and Printer Types C Terminal and Printer Types The terminal types supported on the advanced terminal processor (ATP) and asynchronous data communications controller (ADCC) terminal/printer controllers for MPE V/E T-MIT or later (MPE V/E version G.01.00 or later) are 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, TTPCL18, TTPCL19, and TTPCL22 The data and terminal subsystems (DTS) on MPE/iX systems supports terminal types 10 and 18. The DTS on MPE/iX systems supports printer types 18, 21, and 22.
Terminal and Printer Types Table C-3. MPE V/E Terminal and Similar MPE/iX Terminal Types MPE V/E\Terminal Description MPE/iX \Terminal Comments 12 8-bit character version of terminal type 10. Used with languages that need extended character sets. 10 It is necessary to programmatically set parity to NONE. 13 Terminal type 10 with no echo or ENQ/ACK protocol. Used for plotters or the HP 2601 printer. None These devices are not supported on MPE XL. 15,16 8-bit and 7-bit HP 2635 hardcopy terminal.
Terminal and Printer Types Table C-4. MPE V/E Terminal and Similar MPE/iX Printer Types MPE V/E\Terminal Description MPE/iX \Printer Comments 21 8-bit Serial spooled printer with no status checking after XOFF. 21 Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX. Initialization string is the same on MPE V/E terminal type PCL22. 22 Serial spooled printer with no status checking after XOFF. 22 Status checking is done less frequently on MPE/iX.
Terminal and Printer Types 664 Appendix C
Subsystem Formal File Designators D Subsystem Formal File Designators Table D-1. on page 665 lists the formal file designator associated with specific command parameters. Table D-1.
Subsystem Formal File Designators Table D-1.
Subsystem Formal File Designators Table D-1.
Subsystem Formal File Designators Table D-1.
Subsystem Formal File Designators Table D-1.
Subsystem Formal File Designators 670 Appendix D
MPE/iX File Codes E MPE/iX File Codes File codes are recorded in the file label and are available to processes accessing the file through the FFILEINFO or FGETINFO intrinsic. Although any user can specify a positive integer ranging from 0 to 32767 or the mnemonic name for this parameter, certain reserved integers and mnemonics have particular system-defined meanings. defines the MPE/iX reserved integer and mnemonic values Table E-1. on page 671 . Table E-1.
MPE/iX File Codes Table E-1.
MPE/iX File Codes Table E-1.
MPE/iX File Codes Table E-1.
MPE/iX File Codes Table E-1.
MPE/iX File Codes Table E-1. File Codes Integer 3333 NOTE Mnemonic Meaning Reserved Default is the unreserved file code of 0. Using 1090 (LOG) as a designated file code may not yield the number of records you specify in the DISC= parameter. Most files use the number of records specified in the DISC= parameter as the maximum limit; user logging uses this specified number as a minimum.
Wildcard Characters F Wildcard Characters In some commands, you may substitute wildcard characters for certain parameters, or parts of parameters, in the list. The wildcard characters count toward the eight character limit for user, group, account, and file names. These wildcard characters are defined in Table F-1. on page 677. Table F-1. Table F-1. Wildcard Character Definitions Character Function @ Specifies zero or more characters. When used by itself, @ denotes all possible members of the set.
Wildcard Characters 678 Appendix F
Index Symbols $NEWPASS, 193 $NULL, 193 $OLDPASS, 193 $STDIN, 193 $STDLIST, 193 =LOGOFF command, 313 =LOGON command, 315 =SHUTDOWN command, 519, 542 A ABORT command, 32 aborting jobs/sessions, 34, 36, 313 pending I/O requests, 32 programs/operations, 32 ABORTIO command, 32 ABORTJOB command, 34, 36 ACCEPT command, 38 access control definition (ACD), 142, 408, 464, 490, 492 RELEASE command, 408 accessing files, 201 online help facility, 238 account attributes, 320 capabilities, 321 account attributes, changi
Index BASICGO command, 75 BASICOMP command, 77 BASICPREP command, 79 batch jobs creating, 247 ending, 184 spooling, 594 starting, 247 baud rate, terminals, 546 BBASIC command, 80 BBASICGO command, 81 BBASICOMP command, 82 BBASICPREP command, 84 BBXL command, 85 BBXLCOMP command, 87 BBXLGO command, 89 BBXLLK command, 91 binary, 199 block screen mode, overriding, 628 blockfactor, files, 199 BOUND function, 646 BREAKJOB command, 92 buffering files, 202 BUILD command, 93 Business BASIC/V programs compiling, 80
Index command file-related commands, 17 command files controlling execution, 243, 630 executing, 631 modifying environment, 349 command format optional, 22 command interpreter terminating, 188 using, 236 command line history stack, 165, 401 displaying, 297 command lines changing characters, 402 editing, 165, 401 reexecuting, 165, 401 command stream inserting comments, 137 command syntax, 21 Commands ALTPROC, 57 SHOWPROC, 508, 531 SHOWQ, 514, 537 TUNE, 606 commands ALTGROUP, 49 ALTSEC, 61 ALTUSER, 69 BUILD,
Index creating accounts, 320 ASCII files, 176 batch jobs, 247 directories, 324, 328 files, 93 groups, 329 installation tape, 602 job control words, 477 job queues, 332 log identifiers, 228 new link, 333 program files, 176 prompt strings, 244 sessions on a device, 567 text files, 176 users, 332 variables, 483 welcome messages, 629 D data disabling, 406, 599 enabling, 599 spooling, 594 data accepting devices, 38 DATA command, 146 date, displaying, 516, 539 DEALLOCATE command, 148 DEBUG command, 149 debug fac
Index DISKUSE command, 158 DISMOUNT command, 163 displaying account information, 265 ALLOCATE command information, 484 allowed operator commands, 487 command line history stack, 297 console logical device number, 138 current date/time, 516, 539 directory information, 157, 206, 267, 278 directory space, 158 disk drive status, 173 disk space, 158 file equations, 268 file information, 207, 278, 371 group information, 294 job control word status, 496 job information, 250 job queues, 295 jobs/sessions status, 4
Index BASIC/V programs, 75 Business BASIC/V programs, 80, 81 Business BASIC/XL programs, 85, 89 C/iX programs, 106 COBOL II/iX programs, 118, 127 COBOLII programs, 134 command files, 631 FORTRAN 66 programs, 211 FORTRAN 77 programs, 219 FORTRAN 77/iX programs, 225 linked programs, 448 Pascal/iX programs, 364 Pascal/V programs, 357 prepared programs, 448 programs, 375, 448, 631 RPG/V programs, 439 RPG/XL programs, 445 SPL/V programs, 549 execution priority changing, 254 jobs, 251 EXIT command, 188 expressio
Index FORTRAN command, 215 FREERIN command, 217 FTN command, 218 FTNGO command, 219 FTNPREP command, 221 FTNXL command, 222 FTNXLGO command, 225 FTNXLLK command, 226 functions, 646 G GETLOG command, 228 GETRIN command, 229 getting information online, 238 global RINs releasing, 217 global RINs, acquiring, 229 granting access to operator commands, 41 group passwords, 329 switching to another, 113 group library, 376 group-related commands, 11 groups changing attributes, 49 changing to another group, 113 creat
Index restricting execution, 255 scheduling, 596 security, 255 sending messages, 628 spooling, 594 streaming, 596 subsystem commands, 598 suspending, 92 JOBSECURITY command, 255 K keeping volume sets online, 616, 618 keyword parameters, 22 L labels files, 203 language-related commands, 17 LDISMOUNT command, 257 libraries executable, 261 NL.PUB.SYS, 456 searching, 459 XL.PUB.
Index sending to the console, 605 modulo operator, 646 MOUNT command, 318 movable volume facility enabling/disabling, 610 moving the system console, 138 MPE V/E programs converting to MPE/iX, 344 MPE/iX command format, 22 MPEiX variables, 633 MSG files, 199 N naming log files, 109 private volumes, 163 sessions, 568 volume sets, 163, 610, 612 native mode commands, 22 Network Service subsystem, 340 network services, starting, 340 NEWACCT command, 320 NEWCI command CI.PUB.
Index account, 321 group, 329 users, 337 using, 237 PASXL command, 361 PASXLGO command, 364 PASXLLK command, 366 PAUSE command, 368 pending console REPLY messages displaying, 400 pending resource requests replying to, 411 permanent files, 99 displaying, 269 saving, 462 PLISTF (UDC), 371 POS function, 648 positional parameters, 21 precedence operator order, 655 predefined variables, 633 PREP command, 372 prepared programs executing, 448 preparing BASIC/V programs, 75, 79 Business BASIC/V programs, 80, 81, 8
Index R RECALL command, 400 record size files, 197 recovering files, 418 redirecting print output, 379 REDO command, 401 reexecuting command lines, 165, 401 REFUSE command, 406 RELEASE command, 407 access control definition, 408 checking the file status, 408 example, 408 requirements, 407 releasing global RINs, 217 reserved volume sets, 614, 615 table entries, 148 volume sets, 163 RELLOG command, 408 relocatable files linking, 260 removing devices from use, 171 user control of devices, 155 user logging ide
Index searching libraries, 459 SECURE command, 463 access control definition, 464 checking the file status, 464 examples, 464 security files, 463 in jobs, 255 provisions, removing from files, 407 segmenter starting, 464 SEGMENTER command, 464 sending messages to jobs/sessions, 628 messages to sessions, 604 messages to the console, 605 messages to the operator, 605 urgent messages, 628 session accepting devices, 38 session variables deleting, 151 session-related commands, 13 sessions aborting, 34, 36, 313 c
Index spoolfile characteristics changing, 67 spoolfiles deleting from disk, 150 output priority, 351 spooling batch jobs, 594 jobs/sessions/data, 594 starting for a device, 573 stopping to a device, 574 standard list device messages, 175 starting batch jobs, 247 configuration dialog, 602 interactive sessions, 233 segmenter, 464 spooling for a device, 573 system shutdown, 519, 542 user logging, 313 starting network services, 340 STARTSESS command, 567 STARTSPOOL command, 573 STD files, 199 STDINX, 193 stopp
Index temporary files, 99 displaying information, 290 saving, 462 terminal speed setting, 465, 545 terminal types specifying, 238 terminals baud rate, 546 types, 661 terminating command interpreter, 188 IF blocks, 180 processes, 417 sessions, 99 streamed jobs, 596 WHILE blocks, 181 text files creating, 176 time, displaying, 516, 539 trailer output resuming, 232 stopping, 232 TUNE command, 606 TYPEOF function, 646 types of printers, 661 terminals, 661 U UDC catalogs clearing, 467 setting, 467 UDC informatio
Index volume sets cancelling, 257 closing, 611 displaying users, 627 groups, 331 keeping online, 616, 618 naming, 163, 610, 612 opening, 613 releasing, 163, 614, 615 reserved, 614 reserving, 310, 318 system-wide, 618 taking offline, 611 volume-related commands, 16 VSCLOSE command, 611 VSOPEN command, 613 VSRELEASE command, 614 VSRELEASESYS command, 615 VSRESERVE command, 616 VSRESERVESYS command, 618 VSTORE command, 618 VSUSER command, 627 W WARN command, 628 WELCOME command, 629 welcome messages, creating