MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual (32650-90877)
Chapter 1 15
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
Managing System Resources
ALLOCATE Loads a compatibility mode program or procedure into main memory.
ALLOW Grants a user access to a specific operator command.
ALTPROC Changes the priority for the specified processes.
CONSOLE Changes the system console from its current device to another
job-accepting terminal.
DEALLOCATE Deallocates a program or procedure previously loaded into memory with
the ALLOCATE command.
DISALLOW Prohibits access to a specific operator command.
DISCRPS Enables/disables rotational position sensing on a specified logical device.
ERRDUMP Dumps a process or system error stack.
FREERIN Releases a global resource identification number (RIN).
GETRIN Acquires and assigns a password to a global resource identification
number (RIN).
PAUSE Suspends current activity for a specified number of seconds.
RECALL =RECALL Displays all pending console REPLY messages.
REPLY =REPLY Replies to pending resource request messages that require a response.
RESETACCT Resets the system counters for CPU-time or connect-time, used by an
account and its groups, to zero.
SETCLOCK Sets the system clock.
SETCOUNTER Sets the next value of a resource counter.
SHOWALLOW Displays allowed operator commands.
SHOWCLOCK Displays information about the system date and time.
SHOWPROC Displays information about one or more processes.
SHOWQ Displays process scheduling data and the contents of each subqueue.
=SHUTDOWN Initiates a shutdown of MPE/iX.
TUNE Alters the dispatcher subqueues which determine when processes must
relinquish the CPU.
Managing User/System Logging
ALTLOG Alters the attributes of an existing user logging identifier.
CHANGELOG Changes the user logging file without stopping or interrupting the logging
GETLOG Establishes a logging identifier on the system.
LISTLOG Lists active logging identifiers and whether automatic log file changing
has been enabled.