MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual (32650-90877)
430 Chapter11
Command List IX
Commands RECALL/=RECALL thru RUN
parameter to locate the correct media.
This option is not available if the
option is specified.
NAME This parameter must be specified with the MOSET option, and cannot be
specified without it. If specifies the logical name to be used for the backup.
For example:
This name could indicate that the restore should be taken from the daily
backup done on 23 Oct 1990 on the system called BOZO.
A three field name of a total maximum length of 26 characters. The format
. The name represents the "handle" to this
particular backup and can is used to retrieve files from this backup. The
can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters. For
example DAILY.D24OCT90.SYSTEM.
This command restores data into the system (on disk), from a file or files previously stored
by the STORE command. A message is shown on the system console requesting the system
operator to mount the device(s) identified by the restorefile parameter or the RESTORESET
option, and to allocate the device(s).
No message is displayed if AUTOREPLY is configured through SYSGEN.
• Command process
The output generated by RESTORE is sent to a file whose formal designator is SYSLIST.
Any errors encountered during the restore will be reported to SYSLIST (and optionally
OFFLINE). The ONERR option determines if RESTORE will continue after encountering
an error restoring a file. Any file belonging to a group whose home volume set has not
been mounted will not be restored.
If you are restoring files that were stored on a large MPE V/E tape or disk, such as a
SYSGEN tape, you must include the maxfiles parameter. Specify a number at least as
large as the number of files to be restored. The default is 4000.
• Required capabilities for restoring files
Your capabilities determine which files you may restore. If you have system manager or
system supervisor capability, you can restore any file from a store tape, assuming the
account and group to which the file belongs, and the user who created the file, are
defined in the system. If you have account manager capability, you can restore any file
in your account. To restore files with negative file codes, you need Privileged Mode
(PM), system supervisor (OP), or system Manager (SM) capability. If you have standard
user capability, you can restore only those files in your logon account.
With the ;CREATE option, you may build groups, accounts, and creators which do not
currently exist in the directory. This way, you may restore files to your system without
first defining the account, group and user with the NEWACCT, NEWGROUP, and NEWUSER
commands. However, these structures will be created with default capabilities.
• Lockword requirements