
3.21.66 VDP Status Register
Address C6h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FIFO full error FIFO empty TTX available CC field 1 CC field 2 WSS/CGMS-A VPS/Gemstar VITC available
available available available 2x available
The VDP status register indicates whether data is available in either the FIFO or data registers, and status
information about the FIFO. Reading data from the corresponding register does not clear the status flags
automatically. These flags are only reset by writing a 1 to the respective bit. However, bit 6 is updated
FIFO full error
0 = No FIFO full error
1 = FIFO was full during a write to FIFO.
The FIFO full error flag is set when the current line of VBI data can not enter the FIFO. For example, if
the FIFO has only ten bytes left and teletext is the current VBI line, the FIFO full error flag is set, but no
data is written because the entire teletext line does not fit. However, if the next VBI line is closed
caption requiring only two bytes of data plus the header, this goes into the FIFO, even if the full error
flag is set.
FIFO empty
0 = FIFO is not empty.
1 = FIFO is empty.
TTX available
0 = Teletext data is not available.
1 = Teletext data is available.
CC field 1 available
0 = Closed caption data from field 1 is not available.
1 = Closed caption data from field 1 is available.
CC field 2 available
0 = Closed caption data from field 2 is not available.
1 = Closed caption data from field 2 is available.
WSS/CGMS-A available
0 = WSS/CGMS-A data is not available.
1 = WSS/CGMS-A data is available.
VPS/Gemstar 2x available
0 = VPS/Gemstar 2x data is not available.
1 = VPS/Gemstar 2x data is available.
VITC available
0 = VITC data is not available.
1 = VITC data is available.
Copyright © 20072011, Texas Instruments Incorporated Functional Description 69
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