User Manual

Table Of Contents
Spectrum Editor 11 – 265
Fade out
This can be used with any of the three filter types (Pass-band/Low-pass/
High-pass). It gradually filters the frequencies in the region along the time
axis (from nothing at the left edge of the region, to maximum allowed by
the gain parameter at the right edge), useful for gradually removing fre-
quencies from a region.
Fade in
This works like Fade out but inversed.
Fade out then in
This is a mix of the two previous options; the filtering effect gradually
fades out until the middle of the region, then fades back in. The “Fade in
then out” option is the inverse.
Playback pre-roll/post-roll
This allows you to set a pre-roll and post-roll time for playing back a se-
lected region. If the values are set to zero, the transport parameters will
work normally.
Copy operations
This feature is also mainly intended for audio restoration purposes. First, a
Source region and a Destination region are defined. You can then copy
the audio from the source region to the destination region.
The following applies:
The two regions must have equal duration and frequency range.
In other words, the regions must be equally sized.
The two regions must also belong to the same audio file.
The Filter steepness should be set to a high or Infinite value.
This feature can be used to remove an unwanted sound in the audio ma-
terial. There are two general recommended methods you can use:
You can set a Source region just before or just after the sound to remove.
The Source region will most probably contain a very similar frequency spectrum as the Des-
tination region containing the artefact you wish to remove, but without the artefact. This can
produce very accurate results, e.g. perfectly removing a sudden noise like a cough or a
chair falling over.