User Manual

Table Of Contents
12 – 278 Batch processing
The Input tab – Assembling a list of files
The functions described in this section are also available on a speed menu
(accessed by right-clicking in the file list).
Creating batches
You are not only able to process one batch of files, but many. Each batch
contains a number of files, and all the files in a batch will be processed iden-
tically. However, each batch can use a totally different set of processors.
To create a batch, click the button “Create batch folder” at the top of the
In addition, if there is no batch at all, one will be created automatically when you add the first
file, see below.
To remove a batch, select it and click the Remove button (the red cross).
All the files in the batch will be removed from the list as well.
The “Create batch folder” button.
In this example, there
are three batches.