User Manual

Table Of Contents
Groove Agent 3
116 English
MIDI Mute Key Mode
When controlling Groove Agent from a MIDI keyboard, there are alter-
native methods for muting and un-muting groups. Choose the method
that suits you best.
Toggle – White keys in the range C4-C5 switch instrument groups
1-8 on and off.
Velocity Switch – Notes with high velocity (>64) mute groups, notes
with low velocity un-mute groups.
While Held – Groups are temporarily muted (or un-muted, depending
on their current status) while notes are held.
D-E-F-G-A Levels 1-2-3-4-5
C# Mute Percussion Agent groove (group)
D# Solo Percussion Agent groove (group)
F# Random
B Stop/Run Percussion Agent module
Remote key Description