User Manual

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Groove Agent 3
62 English
Ideas on using Dual Mode creatively
Here are some thoughts on how to make clever use of Dual Mode and
its modules.
Find two different Groove Agent styles that both suit the song. Try to
find the most effective combination by using the mute buttons to mute
groups in both agents. Maybe the kick and hihat from the first agent
sound great together with snare and percussion from the second.
Let Percussion Agent perform the rhythmic backbone of your song
and use one of the drumming modules for fills only.
Search for a Groove Agent style that suits the verse and a Special
Agent style that sounds good with the chorus of your song. Start with
the Groove Agent style only. When you approach the chorus, you can
either (1) switch over instantly to the Special Agent drumming or per-
haps (2) fade from one to the other by using the Balance knob.
Use the dry sound from one drumming module and the wet sound
from another drumming module by turning the main Ambience knobs
to dry and wet respectively. This will create a totally unnatural ambi-
ence. If that’s too much for you, try using this effect only in the fills.
In Percussion Agent, load the same groove into the first and second
channel. Pan them hard left and right. Delay one of the grooves by half
a bar (by clicking the 5th offset note). Now you have a very authentic
and wide stereo perspective of two musicians playing together!
Try to imagine having two drummers in your band. They could play
similar, but not identical, styles. They could be panned slightly to the
left and right respectively. They could use identical Complexity and Fill
commands; the fact that they’re using different styles will still make
them sound as two individuals.