User Manual

Detailed Combination editing Altering Programs to fit within a Combination
The MIDI filters don’t turn the functions themselves on or
off. Instead, the filter just controls whether or not that MIDI
message will be transmitted and received.
For example, if portamento is on, portamento will be applied
to the internal KRONOS sound even if Portamento SW
CC#65 is unchecked.
As another example, let’s say that you’ve selected a bass
Program for Timbre 1, and a piano Program for Timbre 2,
with the goal of creating a bass/piano split. You could make
the following settings so that pressing the damper pedal
affects only Timbre 2’s piano sound:
1. Go to the MIDI Filter 1 tab of the MIDI Filter/Zones
2. Check the Enable Damper box for Timbre 1.
3. Un-check the Enable Damper box for Timbre 2.
Altering Programs to fit within a Combination
You can make various changes to Programs within the
context of a particular Combination, to make them fit better
with other Programs, or to create particular sonic effects.
These changes do not affect the original Programs, or how
those Programs sound in other Combinations.
Timbre Parameters: OSC
Force OSC Mode
Normally this should be set to PRG, so that the sound will
play as set by the original Program.
If you wish to force a polyphonic program to sound
monophonically, set this either to Mono or Legato.
Conversely, set this to Poly if you wish to force a
monophonic program to play polyphonically.
For more information, see “Force OSC Mode,” on page 470
of the Parameter Guide.
OSC Select
Normally, this should be set to BTH (Both).
If the timbre is using a program whose Oscillator Mode is
Double or Double Drums, and you want only OSC1 or
OSC2 (not both) to sound, set this to OSC1 (only OSC1 will
sound) or OSC2 (only OSC2 will sound).
Normally, this should be set to PRG.
If the Program uses portamento, but you’d like to disable this
for the current Combination, set this parameter to Off.
Conversely, if you want to force the portamento to be on, or
just to change the portamento time, set this to a value of
001–127. The portamento will change to use the newly
specified time.
Timbre Parameters: Pitch
Transpose, Detune (BPM Adjust)
These parameters adjust the pitch of the timbre.
In a layer-type combination, you can set two or more
timbres to the same program, and create a richer sound
by using Transpose to shift their pitch apart by an octave
or by using Detune to create a slight difference in pitch
between the two.
In split-type combinations, you can use Transpose to
shift the pitch (in semitone units) of the programs
specified for each key zone.
If you wish to change the playback pitch of a drum
program, use Detune. If you change the Transpose