
When a non-approved
approach is selected, a page
as shown in figure 6-52 is dis-
played to remind you that the
KLN 94 can only be used to
provide situational awareness
for monitoring the approach.
You must acknowledge the page by pressing F. Approved navi-
gation equipment such as VOR/ILS, DME, ADF, etc. must be used
as the primary source of navigation.
Since another navigation source is providing primary navigation
guidance, the KLN 94 may not be driving the CDI or HSI. One con-
sequence of this is that if the OBS mode is used, such as for a
missed approach procedure, the selected OBS course will have to
be manually entered by pressing B and using the right inner knob
to enter the desired value.
The unit will NOT enter the approach active mode. It will remain in
approach arm (APR ARM) or terminal (TERM) mode depending on
how the unit has been configured (see section 6.2.1).
The FAA allows the use of GPS distance as a substitute for DME on local-
izer-type approaches when the DME facility is stored in the GPS
database. The KLN 94 stores DMEs associated with localizer-type
approaches using the navaid identifier of the approach. For example, the
DME facility associated with the ILS DME Rwy 33 approach for Burlington
International airport is stored in the KLN 94s database as IVOE (figure 6-
53). These DMEs are stored in the intersection part of the database.
NOTE: Approach DME facilities are not stored as waypoints that are part
of an approach procedure so you can not gain access to them by calling
up the associated approach. For example, IVOE is not included in the
waypoints that would be loaded into FPL 0 if you selected the ILS 33 for
Burlington International. To get distance from the IVOE DME facility enter
IVOE as a normal flight plan waypoint or direct to waypoint.
NOTE: If outside the U.S. check with authorities for compliance with local
Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs
Figure 6-52