• If F was pressed, then the KLN 94 will calculate an arc inter-
cept point based on the point where the aircraft’s present track over
the ground intercepts the DME arc. If necessary, do a Direct To
operation to the new arc intercept point.
NOTE: If the present track does not intercept the arc, then the KLN 94 will
display No Intcpt in the scratchpad area of the screen.
8. When the aircraft approaches the arc the KLN 94 will provide way-
point alerting and turn anticipation to join the arc.
9. Once established on the arc the KLN 94 provides left/right guidance
relative to the curved arc. Distance to the active waypoint is the dis-
tance from the present position to the active waypoint, NOT the
distance along the arc. Refer to Appendix A for the geometry of the
10. During the arc, the desired track will be constantly changing. To help
you keep the orientation, pay close attention to the DTK on line 3. The
value displayed for the desired track will flash when the difference
between the CDI or HSI and the current desired track is greater than
11. Some DME arcs have defined radials that serve as step down fixes.
These points are not stored in the database. To help you determine
your position relative to these step-down points along the arc, the
KLN 94 will display a new value in the bottom right corner of the dis-
play on the NAV 4 page. This new bit of information is denoted by the
letters ARC followed by three numbers. The three numbers represent
the current radial that you are on relative to the reference VOR/DME.
The arc radial is forced into this position when the aircraft is 30 NM
from the arc. The ARC display is shown in figure 6-49. Just watch this
value and when it reads the same as one of the step-down points you
can descend as necessary. This particular example does not have
such points, but there are quite a few approaches that do.
NOTE: Autopilot performance may not be satisfactory if coupled in the
NAV mode while flying the arc. Many autopilots were never designed to fly
curved paths. If autopilot performance is not satisfactory while flying DME
arcs, select the HDG mode and keep changing the heading bug to keep
the D-bar centered.
12. As the aircraft approaches the turn-in point of the arc (D058G), the
KLN 94 will provide waypoint alerting and turn anticipation to the next
leg to TYI.
Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs