2. Transition to the approach arm mode. This will occur automatically
when the aircraft is within 30 NM of the airport and there is an
approach loaded into the flight plan (position B in figure 6-5). The CDI
scale factor will change to ±1.0 NM over the next 30 seconds and the
annunciator will indicate APR ARM (or TERM - see first note in sec-
tion 6.2.1).
3. Get established on the final approach course.
• Radar vectors (select “Vectors” as an IAF, leave unit in Leg mode)
• NoPT arrival route (leave unit in Leg mode)
• DME arc (leave unit in Leg mode)
• Procedure turn or holding pattern (requires OBS mode)
4. Transition to the approach active mode. This mode change is auto-
matic and occurs at position C in figure 6-5 when:
• the aircraft is 2 NM from the FAF and the approach mode is armed
• the LEG mode is selected
• the aircraft is heading towards the FAF
• the FAF or a co-located IAF/FAF is the active waypoint
• the KLN 94 confirms that adequate integrity monitoring is available
to complete the approach.
• RAIM is available at FAF & MAP
If any of these conditions are not met, the KLN 94 will not transition to the
approach active mode and a missed approach will be required if the con-
ditions do not change before reaching the FAF. If all of these conditions
are met then the CDI scale factor will start to change to ±0.3 NM and the
annunciator will indicate APR ACTV (or APR – see first note in section
5. At the FAF (position D in figure 6-5) the CDI scale factor will be at
±0.3 NM and will remain at this scale factor until you manually cancel
the approach mode by either initiating a direct to operation, by loading
another approach, by changing to OBS mode, or by pressing the
optional external GPS APR button to change to the APR ARM mode.
WARNING: It is not approved to conduct the final portion of the
approach unless the KLN 94 is in the approach active mode.
6. Fly to the Missed Approach Point. (position E in figure 6-5).
7. If necessary conduct the missed approach procedure. The
KLN 94 will not automatically sequence to the next waypoint. You
must manually change to the appropriate waypoint according to the
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs