User Manual

Part Parameters
Arpeggio Velocity Limit Determines the lowest and highest Velocity that can trigger Arpeggio
This lets you set the Velocity range with which you press the key to trigger
Arpeggio playback. You can also create separate low and high trigger
ranges for the Arpeggio playback, with a Velocity “hole” in the middle, by
specifying the maximum value first.
For example, setting a Velocity Limit of 93 - 34 lets you play the Arpeggio
from two separate Velocity ranges: soft (1 to 34) and hard (93 to 127).
Notes played at middle Velocities (35 to 92) do not play the Arpeggio.
Velocity Rate Determines how much the Velocity of Arpeggio playback is offset from the
original value.
100%: The original Velocities are used.
Below 100%: Reduces the Velocities of the Arpeggio notes.
Above 100%: Increases the Velocities.
If the resulting Velocity value is 0, it will be set to 1; if the resulting Velocity
value is greater than 127, it will be set to 127.
Velocity Rate Offset Determines the Velocity Offset value of Arpeggio playback.
If the resulting Velocity value is 0, it will be set to 1. If the resulting Velocity
value is greater than 127 it will be set to 127.
Gate Time Rate Determines how much the Gate Time (length) of the Arpeggio notes is
offset from the original value.
100%: Indicates that the original Gate Times are used.
Below 100%: Shortens the Gate Times of the Arpeggio notes.
Above 100%: Lengthens the Gate Times of the Arpeggio notes.
The Gate Time cannot be decreased beyond its normal minimum of 1; any
values outside that range will automatically be limited to the minimum.
Gate Time Rate Offset Determines the Gate Time Rate Offset value of the Arpeggio notes.
The Gate Time cannot be decreased beyond its normal minimum of 1; any
values outside that range will automatically be limited to the minimum.
Arp / Motion Seq Grid Determines to which beats the note data in the Arpeggio/Motion
Sequencer will be aligned, or determines to which beats in the Arpeggio/
Motion Sequencer the swing is applied.
For Motion Sequencer, this value is set as one step length.
Quantize Strength Sets the “strength” by which note events are pulled toward the nearest
quantize beats.
0%: No quantization.
50%: The note events are pulled halfway between 0% and 100%.
100%: Exact timing as set by Quantize Value.
Unit Multiply Adjusts the Arpeggio playback time based on tempo.
By using this parameter, you can create a different Arpeggio type from the
original one.
200%: The playback time will be doubled and the tempo is halved.
100%: The normal playback time.
50%: The playback time will be halved and the tempo doubled.