User Manual

2-3-19 U
2-3-20 V
2-3-21 W
Upper Range For VCM Auto Wah, VCM Touch Wah, and VCM Pedal Wah, this
parameter determines the maximum value of the wah filter.
For Control Flanger, this parameter determines the maximum value of the
Flange Control.
For Control Phaser, this parameter determines the maximum value of the
Phase Control.
Vib Speed Determines the speed of the vibrato. This parameter is active when Chorus
is set to “Vib.”
Vocoder Attack Determines the Attack Time of the Vocoder sound.
The higher the value, the slower the attack.
Vocoder Release Determines the Release Time of the Vocoder sound.
The higher the value, the slower the decay.
Volume Determines the volume of the re-amp.
Vowel Selects a vowel type.
Wah Pedal Determines the position of the wah pedal.
Wah SW Determines the type of the wah effect.
Wall Vary Determines the wall status of the simulated room.
Higher values produce more diffuse reflections.
Width Determines the width of the simulated room.
Width Low Determines the stereo balance of the low frequencies.
Width Mid1, 2, 3 Determines the stereo balance of the Mid1, Mid2, and Mid3 frequencies.
Width High Determines the stereo balance of the high frequencies.
Word Length Determines the degree of sound roughness.