
Table Of Contents
3 How to Use the TLV320AIC23B
3.1 Control Interfaces
The TLV320AIC23B has many programmable features. The control interface is used to program the registers of the
device. The control interface complies with SPI (three-wire operation) and two-wire operation specifications. The
state of the MODE terminal selects the control interface type. The MODE pin must be hardwired to the required level.
0 2-wire
3.1.1 SPI
In SPI mode, SDIN carries the serial data, SCLK is the serial clock and CS latches the data word into the
TLV320AIC23B. The interface is compatible with microcontrollers and DSPs with an SPI interface.
A control word consists of 16 bits, starting with the MSB. The data bits are latched on the rising edge of SCLK. A rising
edge on CS
after the 16th rising clock edge latches the data word into the AIC (see Figure 3-1).
The control word is divided into two parts. The first part is the address block, the second part is the data block:
B[15:9] Control Address Bits
B[8:0] Control Data Bits
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
Figure 3−1. SPI Timing
3.1.2 2-Wire
In 2-wire mode, the data transfer uses SDIN for the serial data and SCLK for the serial clock. The start condition is
a falling edge on SDIN while SCLK is high. The seven bits following the start condition determine which device on
the 2-wire bus receives the data. R/W determines the direction of the data transfer. The TLV320AIC23B is a write only
device and responds only if R/W is 0. The device operates only as a slave device whose address is selected by setting
the state of the CS pin as follows.
(Default = 0)
0 0011010
1 0011011