Timer_A Registers
12.3 Timer_A Registers
The Timer_A registers are listed in Table 12-3.
Table 12-3. Timer_A3 Registers
Register Short Form Register Type Address Initial State
Timer_A control TACTL Read/write 0160h Reset with POR
Timer_A counter TAR Read/write 0170h Reset with POR
Timer_A capture/compare control 0 TACCTL0 Read/write 0162h Reset with POR
Timer_A capture/compare 0 TACCR0 Read/write 0172h Reset with POR
Timer_A capture/compare control 1 TACCTL1 Read/write 0164h Reset with POR
Timer_A capture/compare 1 TACCR1 Read/write 0174h Reset with POR
Timer_A capture/compare control 2 TACCTL2
Read/write 0166h Reset with POR
Timer_A capture/compare 2 TACCR2
Read/write 0176h Reset with POR
Timer_A interrupt vector TAIV Read only 012Eh Reset with POR
Not present on MSP430 devices with Timer_A2 like MSP430F20xx and other devices.
SLAU144JDecember 2004Revised July 2013 Timer_A
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