
DMA Introduction
6.1 DMA Introduction
The direct memory access (DMA) controller transfers data from one address to another, without CPU
intervention, across the entire address range. For example, the DMA controller can move data from the
ADC12 conversion memory to RAM.
Devices that contain a DMA controller may have one, two, or three DMA channels available. Therefore,
depending on the number of DMA channels available, some features described in this chapter are not
applicable to all devices.
Using the DMA controller can increase the throughput of peripheral modules. It can also reduce system
power consumption by allowing the CPU to remain in a low-power mode without having to awaken to
move data to or from a peripheral.
The DMA controller features include:
Up to three independent transfer channels
Configurable DMA channel priorities
Requires only two MCLK clock cycles per transfer
Byte or word and mixed byte/word transfer capability
Block sizes up to 65535 bytes or words
Configurable transfer trigger selections
Selectable edge or level-triggered transfer
Four addressing modes
Single, block, or burst-block transfer modes
The DMA controller block diagram is shown in Figure 6-1.
DMA Controller SLAU144JDecember 2004Revised July 2013
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