User Manual

Table Of Contents
Master Section 10 – 253
To use the External gear plug-in, proceed as follows:
The first step is to designate which ASIO channels should be used.
1. Open the Preferences–Audio device tab:
2. Click the “Connections…” button to open the ASIO Audio Connections
3. In the “External gear connections” section you can activate the output
channels you wish to send to the external gear inputs in the “ASIO out-
puts (to gear)” section, and which input channels the effect processor
outputs should be connected to in the “ASIO inputs (from gear)” section.
This should normally not be the same I/O channels as you use for playback/recording. The
number of available outputs in this plug-in equals the number of inputs (up to 8).
Close the Preferences dialog when you are done.
4. Click in a Master Section effect slot, and select “External Gear” from the
ASIO sub-menu.
The External Gear control panel opens.
In the control panel you can set the following options:
Here you can set the number of outputs to use. Normally this is the same as the number of
inputs (the “As Inputs” option). You can however use a mono out/stereo in configuration in
which case you set this parameter to “2” with the slider.
External gear may introduce latency. WaveLab can automatically compensate for this if you
select “Auto” (only active during rendering), or you can set this latency compensation your-
self (in milliseconds). The latency introduced by the ASIO driver is automatically taken into
account by WaveLab.
“Send level”
This allows you to adjust the send level. This should normally be set to 0 dB. If necessary,
adjust the input level on the external effect.
5. Now you can process a signal through the external processor, just like if it
was a standard plug-in effect!
6. If you render a file using the External plug-in, playback will not be available
during the rendering.