User Manual EtherNet/IP Network Configuration Catalog Numbers 1756-ENBT, 1756-EN2F, 1756-EN2T, 1756-EN2TR, 1756-EN2TXT, 1756-EN3TR, 1756-EN2TSC, 1756-EN2TRXT, 1768-ENBT, 1769-L23E-QB1B, 1769-L23E-QBFC1B, 1769-L32E, 1769-L35E, 1769-AENTR, 1783-ETAP, 1783-ETAP1F, 1783-ETAP2F, 1794-AENT, 20-COMM-E, 22-COMM-E, 1734-AENT, 1734-AENTR
Important User Information Read this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.
Summary of Changes Introduction This release of this document contains new and updated information. To find new and updated information, look for change bars, as shown next to this paragraph. Updated Information The document contains these changes.
Summary of Changes Notes: 4 Rockwell Automation Publication ENET-UM001L-EN-P - March 2014
Table of Contents Preface About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Studio 5000 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Additional Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 1 EtherNet/IP Overview EtherNet/IP Communication Modules in a Control System. . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents Chapter 5 Control I/O Set Up the Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add Distributed I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add an I/O Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select a Communication Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choosing a Direct or Rack-optimized Connection .
Table of Contents Chapter 7 Send Email Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EtherNet/IP Communication Module as an Email Client . . . . . . . . . . . Send Email via a Controller-initiated Message Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . Create String Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enter the Ladder Logic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Index 8 Access Web Browser Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troubleshoot the 1756-ENBT Communication Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diagnostic Overview Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preface About This Manual This manual describes how you can use EtherNet/IP communication modules with your Logix5000 controller and communicate with various devices on the Ethernet network.
Preface These documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.
Chapter 1 EtherNet/IP Overview EtherNet/IP networks are communication networks that offer a comprehensive suite of messages and services for many automation applications. These are examples of applications that use EtherNet/IP networks: • Real Time Control • Time Synchronization • Motion This open network standard uses off-the-shelf Ethernet communication products to support real-time I/O messaging, information exchange, and general messaging.
Chapter 1 EtherNet/IP Overview This graphic shows how Rockwell Automation EtherNet/IP communication modules fit into a control system.
Chapter 2 Configure a Workstation to Operate on an EtherNet/IP Network This chapter describes how to configure a workstation to operate on an EtherNet/IP network. You must configure an Ethernet communication driver in RSLinx software for the workstation. A workstation needs the driver to perform these tasks: • Upload and download Studio 5000 environment project information to controllers over an EtherNet/IP network.
Chapter 2 Configure a Workstation to Operate on an EtherNet/IP Network Configure the Ethernet Communication Driver in RSLinx Software To configure the EtherNet/IP driver, follow these steps. 1. From the Communications menu, choose Configure Drivers. The Configure Drivers dialog box appears. 2. From the Available Driver Types pull-down menu, choose EtherNet/IP Driver or Ethernet devices and click Add New. The Add New RSLinx Driver dialog box appears.
Configure a Workstation to Operate on an EtherNet/IP Network Chapter 2 3. Type a name for the new driver and click OK. The Configure driver dialog box appears. 4. Click Browse Local Subnet. TIP To view devices on a different subnet or VLAN from the workstation running RSLinx software, click Browse Remote Subnet. 5. Click OK to close the dialog box. This new driver is available.
Chapter 2 Configure a Workstation to Operate on an EtherNet/IP Network Notes: 16 Rockwell Automation Publication ENET-UM001L-EN-P - March 2014
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network This chapter describes how to configure an EtherNet/IP communication module to operate on an EtherNet/IP network.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network If you use DNS addressing, or reference the module via host name in MSG instructions, define these parameters. Table 1 - EtherNet/IP Network Parameters for DNS Addressing EtherNet/IP Network Parameter Description Host name A host name is part of a text address that identifies the host for a module. The full text address of a module is host_name.domain_name.
Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Chapter 3 EtherNet/IP communication modules are shipped with this configuration: • BOOTP/DHCP enabled • Rotary switches set to 999 - when applicable This graphic shows the process used to set your module’s IP address. Figure 2 - How Your Module’s IP Address is Set Module Powerup No Is DHCP or BOOTP enabled? No Module uses IP address stored in nonvolatile memory.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Set the Network IP Address with the Rotary Switches This graphic shows the rotary switches on a 1756 EtherNet/IP communication module. The location of the switches is dependant on the module. At powerup, the module reads the rotary switches to determine if they are set to a valid number for the last portion of the IP address. Valid numbers range from 001…254.
Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Chapter 3 Set the Network IP Address with the BOOTP/DHCP Server The BOOTP/DHCP server is a standalone server you can use to set an IP address. When used, the BOOTP/DHCP server sets an IP address and other Transport Control Protocol (TCP) parameters.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network 3. Type the Subnet Mask of the network. The Gateway address, Primary and/or Secondary DNS address, and Domain Name fields are optional. 4. Click OK. The Request History panel appears with the hardware addresses of all modules issuing BOOTP requests. 5. Select the appropriate module. 6. Click Add to Relation List. The New Entry dialog box appears. 7. Type an IP Address, Hostname, and Description for the module. 8.
Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Chapter 3 9. To permanently assign this configuration to the module, wait for the module to appear in the Relation List panel and select it. 10. Click Disable BOOTP/DHCP. When power is recycled, the module uses the assigned configuration and does not issue a BOOTP request.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Set the Network IP Address with RSLinx Software or the Studio 5000 Environment This table describes when to set the network IP address with RSLinx software or the Studio 5000 environment.
Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Chapter 3 Set the Network IP Address with RSLinx Software To use RSLinx software to set the communication module’s IP address, follow these steps. 1. From the Communications menu, choose RSWho. The RSWho dialog box appears. 2. Navigate to the Ethernet network. 3. Right-click the EtherNet/IP module and choose Module Configuration. The Module Configuration dialog box appears.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network 4. Click the Port Configuration tab. 5. For Network Configuration Type, click Static to permanently assign this configuration to the port. IMPORTANT If you click Dynamic, on a power cycle, the controller clears the current IP configuration and resumes sending BOOTP requests. 6. Type this information in the appropriate fields: • In the IP Address field, type the IP address.
Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Chapter 3 7. Configure the port settings. To Then Use the default port speed and duplex settings Leave Auto-negotiate port speed and duplex checked. This setting determines the actual speed and duplex setting. Manually configure your port’s speed and duplex settings Follow these steps. 1. Clear the Auto-negotiate port speed and duplex checkbox. 2. From the Current Port Speed pull-down menu, choose a port speed. 3.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Set the Network IP Address with the Studio 5000 Environment To use the Studio 5000 environment to set the communication module’s IP address, follow these steps. 1. In the Controller Organizer, right-click the EtherNet/IP module and choose Properties. The Module Properties dialog box appears. 2. Click the Port Configuration tab. 3. In the IP Address field, type the IP address. 4.
Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Chapter 3 Reset the Module IP Address to Factory Default Value You can reset the module’s IP address to its factory default value with the following methods: • If the module has rotary switches, set the switches to 888 and cycle power. • If the module does not have rotary switches, use a MSG instruction to the reset the IP address.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network Duplicate IP Address Resolution When two EtherNet/IP communication modules on a network have conflicting IP addresses, the resolution depends on the conditions in which the duplication is detected. This table describes how duplicate IP addresses are resolved.
Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network DNS Addressing Chapter 3 To further qualify a module’s address, use DNS addressing to specify a host name for a module, which also includes specifying a domain name and DNS servers. DNS addressing makes it possible to set up similar network structures and IP address sequences under different domains. DNS addressing is necessary only if you refer to the module by host name, such as in path descriptions in MSG instructions.
Chapter 3 Configure an EtherNet/IP Communication Module to Operate on the Network 4. In the Studio 5000 environment, add the module to the I/O configuration tree. See Add an I/O Module on page 50. Use EtherNet/IP Communication Modules in a Logix5000 Controller Application IMPORTANT If a child module resides in the same domain as its parent module, just type the host name. If the child module’s domain differs from that of its parent module, type the host name and the domain name (host.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network A Device-level Ring (DLR) network is a single-fault tolerant ring network intended for the interconnection of automation devices. Topic Page Construct the Physical Network 36 Configure Supervisor Nodes on a DLR Network 37 Complete the Physical Connections of the Network 45 Verify Supervisor Configuration 46 Modules that support the DLR network have an 'R' in the catalog number; for example, 1756-EN2TR.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Figure 3 - Example Device-level Ring Topology 1783-ETAP 1756-EN2TR 1783-ETAP Comm Adapter 1783-ETAP MOD LINK 1 NET LINK 2 X 100 X 10 LINK 2 LINK 1 X1 1756-EN2TR 1756 I/O Modules DLR Nodes 1734-AENTR 1734 I/O Modules 1738-AENTR 1738 I/O Modules 1769-AENTR 1769 I/O Modules A DLR network uses these types of nodes: • Supervisor Node • Ring Node Supervisor Node A DLR network requires at least one node to be configured as ring s
Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Chapter 4 The ring supervisor provides these main functions: • Manage traffic on the DLR network • Collect diagnostic information for the network Back-up Supervisor Node At any point in time, there can be only one active supervisor on a DLR network. However, we recommend that you can configure at least one other supervisorcapable node to act as back-up supervisor nodes. During normal operation, a back-up supervisor behaves like a ring node.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Construct the Physical Network The first thing you must do to create a new DLR network is physically connect all necessary devices to the network. However, leave at least one connection unmade, that is, temporarily omit the physical connection between two nodes on the ring, as the factory default settings of DLR devices are set to operate in linear/ star mode or as ring nodes on existing DLR networks.
Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Configure Supervisor Nodes on a DLR Network Chapter 4 After you have installed all devices on the DLR network, you must configure the supervisor node. Ring nodes do not require any configuration. IMPORTANT This section assumes that you set the IP address for each device on the EtherNet/IP network when you installed that device.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network To configure the ring supervisor in the Studio 5000 environment, follow these steps. 1. In the Controller Organizer, right-click 1756 Backplane and choose New Module. The Select Module dialog box appears. 2. Choose the module you wish to add and click OK. Depending on the module type, the Select Major Revision dialog box may appear. If the dialog box appears, choose the module’s major revision and click OK.
Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Chapter 4 3. Complete the rest of the module configuration in your RSLogix 5000 software project. The graphic below shows the I/O configuration for an example DLR network. 4. Download to your Logix controller. 5. Go online with the controller and leave it in Program mode.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Enable Ring Supervisor in the Studio 5000 Environment After you add a supervisor-capable module to the Studio 5000 environment project and configure it, you must enable the module to function as a ring supervisor. This chapter describes how to enable a 1756-EN2TR module as a ring supervisor. For more information on enabling other modules as ring supervisors, see EtherNet/IP Embedded Switch Technology Application Guide, publication ENET-AP005.
Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Chapter 4 2. Click the Network tab and check Enable Supervisor Mode. Click here to enable Supervisor mode. Configuration takes effect immediately. You do not need to click Apply or OK. 3. Click Advanced to configure supervisor-related parameters. This table describes the Ring Parameters. 4. Configure desired supervisor-related parameters. This table describes the parameters.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Table 2 - Supervisor Mode Parameters Functionality Description Default Setting Ring Protocol VLAN ID Reserved for future use. 0 5. Click Set. 6. Click Close.
Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Chapter 4 Configure and Enable a Ring Supervisor in RSLinx Classic Software Depending on the module’s firmware revision, you must use a specific RSLinx software version to configure and enable the module with RSLinx Classic software. For more information on module firmware revisions and required RSLinx Classic software versions, go to ControlFlash/.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network 5. Click the Network tab and check Enable Ring Supervisor. Configuration takes effect immediately. You do not need to click Apply or OK. 6. Click Advanced to configure supervisor-related parameters. 7. Configure desired supervisor-related parameters and click Set. 8. Click Close. IMPORTANT 44 For Beacon Interval, Beacon Timeout and Ring Protocol VLAN ID, we recommend that you only use the default values.
Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Complete the Physical Connections of the Network Chapter 4 After you configure and enable your ring supervisor nodes, you must complete the physical connection of your new DLR network to make it complete and fully functional. This figure shows an example DLR network with all physical connections complete. Figure 5 - Example Device-level Ring Topology with All Connections Complete Comm Adapter Last physical connection is made.
Chapter 4 Configure a Supervisor on a Device-level Ring Network Verify Supervisor Configuration You may want to verify that your supervisor configuration has taken place and that the ring network is functioning properly. You can verify that configuration and a normally functioning network in either the Studio 5000 environment or RSLinx Classic software. 1. Access the module properties as described previously. 2. Click the Network tab. 3. Verify the Network Topology and Network Status fields.
Chapter 5 Control I/O This chapter describes how a controller controls distributed I/O over an EtherNet/IP network. An EtherNet/IP communication module connects the controller to the network. Set Up the Hardware Topic Page Set Up the Hardware 47 Select a Remote Adapter 57 Set the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) 58 Access Distributed I/O 59 In this example, the Logix5000 controller uses an EtherNet/IP communication module to connect to the EtherNet/IP network.
Chapter 5 Control I/O A Logix5000 controller establishes direct or rack-optimized connections to communicate with I/O modules. Digital I/O modules support either connection type, but analog I/O modules support only direct connections. You must complete these tasks before your controller can communicate with distributed I/O modules over an EtherNet/IP network: • Set the IP addresses for each EtherNet/IP communication module. • Connect all wiring and cabling.
Control I/O Chapter 5 To build the I/O configuration for a typical distributed I/O network, follow these steps. 1. Add the local communication module, that is, the bridge. 2. Add the remote adapter for the distributed I/O chassis or DIN rail. 3. Add the I/O module. This graphic shows the consumer controller’s I/O configuration after distributed I/O modules are added. IMPORTANT I/O is controlled on the same subnet and cannot be processed via a router.
Chapter 5 Control I/O Add an I/O Module To add a module to the I/O Configuration folder, follow these steps. 1. In the Controller Organizer, right-click the remote communication module and choose New Module. The Select Module dialog box appears. 2. Choose the module you wish to add and click OK. Depending on the I/O module, the Select Major Revision dialog box may appear. If the dialog box appears, choose the module’s major revision and click OK.
Control I/O Chapter 5 The Module Properties dialog box appears. 3. In the Name field, type the name of your I/O module. 4. In the Slot field, type the slot number in which your I/O module will reside. 5. From the Comm Format pull-down menu, choose a communication format. For more information on the selection of communication formats, see Set the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) on page 58. 6. Click OK to see the rest of the Module Properties dialog box. 7. Configure the module as necessary.
Chapter 5 Control I/O Select a Communication Format When configuring an I/O module, you must select a communication format. The type of communication format determines the data structure for the module’s tags. Many I/O modules support different formats. Each format uses a different data structure.
Control I/O Chapter 5 Term Definition Rack-optimized connection For digital I/O modules, you can choose rack-optimized communication. A rack-optimized connection consolidates connection usage between the controller and all the digital I/O modules in the chassis (or DIN rail). Rather than having individual, direct connections for each I/O module, there is one connection for the entire chassis (or DIN rail).
Chapter 5 Control I/O Direct Connections For I/O Modules In this example, assume that each distributed I/O module is configured for a direct connection to the controller.
Control I/O Chapter 5 Rack-optimized Connections for I/O Modules In this example, assume that each digital I/O module is configured for a rackoptimized connection to the controller. Analog modules must be configured for direct connections.
Chapter 5 Control I/O Ownership In a Logix5000 system, modules multicast data. Therefore, multiple modules can receive the same data at the same time from a single module. When choosing a communication format, decide whether to establish an owner-controller or listen-only relationship with the module. Ownership Type Description Owner controller The controller that creates the primary configuration and communication connection to a module.
Control I/O Chapter 5 Table 6 - Input and Output Modules - Differences in Ownership Control This Ownership Description Input modules Owner An input module is configured by a controller that establishes a connection as an owner. This configuring controller is the first controller to establish an owner connection. Once an input module has been configured and owned by a controller, other controllers can establish owner connections to that module.
Chapter 5 Control I/O Set the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) When you configure an I/O module, you define the requested packet interval (RPI) for the module. Only data-producing modules require an RPI. For example, a local EtherNet/IP communication module requires no RPI because it produces no data for the system. Instead it functions only as a bridge. To set an RPI, follow these steps. 1.
Control I/O Chapter 5 4. From the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) menu, enter the rate at which you want data to be updated over a connection. Only set the RPI to the rate the application requires. IMPORTANT The RPI determines the number of packets per second that the module produces on a connection. Each module can produce only a limited number of packets per second. Exceeding this limit prevents the module from opening more connections. 5. Click OK.
Chapter 5 Control I/O EXAMPLE 1 2 3 4 Example Module Example Tag Names (automatically created by the software) 1 Remote 1794-AENT adapter “FLEX_io_adapter” FLEX_io_adapter:I FLEX_io_adapter:I.SlotStatusBits FLEX_io_adapter:I.Data FLEX_io_adapter:O FLEX_io_adapter:O.Data 2 Remote 1794-IA16 “input_module” in slot 0 FLEX_io_adapter:0:C FLEX_io_adapter:0:C.Config FLEX_io_adapter:0:C.DelayTime_0 FLEX_io_adapter:0:C.DelayTime_1 FLEX_io_adapter:0:C.DelayTime_2 FLEX_io_adapter:0:C.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers This chapter describes how to share data by interlocking controllers (producing and consuming tags) and transferring messages between controllers via an EtherNet/IP network.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Set Up the Hardware In this example, the controller in the local chassis produces a tag that the Logix5000 controller in the remote chassis consumes. The local controller can also send a MSG instruction to the remote controller.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 You must complete these tasks before Logix5000 controllers can share tags over an EtherNet/IP network: • Set the IP addresses and other network parameters for each EtherNet/IP communication module. • Connect all wiring and cabling. • Configure a communication driver (such as AB-ETHIP-1) for the programming workstation.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Terminology A Logix5000 controller can produce (broadcast) and consume (receive) systemshared tags. Table 11 - Tag Definitions Term Definition Produced tag A tag that a controller makes available for use by other controllers. Multiple controllers can simultaneously consume (receive) the data. A produced tag sends its data to one or more consumed tags (consumers) without using logic.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 All EtherNet/IP communication modules support as many as 32 produced multicast connections. Because each tag that passes through an EtherNet/IP communication module uses a single connection, the number of available connections limits the total number of tags that can be produced or consumed. If the communication module uses all of its connections for I/O and other communication modules, no connections remain for produced and consumed tags.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Produce a Tag To produce a tag, configure the produced tag in the Studio 5000 Logix Designer project for the local (producer) controller. You do not have to configure the consumer controllers in the I/O Configuration folder of the producer controller. Configure the Produced Tag To configure the produced tag, follow these steps. 1. In the producer’s Controller Organizer, right-click the Controller Tags folder and choose Edit Tags.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 The Tag Properties dialog box appears. 3. From the Type pull-down menu, choose Produced. 4. Click Connection. The Produced Tag Connection dialog box appears. 5. In the Max Consumers field, type the maximum number of controllers that will consume (receive) the tag. 6. Click OK.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers To consume a produced tag, specify both the producer controller and the produced tag in the Studio 5000 Logix Designer project for the remote (consumer) Logix5000 controller. Consume Data Produced by Another Controller Add the Producer Controller to the Consumer’s I/O Configuration Add the producer controller to the remote controller’s I/O Configuration folder.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 To add a producer controller to the I/O Configuration folder, follow these steps. 1. In the Controller Organizer, right-click the remote backplane and choose New Module. The Select Module Type dialog box appears. 2. Click the By Category tab and choose your producer controller. 3. Click OK. Depending on the controller type, the Select Major Revision dialog box may appear.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers 4. Configure your new module. • In the Name field, type the name of your module. • In the Slot field, type the chassis slot number. • From the Electronic Keying pull-down menu, choose the keying level that fits your application. 5. Click OK. IMPORTANT The number and type of configuration parameters on the New Module dialog box varies according to the controller type. Create the Consumed Tag To create the consumed tag, follow these steps. 1.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 2. In the Controller Tags window, right-click the tag that will consume the data and choose Edit Tag Properties. The Tag Properties dialog box appears. 3. From the Type pull-down menu, choose Consumed. 4. In the Data Type field, type a data type that matches the type assigned to the produced tag. 5. Click Connection. The Consumed Tag Connection dialog box appears. 6.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers 7. In the Remote Data field, type the tag name or instance number of the produced data. 8. In the RPI field, type the requested packet interval (RPI) for the connection. Only set the RPI to the rate the application requires. IMPORTANT The RPI determines the number of packets per second that the module will produce on a connection. Each module can only produce a limited number of packets per second.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Guidelines for Message (MSG) Instructions Chapter 6 Follow these guidelines. Table 14 - MSG Instruction Guidelines Guideline Description For each MSG instruction, create a control tag. Each MSG instruction requires its own control tag: • Data type = MESSAGE • Scope = controller • The tag cannot be part of an array or a user-defined data type. Keep the source and destination data at the controller scope.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Connections for Messages Messages transfer data to other modules, such as other controllers or operator interfaces. Each message uses one connection, regardless of how many modules are in the message path. To conserve connections, you can configure one message to read from or write to multiple modules. These connected messages can leave the connection open (cache) or close the connection when the message is done transmitting.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Enter Message Logic Chapter 6 To send or receive data from an EtherNet/IP communication module via a message, you must program a MSG instruction in the local controller’s logic. If the target module is configured in the I/O Configuration folder of the controller, browse to select the module or manually type the message path in the MSG instruction.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Select a communication format for a communication module based on the modules in its remote chassis.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 2. Click the By Category tab and choose your EtherNet/IP communication module. 3. Click OK. Depending on the EtherNet/IP communication module, the Select Major Revision dialog box may appear. If the dialog box appears, choose the module’s major revision and click OK. The New Module dialog box appears.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers 4. Configure your new module. • In the Name field, type the name of your module. • In the IP Address field, type the module IP address. • In the Slot field, type the chassis slot number. • Click Change to configure these parameters: – Module Revision – Electronic Keying – Communication Format 5. Click OK.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 To configure a MSG instruction, follow these steps. Configure a MSG Instruction 1. Click ... in the MSG box. The Message Configuration dialog box appears. 2. Click the Configuration tab and specify the type of MSG instruction.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Configure a MSG to an SLC 500 Controller If the data is And you want to For this item Type or choose Integer Read (receive) data Message Type SLC Typed Read Source Element Data table address in the SLC 500 controller (for example, N7:10) Number of Elements Number of integers to transfer Destination Tag First element of int_buffer Message Type SLC Typed Write Source Tag First Element of int_buffer Number of Elements Number of i
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Chapter 6 For a message to a ControlLogix controller, this Studio 5000 environment Message Configuration dialog box appears. For a message to a SLC 500 or PLC-5 processor, this RSLogix Message Configuration dialog box appears.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers 5. If the target module is configured in the I/O Configuration folder of the originating controller, click Browse to select the module or manually type the path to the target module. A manually typed path begins with the name of the local EtherNet/IP communication module, the port the message exits (2 for EtherNet/IP), and the IP address of the next module in the path, which could be the target module.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Communicate with PLC-5 or SLC Controllers Chapter 6 If the message is to a PLC-5 or SLC 500 processor and it reads or writes integers (not REALs), use a buffer of INTs in the message. Remember these considerations: • Logix5000 controllers execute more efficiently and use less memory when working with 32-bit integers (DINTs). • PLC-5 and SLC 500 processors require 16-bit integers. • Messages require an INT buffer.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Mapping Tags A Logix5000 controller stores tag names on the controller so that other devices can read or write data without having to know physical memory locations. Many products only understand PLC/SLC data tables, so the Logix5000 controller offers a PLC/SLC mapping function that enables you to map Logix tag names to memory locations.
Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers EXAMPLE Chapter 6 Read integers from a PLC-5 controller. ATTENTION: When condition turns on, reads 16-bit integer values (INTs) and stores them in int_buffer. Then the FAL instruction moves the values to dint_array. This converts the values to 32-bit integers (DINTs), for use by other instructions in the ControlLogix controller. EXAMPLE Write integers to a PLC-5 controller.
Chapter 6 Interlocking and Data Transfer between Controllers Receive MSGs from PLC-5 or SLC 500 Controllers To receive MSGs from PLC-5 or SLC 500 processors, follow these steps. 1. If the originating controller is a PLC-5 or SLC 500 processor, in the MSG instruction, select PLC5.
Chapter 7 Send Email Introduction This chapter describes how to send an email through an EtherNet/IP communication module. IMPORTANT The 1756-EN2TSC module does not support this capability.
Chapter 7 Send Email The EtherNet/IP communication module sends only the content of a MSG instruction as an email to a mail relay server. Delivery of the email depends on the mail relay server. The EtherNet/IP communication module does not receive email.
Send Email Send Email via a Controllerinitiated Message Instruction Chapter 7 A Logix controller can send a generic CIP message instruction to the EtherNet/ IP communication module that instructs the module to send an email message to a SMTP mail relay server using the standard SMTP protocol. This automatically communicates controller data and application conditions to appropriate personnel.
Chapter 7 Send Email The String Browser dialog box appears. 2. Type the IP address or host name of the mail server. 3. Click OK. The tags for the email text and transmission status can contain up to 474 characters. For these tags, you must create a user-defined STRING data type. The default STRING data type in the Studio 5000 environment is not large enough for most email text. To create a user-defined STRING data type, follow these steps. 1.
Send Email Chapter 7 2. Create the EmailString data type. 3. Create one controller-scoped tag, such as EWEB_EMAIL, of this new data type to contain the email text. 4. Create a second controller-scoped tag, such as EmailDstStr, of this new data type to contain the transmission status. Both of these tags are of type EmailString. 5. Click ... in the Value column of the Controller Tags dialog box. Tag for Status Tag for Email Text The String Browser dialog box appears. 6. Type your email.
Chapter 7 Send Email For more information on using ladder logic to manipulate string data, see the Logix5000 Controllers Common Procedures Programming Manual, publication 1756-PM001. Enter the Ladder Logic Ladder logic requires two MSG instructions. One MSG instruction configures the mail server and needs to be executed only once. The second MSG instruction triggers the email. Execute this email MSG instruction as often as needed. SetServer The first rung configures the mail server.
Send Email Chapter 7 2. In the Path field, type the path for the MSG instruction. The path starts with the controller initiating the MSG instruction. Type the number of the port from which the message exits and the address of the next module in the path. For example, if the EtherNet/IP communication module is in the same chassis as the controller and is in slot 2, the path is: 1, 2.
Chapter 7 Send Email Configure the MSG Instruction That Contains the Email Text To configure the MSG instruction that contains the email text, perform this procedure. 1. Click the Configuration tab. The Source Length is the number of characters in the email tag plus 4 characters. In this example, the email text contains 65 characters. 2. Configure the MSG parameters for sending an email. • From the Service Type pull-down menu, choose Custom. • In the Service Code field, type 4b.
Send Email Chapter 7 3. Click the Communication tab. 4. In the Path field, type the path from the controller to the EtherNet/IP communication module. The path starts with the controller initiating the MSG instruction. The second number in the path represents the port from which the message exits and the address of the next module in the path. For example, if the EtherNet/IP communication module is in the same chassis as the controller and is in slot 2, the path is: 1, 2. 5.
Chapter 7 Send Email Enter Email Text Use the string browser to type the text of the email. To include To:, From:, and Subject: fields in the email, use symbols to separate each of these fields. The To: and From fields are required; the Subject: field is optional. For example: To: email address of recipient From: email address of sender Subject: subject of message body of email message An email message must not exceed 474 characters in length.
Send Email Chapter 7 Table 20 - Email Status Code Descriptions Error Code (Hex) Extendederror Code (Hex) Description 0xFF 0x0104 Unable to connect to SMTP mail server set in Attribute 5. If the mail server address is a host name, make sure that the device supports DNS, and that a Name Server is configured. If the host name is not fully qualified, for example, ‘mailhost’ and not ‘’ then the domain must be configured as ‘’.
Chapter 7 Send Email Notes: 98 Rockwell Automation Publication ENET-UM001L-EN-P - March 2014
Chapter 8 Communicate with PanelView Terminals This chapter describes how a controller uses an EtherNet/IP communication module to communicate with PanelView and PanelView Plus terminals over an EtherNet/IP network.
Chapter 8 Communicate with PanelView Terminals Logix5000 Controller Combinations Your controller type determines which communication module to use.
Communicate with PanelView Terminals Chapter 8 When communicating implicitly (PanelView terminals only), the controller uses one connection for each terminal. Account for these connections when designing the system. Logix5000 controllers support these numbers of connections: • Firmware revisions 11 and earlier support up to 16 bidirectional implicit buffers (connections). • Firmware revisions 12 or later support up to 32 bidirectional implicit buffers (connections).
Chapter 8 Communicate with PanelView Terminals 2. Click the By Category tab. 3. Choose your EtherNet/IP communication module and click OK. Depending on the EtherNet/IP communication module, the Select Major Revision dialog box may appear. If the dialog box appears, choose the module’s major revision and click OK. The New Module dialog box appears.
Communicate with PanelView Terminals Chapter 8 4. Configure your new module. • In the Name field, type the name of your module. • In the IP Address field, type the module IP address. • In the Slot field, type the chassis slot number. • Click Change to configure these parameters: – Module Revision – Electronic Keying – Communication Format 5. Click OK. IMPORTANT The number and type of configuration parameters on the New Module dialog box varies according to the EtherNet/IP communication module type. 6.
Chapter 8 Communicate with PanelView Terminals 7. Click the By Category tab. 8. Choose the EtherNet/IP PanelView terminal and click OK. The Module Properties dialog box appears. 9. Configure the PanelView terminal. • In the Name field, type the name of your new module. • From the Comm Format pull-down menu, choose Data-DINT. • From the Electronic Keying pull-down menu, choose Disable Keying. • In the IP Address field, type the IP address. • In the Input and Output fields, type the connection parameters.
Communicate with PanelView Terminals Organize Controller Data for a PanelView Terminal Chapter 8 Organize data for a PanelView terminal based on how the data is used. Table 23 - Controller Data Organization For data that is Do this Time critical (for example, data that controls a machine) Use the I/O tags of the terminal. The tags for this data were created when you added the terminal to the I/O configuration of the controller. They resemble the I/O modules’ tags.
Chapter 8 Communicate with PanelView Terminals Connections to FactoryTalk View Applications To establish communication to a FactoryTalk View application, configure RSLinx software to collect tags from the controller. A FactoryTalk View or FactoryTalk View Enterprise application uses RSLinx software as a data server. RSLinx Enterprise software defaults to four read connections and one write connection per configured controller. Modify the RSLinx software configuration as needed.
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages Some EtherNet/IP communication modules provide diagnostic web pages Topic Page 1756-EN2TR Module 108 Diagnostic Overview Page 108 Ethernet Statistics Web Page 110 Connection Manager Cmd Object Info Web Page 111 Ring Statistics Web Page 112 1756-ENBT Module 113 Diagnostic Overview Page 113 Ethernet Statistics 115 1769-AENTR Adapter 116 Diagnostic Overview Page 116 Ethernet Statistics 118 The number and type of diagnostic fields vary by module catalog
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages 1756-EN2TR Module These are the most commonly used diagnostic web pages for the 1756-EN2TR module: • Diagnostic Overview Page • Ethernet Statistics Web Page • Ring Statistics Web Page IMPORTANT The 1756-EN2TR module also offers these diagnostic web pages for monitoring the module: • Network Settings • Application Connections • Bridge Connections These web pages are not as commonly used as the three described in this section and are not described here.
Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 9 This table describes the fields most commonly used on the Diagnostics Overview web page.
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages Ethernet Statistics Web Page The Ethernet Statistics web page provides a summary of the status of communication activity on the Ethernet network. The most commonly monitored fields are circled in the graphic and described in the table that follows. This table describes the field most commonly used on the Ethernet Statistics web page.
Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 9 Table 25 - Ethernet Statistics Web Page Field Specifies Media Counters Port 1 Alignment Errors A frame containing bits that do not total an integral multiple of eight. FCS Errors A frame containing eight bits, at least one of which has been corrupted. Single Collisions The number of outgoing packets that encountered only one collision during transmission. Multiple Collisions The number of outgoing packets that encountered 2...15 collisions during transmission.
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages Ring Statistics Web Page IMPORTANT The Ring Statistics web page, and the descriptions in this section, only apply to modules you can use in a Device-level Ring (DLR) network: • 1756-EN2TR communication module • 1756-EN3TR communication module The Ring Statistics web page provides a summary of the module’s operating state in a DLR application. The most commonly monitored fields are circled in the graphic and described in the table that follows.
Diagnostic Web Pages 1756-ENBT Module Chapter 9 These are the most commonly used diagnostic web pages for the 1756-ENBT module: • Diagnostic Overview Page • Ethernet Statistics IMPORTANT The 1756-ENBT module also offers these diagnostic web pages for monitoring the module: • Network Settings • Message Connections • I/O Connections These web pages are not as commonly used as the three described in this section and are not described here.
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages Table 27 - Diagnostic Overview Web Page Field Specifies Ethernet Link Speed Whether the Ethernet port is operating at 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. Duplex Whether the Ethernet port is operating at half duplex or full duplex. Autonegotiate Status Whether the port speed and duplex mode were determined via autonegotiation or manual configuration. System Resource Utilization CPU Number of times a page has been requested for which the user has insufficient privilege.
Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 9 Ethernet Statistics The Ethernet Statistics diagnostic web page presents a summary of the status of communication activity on the Ethernet network. The most commonly monitored fields are circled in the graphic and described in the table that follows. Table 28 - Ethernet Statistics Web Page Field Specifies Ethernet Link Speed Whether the Ethernet port is operating at 10 or 100 MBps. Duplex Whether the Ethernet port is operating at half duplex or full duplex.
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages Table 28 - Ethernet Statistics Web Page Field Specifies Excessive Collisions The number of frames that experience 16 consecutive collisions. MAC Transmit Errors Frames for which transmission fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. Carrier Sense Errors Times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame. Frame Too Long The number of incoming packets that exceed the maximum Ethernet packet size.
Diagnostic Web Pages Rockwell Automation Publication ENET-UM001L-EN-P - March 2014 Chapter 9 117
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages Ethernet Statistics Table 29 - Diagnostic Overview Web Page Field Specifies Ring Status Network Topology Whether the Ethernet network is linear or DLR topology. Network Status Whether the Ethernet network is operating normally or otherwise. Ring Supervisor The IP and MAC address of the ring supervisor. Beacon Interval Beacon interval values. These values affect network recovery time. Use default values unless the ring includes more than 50 devices.
Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 9 The Ethernet Statistics diagnostic web page presents a summary of the status of communication activity on the Ethernet network. The most commonly monitored fields are described in Table 30 on page 119. Table 30 - Ethernet Statistics Web Page Field Specifies Ethernet Port 1 (These definitions apply to the same fields in the Ethernet Port 2 section.) Interface State Whether the port is turned off or on. Active or inactive indicates whether there is a cable connected.
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Web Pages Table 30 - Ethernet Statistics Web Page Field Specifies Media Counters Port 1 120 Alignment Errors A frame containing bits that do not total an integral multiple of eight. FCS Errors A frame containing eight bits, at least one of which has been corrupted. Single Collisions The number of outgoing packets that encountered only one collision during transmission. Multiple Collisions The number of outgoing packets that encountered 2...15 collisions during transmission.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages This chapter explains how to troubleshoot problems with your EtherNet/IP communication modules.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages To access your EtherNet/IP communication module diagnostic web pages, follow these steps. 1. Open your web browser. 2. In the Address field, type your EtherNet/IP communication module internet protocol (IP) address and press Enter. The diagnostic web home page appears. Ethernet/IP Module Internet Protocol (IP) Address 3.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Troubleshoot the 1756-ENBT Communication Module Chapter 10 Use this table to determine what diagnostic web page to use when you troubleshoot the most common technical issues on your module.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages 1. Review the values in the Ethernet Link table. If Speed is And you Then Do not want to change your port speed No action is required. Important: 100 Mbps is the default port speed. Want to reduce your port speed to 10 Mbps You must manually configure your module and reset your module. Want to increase your port speed to 100 Mbps Reset your module Do not want to change your port speed No action is required.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 3. Review the Missed field in the I/O Packet Counter Statistics table. This field shows how many I/O packets have been missed. Your EtherNet/ IP communication module may lose I/O packets due to these conditions: • Packets are produced faster than the connection’s requested packet interval (RPI). This happens for change-of-state connections or a new consumer requesting a faster RPI than the first consumer.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Message Connections If you want to check the status of your module connections, click the Message Connections tab. The Message Connections diagnostic web page appears. These are the four connection states: • Active • Closing • Faulted • Reserved I/O Connections If you want to check the status of your module’s I/O connections, click the I/O Connections tab. The I/O Connections diagnostic web page appears.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 Ethernet Statistics Your EtherNet/IP communication module may experience intermittent network connectivity due to these conditions: • Duplex mismatch • Electrical noise induced into a cable or resulting from a Logix/switch ground potential difference • Bad hardware, such as a cable or switch part Before troubleshooting this problem, familiarize yourself with these Ethernet statistics, or media counters.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages To troubleshoot intermittent Ethernet connectivity, follow these steps. 1. Click the Ethernet Statistics tab. 2. Review the values in the Media Counters table. If Then Any media counters are greater than zero You need to investigate further. These errors are counted: • Alignment • FCS • Carrier Sense A duplex mismatch exists between your EtherNet/IP communication module and the switch port.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Troubleshoot the 1756-EN2TR Communication Module Chapter 10 Use this table to determine what diagnostic web page to use when you troubleshoot issues on your module.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Diagnostic Overview Statistics The Diagnostic Overview web page presents a summary of the current configuration and overall status of the module. 1. Review the Module Resource Utilization table to monitor your CPU utilization. If the CPU utilization rate is Then 0...80% No action is required. Important: This is the optimal rate. Greater than 80% • Take steps to reduce your CPU utilization.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 If the number of Active Total CIP connections is this percentage of the number of Maximum Total Supported Then 0...80% No action is required. Important: This is the optimal rate. Greater than 80% Take steps to reduce the number of active total CIP connections.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages 4. Review the HMI/MSG (EtherNet/IP Port - Class 3) table to monitor Class 3 messaging statistics. If the number of Sent: Packets Per Second is this percentage of the module’s capacity Then 0...80% No action is required. Important: This is the optimal rate. Greater than 80% Monitor other IO and HMI PPS to determine how application can be changed to avoid performance concerns.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 6. Review the Missed field in the I/O Packet Counter Statistics table. This field shows how many I/O packets have been missed. Your EtherNet/IP communication module may lose I/O packets due to these conditions: • Packets are produced faster than the connection’s requested packet interval (RPI). This happens for change-of-state connections or a new consumer requesting a faster RPI than the first consumer.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages 1. Review the values in the Ethernet Port 1 table. If Link Status Speed is And you Then Active Do not want to change the status No action is required Inactive Want to establish communication on the network Reconfigure the module, or port, that is inactive. 100 or 1000 Mbps Do not want to change your port speed No action is required. Important: 100 Mbps is the default port speed.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 2. Review the values in the Media Counters Port 1 table. If Then Any media counters are greater than zero You need to investigate further. These errors are counted: • Alignment • FCS • Carrier Sense A duplex mismatch exists between your EtherNet/IP communication module and the switch port. To clear the duplex mismatch: 1.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Troubleshoot the 1769-AENTR Adapter Use this table to determine what diagnostic web page to use when you troubleshoot issues on your module.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 Diagnostic Overview Statistics The Diagnostic Overview web page presents a summary of the current configuration and overall status of the module. 1. Review the System Resource Utilization table to monitor your CPU utilization. If the CPU utilization rate is Then 0…80% No action is required. Important: This is the optimal rate. Greater than 80% • Take steps to reduce your CPU utilization.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages 2. Review the CIP Connection Statistics (table to monitor CIP connection usage). If the number of Current CIP I/O Connections is this percentage of the number of CIP I/O Connection Limit Then 0…80% No action is required. Important: This is the optimal rate. Greater than 80% Take steps to reduce the number of active total CIP connections.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 4. Review the HMI/MSG Connected (Class 3) table to monitor Class 3 messaging statistics. If the number of Sent Packets Count is this percentage of the module’s capacity Then 0…80% No action is required. Important: This is the optimal rate. Greater than 80% Monitor other IO and HMI PPS to determine how application can be changed to avoid performance concerns.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Ethernet Statistics The Ethernet Statistics web page presents the current configuration of an EtherNet/IP communication module and any errors that have occurred on the module.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 1. Review the values in the Ethernet Port 1 table. If Is And you Then Link Status Active Do not want to change the status No action is required Inactive Want to establish communication on the network Reconfigure the module, or port, that is inactive. 100 or 1000 Mbps Do not want to change your port speed No action is required. Important: 100 Mbps is the default port speed.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages 2. Review the values in the Media Counters Port 1 table. If Then Any media counters are greater than zero You need to investigate further. These errors are counted: • Alignment • FCS • Carrier Sense A duplex mismatch exists between your EtherNet/IP communication module and the switch port. To clear the duplex mismatch: 1.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 I/O Connections If you want to check the status of your module’s I/O connections, click the I/O Connections tab. The I/O Connections diagnostic web page opens. The Lost column shows the number of I/O packets that were not received. IMPORTANT To troubleshoot lost I/O packets, review the I/O Packet Counter Statistics table in the Diagnostic Overview tab. See page 125.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Internet Group Multicast Protocol EtherNet/IP implicit (I/O) messaging mostly uses IP multicasting to distribute I/O control data, which is consistent with the CIP produced/consumer model. Most switches retransmit multicast packets and broadcast packets to all ports.
Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Chapter 10 IGMP snooping cannot control unicast or broadcast traffic. To learn how to control unicast or broadcast traffic, see Virtual Local Area Networks on page 145. This example assumes that the switch does not support IGMP snooping querier function, so a router is required. Figure 13 - IGMP Snooping Example Plant Network Router sends out IGMP polls to determine members of a multicast group.
Chapter 10 Troubleshoot an EtherNet/IP Communication Module with Diagnostic Web Pages Port Mirroring Select a managed switch that supports port mirroring. With port mirroring, you can direct frames being transmitted on one port to another port for analysis by a traffic analyzer. Besides monitoring your Ethernet media counters, port mirroring enables you to immediately spot anomalies in traffic flow. A traffic analyzer can monitor the traffic on a given port and troubleshoot a problem.
Index A access distributed I/O modules 59, 60 add distributed I/O modules overview 48, 51 selecting a remote adapter 57 with Studio 5000 environment 60 B BOOTP/DHCP server setting IP network address 21-23 DHCP server 23 diagnostics Ethernet statistics 115, 118 monitor 107 overview 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116 direct connection 52 DNS addressing 31-32 domain name 18 download 32 driver 14-15 duplicate address detection 29-30 E C communication driver 14-15 communication format 52, 57 direct connections 54
Index M map tags 84 messaging configuring 79, 82 connections 74 guidelines 73 logic 75 data transfer logic 78 mapping tags 84 overview 61, 86 to PLC-5 or SLCcontroller 83 MSG instruction configuring 79, 82 connections 74 guidelines 73 logic 75, 78 mapping tags 84 sending email 94 sending via an email 89-95 to PLC-5 or SLC controllers 83 N network address DNS addressing 31-32 set IP network address 18 network overview modules in an EtherNet/IP control system 11 network parameters DNS addressing 18 domain
Index subnet mask 17 supervisor configuration verify 46 supervisor node 34-35 swap IP addresses 30 switch considerations 143, 146 W web browser support 121, 135, 142 T thumbwheel switch set IP network address 18 troubleshoot Ethernet statistics 127, 135, 142 EtherNet/IP modules 121, 146 I/O connections 126, 143 message connections 126 switch considerations 143, 146 web browser support 121, 135, 142 with a virtual local area network 145 Rockwell Automation Publication ENET-UM001L-EN-P - March 2014 149
Index Notes: 150 Rockwell Automation Publication ENET-UM001L-EN-P - March 2014
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