Operation Manual

7. Direct Phono Input
8. 45 RPM
9. Left/Right Inverse
When using certain needles or when having calibrating problems it could be that the left and right
side have been mixed up. For the software sector this can be re-adjusted via this option.
10. Phase Inversion
Some cartridges such as the Shure M44-7 need a phase inversion. Activate it here.
11. Timecode Start Delay
do so place the needle on the desired starting point and push “Save Position”. The value is displayed
in milliseconds.
12. Noise Level/Noise Filter
These two values are only intended for optimisation and for solving problems. Due to easy setup
Noise Filter:
Whenexperiencinggroundingproblemsor somethingsimilaryoucanincreasethenoiselter
to 150 for example in order to improve the input signal. The louder the noise the higher the
frequency should be raised.
The timecode‘s precision could decrease if the noise lter is set too high.
Noise Level:
Here you can adjust the noise level in decibel. For a better sensitivity the value should be
increased. Default setting is 40 dB.
13. Calibration Display
Here the timecode signal is displayed optically. Ideally the signal should look like a sinus curve.
Ifthe signal is distorted (squarewave)you shouldcheck yourneedlesor adjustthe settingsas
described above.
14. Circle Diagram
Alternatively the calibration display can be shown as a circle diagram. To do so activate this button.
15. Calibrate Button
Push this button in order to calibrate the respective player automatically with the pre-set options.
16. 1 Turntable Mode
If you wish to use only one turntable you should activate this mode in order to control both players.
You can choose between the players via the TAB button.
17. More Options
18. Apply
Push this button in order to apply the adjustments. Then push “OK” in order to quit the menu.