User guide
6 Getting Started
Freescale provides a software package to modify WCT_MP functions. The user can modify system
parameters or configurations to maintain system functionalities. For example, when TX coil or main
power components are changed, it is better to calibrate to get the Foreign Object Detection (FOD)
working. This document describes the basic debugging environment on WCT1012. For MP software
details, see the WCT1012 TX V3.0 Library User’s Guide (WCT1012V30LIBUG).
6.1 System developing environment
TX board debugging uses CodeWarrior and the FreeMASTER tool. Set up the debugging connection as
shown in Figure 5. The debugger is between the PC and TX board. Connect a debugger (USBTAP,
P&E-Multilink FX or OSJTAG ) to the JTAG port of MP TX board through a 14-pins cable.
Figure 5shows the connection and Figure 6 shows a real image.
Figure 5 Debugging connections
WCT1012 15W Single Coil TX V3.0 Reference Design System User’s Guide, Rev. 0, 09/2015
6 Freescale Semiconductor